what else can you expect from somebody who doesn't even spell his name correctly? "DRUMPF" and pronounced "Droomp" in his family's native Germany. He is IGNORANT, Inconsiderate, Moron and all he has succeeded in this past year was to make this country inconsequential.
Go Figure... Keep up the good fight, never back down!
Sometimes I wish I could just accept this kind of nonsense and go about my daily life, as most Murikans seem to be able to do. But I can't. I can't stand to see where things are going and will fight, even to might death, to stop it. I'd rather be dead, honestly, than live in a country run by Trumpanzees.
What can I say,, USMC 1968-1971,, and even with the same names around, this is NOT the U.S. of A. I fought for.
Never give up the good fight, there is no stopping a good man who is in the right!
Agreed. Thank you for your service... not an easy time to be in, back then. Semper Fi.