Hey fellow Steemians!!!
Nick Here π
I've been off from steemit for a while ... I spent some time discovering,exploring and getting knowledge in a different levels of consciousness as i would say from now.
In this post i wanna cover a huge topic "Human Chakras" all the basics and aspects of it.

List of question that i'm gonna try to answer in this massive topic.
What are Chakras?
Why do we need Chakras?
Who ever said that we have Chakras?
What do we do with Chakras?
Who saw them, who measured them?
And how to confirm these measurements?
Who can give a detailed description of the chakras, reliably tell about the chakras of a person and their meaning, and also about the features of the location of the chakras on the human body?
And most importantly: how to apply this information in practice?
What kind of animal is such an incomprehensible science - the chakra - and how to control it?
Or maybe it's just a fiction of an inflamed imagination or, in general, some kind of heresy?Chakras-chakras ... Are they real? They exist?
After all, most people, hearing the word "chakras" begin to look at someone who was imprudent to mention this word in their presence, with some kind of unkind and watchful eye, twist around the temple and persistently take an interest, and not in the sect did it get?
What is the human chakra? Myth or reality?
Come off, please, for a few seconds from reading this article.
Look around you!
Watch very carefully!
What do you see?
Do you notice anything unusual around you?
Well, except for the table, chairs, walls, ceiling ...?
No...? Can't see anything? Don't you hear? Anything especial do not feel?
Meanwhile, right now, several tens or even hundreds of radio waves of different frequencies from mobile communication antennas, wi-fi routers from neighboring apartments and offices, as well as waves of music and news fm-radios pass through your body and brain.
But you do not see them and do not hear them, right?
So maybe they are not, maybe it's all fiction, heresy, fantasy ...?

Some hundred years ago this is exactly what it would look like. But now you can easily open your laptop, connect wirelessly to the Internet via wi-fi, catch your favorite radio station in your radio and simultaneously call your friend's mobile phone to find out from him(her) if he(she) believes in chakras and if (he)she has it .
So, as you can see, not everything that really exists in this world is in the visible spectrum of human perception. But from the fact that we do not see it, it does not become less real.
- Example of the photo that shows the different waves around you that exists and comes through you every single second of your life whether you realize it or not.
The same waves affects and applies to human chakras.
Just that they become visible, real and tangible, they need to be measured with special devices.
Which ones? Read on ...
The meaning of chakras. Where does man get energy for his life? What are the chakras responsible for ?!
Chakras are special energy centers in the human energy structure, which are responsible for absorbing the spectra of energy and information necessary for the body from the surrounding space, as well as for deducing (extracting) energy and information from the human body.
That is, through the human chakras, there is an energy-information two-way exchange with the environment.
Chakras filter and deliver to the body from the surrounding energy chaos the necessary amounts of energy in their frequency spectra (each chakra operates in its frequency range and in its individual coding), and also removes from the human body excess, spent or information coded (for communication with others ) Energy.
Let's explain with a simpler "human" language.
Where does man get energy for his existence ...?
Yes, right - partly from food!
But do you think this eaten food covers our energy needs completely?
How many people can eat as much as possible in a day?
Well, 2-3 kg - no more. So it is known that the need for so-called chemical energy at the expense of food consumed by a person covers only 10-15, a maximum of 20%! From food, the body also receives building blocks for the regeneration of all organs.
Where does the rest of the energy come from?

- Human chakras and their significance: 20% of energy for the work of organs and systems is extracted from the material world chemically: from food consumed. Another part of the energy (80%) is supplied to the human body by energy-information means through the energy centers - the chakras.
If all the energy came to us from food, we would have to eat up to 40 kg of food per day!
In fact, almost 80% of the energy comes to a person from the outside, through the so-called energy centers - the chakras. Without such energy exchange with the environment, carried out through the chakras, a person could not exist physically!
- Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule)
Energy-extraction from food and from human chakras obeys this natural relationship: 20% of the energy a person receives from food (chemically), 80% - through the chakras (energy-information).
This explains the phenomenon of sunshine: people sunflowers can exist for a long time without food due to a special energy restructuring of their body at the level of the chakras and feeding from solar energy (although we should not forget that from the food the body receives not only chemical energy, but also building elements For the regeneration of all organs and systems of the physical body).
Raw food and veganism are here.But we gonna cover that next time π
The chakras. Description of the principles of work

So, understanding the questions of the chakra description and their implications for man, we found out that the chakras are energy centers that realize the energy-information exchange of the organism and the energy system of a person with the surrounding space.
Figuratively speaking, through the chakras, a person "eats" the energy necessary for the body, and also separates ("feces") the waste or unnecessary energy, which is then absorbed by either the plant or animal world or inanimate systems (systems with a low coefficient of vitality, stones, minerals). The recipient of energy (and information) emanating from the chakras of one person can also be another person.
That is, detailing the description of the chakras, we can say that the chakra is a kind of local energy-information gastrointestinal tract of the body.
There are 7 major chakras in a human body
Each of them works in their energy-information spectrum of frequencies.

To make the description of the chakras more understandable, one can say that human chakras accept and radiate not only energy, but also information. That's why we are talking about energy-information exchange through the chakras.
Remember briefly the school or institute course of physics, namely the section on electro-magnetic fields and waves.
How is the information transmitted? In coded form: an information component is superimposed on the energy-wave carrier by means of modulation. In the same way, information is received and transmitted in human chakras. That is, the energy wave can be modulated by the information wave.

The lower chakras of man (1,2,3) are characterized by the predominance of energy over information, the upper (6.7) - the predominance of information over energy. The average chakras (4, 5) - adapt the energy and information of the lower group of chakras to the upper and vice versa.
Any human chakra can be in 2 states:
- In the phase of absorption of energy and information from the surrounding space
- In the phase of radiation (separation, excretion) of energy and information from the body.
These phases alternate.
Structurally, each chakra is a rotating cone of about 3-5 cm in diameter. These cones narrow down as they enter the human body and then "connect" to the main energy column - the spine (the system bus - in terms of computer analogies).
Chakras, in accordance with their location on the human body, are controlled by certain organs and systems, supplying them with energy (and information) from outside and discharging the waste energy (and information) of these organs outside.
As with breathing: inhale-exhalation, oxygen - inside, carbon dioxide - outside. Thus, the energy balance (homeostasis) in the body is maintained.
Therefore, the quality of the "exhaled" chakra energy mix and the frequency of "breathing" of each human chakra can be judged on those processes that occur in the organs and systems of the physical body.
The forced (or vice versa, slowed-down) energy regime of the operation of a person's chakra, the energy center, speaks of the inferiority of the internal organs associated with it.
Root or Base Chakra
- Location :Base of spine, coccyx .
Determines the amount of physical energy and will that is enough for life in the physical world. This is the place of the primary manifestation of the vital force in the physical world. When the life force is not limited in its functions, a person has a strong will that allows him to survive in the physical world. On the etheric level, the coccyx acts as the strongest energy pump, promoting the energy flow upwards along the spine.
The affirmation of physical strength in combination with the will gives the individual a sense of "presence" of power and zest for life. This feeling is equivalent to a loud exclamation: "I live here and now!" A person with this feeling firmly stands on our feet in our physical reality. The power and cheerfulness in it spread around him in the form of an emanation of vital energy. Such a person has a strong will to live.
When the coccygeal center is blocked or closed, most of the vital energy is blocked at the same time. The owner of such a blocked center does not produce the impression of a person who is firmly on his feet and has a strong will to live. This person is, as it were, "not here." Such a person avoids physical exertion, has low energy and often "fails". He clearly lacks physical strength.
Spleen Chakra
- Location Below navel, lower abdomen
The umbilical center (chakra 2A) is associated with the quality of love that an individual is able to experience to the opposite sex. If the center is open, then a person is able to give and receive great sexual and physical pleasure. When the center is open, its owner experiences joy from sexual intercourse and is able to experience orgasm. However, a full orgasm is possible only if all other centers are opened.
The sacral center (chakra 2B) determines the amount of sexual energy in a person. With an open sacral center, the wearer feels his sexual power. If this particular chakra is blocked, then whatever the sexuality of a person, it will not manifest itself in full force, and will seem weak and disappointing. Such a person has a decreased libido, avoids sex and in every way belittles his importance and the pleasure that it brings. This approach to sex leads to a lack of nutrition in the relevant psychological field. Since the orgasm ishes the body with energy, the body of a person avoiding sexual contact does not receive the necessary psychological recharge from physical contact with another person.
The sacral chakra acts in conjunction with the umbilical. In two points, where the front and rear centers merge, a sexual desire is born in the heart of the chakras, in the spine. This magnetic force destroys the barrier that people erect among themselves, and draws them to each other.
Blockade of the umbilical center can lead to a woman's inability to reach orgasm due to the inability to open and get water from a partner. In men, violations are accompanied by premature orgasms and inability to fully erect. Such a man subconsciously afraid to give his sexual energy and therefore keeps it.
Solar Plexus Chakra
- Location Above the navel, stomach area
The solar plexus (chakra 3A) is associated with a great pleasure, which has as its source a deep awareness of the individual's uniqueness and the place that he occupies in the universe. A person who has this chakra open can look into the night starry sky and realize his community with the Cosmos. He firmly occupies his rightful place in it, for it is the center and focus of the concrete manifestation of the universe, which is what it is. Hence the extraordinary spiritual wisdom of such a person, the maturity of his personality. Although this center is a mental chakra, its healthy function is directly related to the emotional life of the individual.
If this center is open and functioning normally, then its owner lives rich, full of accomplishments, emotional life, and emotions do not overwhelm him.
