Beyond the Matrix

in #life8 years ago

Is there a "second reality"?

My story proposes, the a human being functions very similar to a modern day computer and the level of someones functionality in life depends on how effectively you "navigate" the different levels of information input and output.

Let me share quickly how my progress of higher understanding started. About 10 years ago, I was bringing my seven year old son to bed and while I was tugging him in and spending some quality time with him, he told me that I could leave now, since I had already left! It took some mind searching to realize, that even though I was still with him physically, I had actually left him mentally ( and emotionally) since my mind was already on the next task after bringing him to bed. This experience opened up a new paradigm for me. How was it possible for him to be so perceptive to detect that somebody is partially absent? What does it feel like to him when I'm not fully present? What happens to me when my system is in a divided state? These and many more questions stimulated my curiosity to such an extent, that I realist early on, that my "ordinary" state of mind was insufficient to find answers. A intense meditation practice gave me the environment in which I came to understand, that there is the potential to have access to information, that "rational thinking" is excluded from.

Here I go back to my initial proposal. Our human reality functions like the virtual reality. Our brain in "ordinary" mode is like a computer without wifi connection. In a higher state of mind our "brain" gets access to more and different information just like the computer now connected to the Internet. The similarities don't end here. Once a computer or you are "connected" we cannot help but to "influence" the "cloud" with our actions.

So my son, being highly sensitive, can feel the output that I'm eminating into the atmosphere between us. This epiphany made me learn to become responsible about how I act, think and feel about my surroundings, because not only are they not hidden from other people, but for the better or worse my actions are stored in this atmosphere that surrounds us. This "content" is influential and accessable just like the Internet cloud.

I will rest here, since I have learned over time, that I'm ahead of time with such concepts. This "short" story is just a trial to see if there is any interest out there for me to share more about what I have come to understand about how to navigate beyond the Matrix.

Always open for comments and questions.

Be well