I came across an interesting audio clip the other day. What's so interesting about the audio clip? People can't seem to agree on what the voice is saying. Without ruining the surprise, go ahead and take a listen here:
What do you think the person is saying?
Think that there isn't possibly any way that the person could be saying something other than what you think? That's what I thought too.
For some reason, some people hear "is anyone there" and other people hear "is anyone home". I'm not joking. I clearly hear "is anyone there" and my husband only hears "is anyone home." We both are positive we're hearing the word we're hearing.
Which word do you hear?
It would be awesome if someone could explain what's going on. I'm sure there's some audio-guru out there that can talk about frequencies and decibel levels or something to help solve the mystery.
Here's the full link to the full song if you're interested in hearing it: