My Little Journey , the past 20 years .

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today , I have completed 20 years who would have thought that I would make it to this point ,but yet here I’m living and doing great Thanks to Allah then My Parents , The only two that really love me , care about me and wish me the best . Since the moment I was born they dedicated their whole life only for us(me , my brother and my sister ) , can you imagine someone spending 20 years of his life only for you ( Like how many years do we get to live , But yet they did ) ,They were always advising me , supporting me , making sure I do great and encouraging me to achieve my dreams and hopes .
No matter what I do , No matter what I say , I will never be able to fulfill their rights not even 1% of these rights , The two and only two that really deserve to be loved , served and obeyed after Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala) .
Since I mentioned Mom and Dad , I can’t forget the dude that has been living next to me for 17 years now . The best brother anyone could ever have Abdo , and of course the newcomer Miss Habiba who made the last 4.5 Years unbelievably enjoyable .

20 Years had passed , 240 Month , 7200 day , 172800 hour , about 10 Million minute or about 622 Million Second , When I took a look at those numbers I started realising that a lot have passed but after rethinking this whole period this little journey is just a couple of moments , couple of situations and couple of decisions I have made that reflects these 20 years and that helped making up my thoughts , my beliefs and my character .
Through this little trip a lot have happened , could you imagine me in a Karate suit , I myself can’t but yet it did happen , how about me learning arabic calligraphy , no way but yet it did also happen , Indeed a lot of weird things happened , met a lot of people , some you wish that you had met them earlier and some you wish you hadn’t met them at all , made a couple of friends some of them are still here and some are gone however I made myself a great friend through this little journey a friend Eslam that is just nice in an indescribable way, went through the long and exhausting learning process passed the elementary , preparatory and high school got into the uni , joined the department I have always planned to join . Joy days and sadness days passed , yet those 20 years passed way too fast as if they were 20 sec except for the past year .
It was the worst , the toughest and it felt like 10 years , Although I might have been a bit far from Allah through those years , the last one was the worst also , I may have drifted way too away from Allah so you start feeling that everything is collapsing , things are starting to get shitty , grades are the worst through your whole life , you lose the last of your 4 grandparents that was like your second mom and even more . this year just doesn’t wanna end .

But as it is said “the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn” , so through those whole difficulties you get to realise at some point that you just went on the wrong direction , that all of these is just a test , a tip and a guide from Allah to you .
You missed the one and only reason you did exist for , serving Allah . The day Sidna Adam listened to the devil whispers and ate that apple , he was sent to earth to be Allah’s Caliph on earth and serve Allah and we were put in this test till the time comes .
People tend to ignore the only reason they did exist for , People tend to do the same wrong thing listen to the devil whispers , seek money , fame and power , People tend to lie , murder and disobey Allah’s orders and they tend to ignore the fact that the day will come when they get to be judged for all of that .
All of those pleasures all of those acts aren’t worth it , Can you tell if you are gonna live one day ahead how about a sec , you can’t but yet we are ordered to work hard and seek a livelihood as we were meant to construct and put this planet not to destroy it .

So a 20 years brief comes like this :

"Always seek to please Allah and not people ,Care Less what people
think of you , Appreciate those who value you , Listen Less to what
the devil says , Always remember the only reason you did exist for and
Just Smile , Nothing is worth it " .

Let me know what you think , Hope you like it .