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RE: The Disease That Won't Let me Sleep.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You have my sympathies. I have fibromyalgia so I can totally relate to the pain interfering with sleep. And it's kind of like a vicious cycle. Lack of sleep seems to decrease my pain tolerance, which makes it even harder to sleep. There's nothing quite like living in pain every single day. It's exhausting and can drive you a bit crazy. I hope the doctors can help you. No one should have to live with the kind of pain you're describing for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of the time with these chronic pain conditions, that seems to be the case. I don't really know much at all about IC, but you might look into any herbal remedies people may be finding effective. I've had better luck taking ginger root for digestive issues linked to my fibro than I ever had with actual meds the docs gave me. There are quite a few different common herbs and herbal teas that are supposed to have strong anti inflammatory properties. You might check into Pau d'Arco. I keep some of the tea on hand at all times. My mom and I both swear that at the very least it has some immune system boosting properties to it. So sorry you're having to go through this. I hope you find some relief soon.