If the center is closed and blocks feelings, the person ceases to be aware of the deep meaning of emotions. He is alienated from his own uniqueness and the great goal of his being. In many cases, it blocks the communication of cardiac and sexual energy. This center is very important for communication with other people. The diaphragmatic center (chakra 3B) is located behind the solar plexus and is associated with a person's desire to be physically healthy. If a person has a healthy love for his body and wants to keep it extremely viable, then this center is open. He is known as the "Healing Center" and is associated with Spiritual Healing. In some healers, this center is developed quite strongly, and is also the center of will.
Chakras 3A and 3B are interconnected, and if 3A is open, then 3B also stays in the same state. The state of health is ideal physical. As we move forward, you will see that the front and back chakras work in pairs, and the balance between them is more important than the maximum opening of just one of them.
Heart Chakra
- Location: Center of chest.
The heart chakra (chakra 4A) is the center through which we love. The wider the center is open, the greater is our ability to love life in all its manifestations. When the center is open, we love ourselves, our children, friends, our families, domestic animals, spouses, neighbors, compatriots, our fellows, people in general and all the creatures of God on Earth.
When the heart chakra is open, a person is able to understand the whole being of a loved one. In this case, we see the uniqueness, inner beauty and light of a loved one in the same way as his shadow, negative features. If this chakra is closed, then man is not capable of full self-giving in love. The heart chakra is of the greatest importance in the healing of patients. All kinds of energy, assimilated by chakras, pass through the body vertically, falling into the root of the heart chakra.
The middle point between the shoulder blades (chakra 4B) is associated with the will of the "ego", or external will. This is the center by which we act in the physical world, we achieve our goals.
If this center is open, then we are dominated by a positive attitude towards the world order and the state of things; Other people we consider as assistants in achieving our goals. For example, if you decide to write a book, your friends will help you in every possible way. And when you bring the manuscript to the publishing house, you will be told: "This is what you need." If it is closed, everything will be reversed. To achieve your goals, you will have to step on the "corpses", not counting on help.
Throat Chakra
- Location: Throat region.
The throat chakra (chakra 5A) is located on the front surface of the neck and is associated with the ability of the individual to take responsibility for satisfying their needs.
For example, a newborn is put to the breast by the mother. But in order to start eating, he must start to suck on his own milk. This principle must be observed throughout life. It also shows how a person relates to what is given to him in his hands. A person becomes unresponsive if this chakra is closed. So, if a person expects to be subjected to violence, then violence lives in himself, and he attracts him to himself according to the law "like attracts like".
The back of the throat chakra (chakra 5B), the center of "vocational guidance" influences a person's awareness of his position in society, his profession and social significance. If the person feels uncomfortable in this field, then lack of confidence, she will cover with excessive pride, to compensate for low self-esteem. This center is open if a person has achieved success, corresponds to his position and is satisfied that his work is a part of his life task, which he successfully solves. Working with this center, we can reveal the fear of failure, which blocks the process of choice, when a person can not achieve what he aspires with all his heart.
Use the chance to change the profession to the one you like, to meet the contacts that you want, not to hide your feelings towards events - these are the main ways to open this chakra.
Brow or Third Eye Chakra
- Location: Forehead, in between the eyes.
The frontal center (chakra 6A) is associated with the ability to visualize and with understanding mental concepts. If it is closed, then the person's ideas are confused, the images of reality are not true and are usually negatively colored. Personality is deprived of creative ideas, and if it does, it is purely negative. On the back of the head is the mental executive center (chakra 6B), whose function is the embodiment of ideas generated in the frontal center. If this center is open, then the person is active and consistently embodies his ideas in physical reality. If this center is closed, then the person experiences great difficulties in translating ideas into reality.
If a person with a violation of the balance of the chakras believes that this world is a disgusting cesspool, where everyone is allowed, where everyone for himself and only has to take what lies badly, even with a normal open center 6B, he can easily become a criminal. In this case, as a rule, the heart chakra is also clogged. It may also happen that a person with an imbalance of chakras will "push" other people's ideas into life.
Crown Chakra
- Location: Top of head.
The crown center (chakra 7) corresponds with the spiritual principle in man. If the center is closed, then the person does not feel the need for spiritual life. If the center is open, then its possessor often experiences his spirituality in a very unique form, peculiar only to him. Spirituality is outside the physical world, it creates in a person a sense of wholeness, peace and faith, giving him a sense of the meaning of existence.
Have you ever watched Spirit Science on youtube?
This guy explains whole concepts of everything in a simple words and i'm pretty sure that most of the people would disagree with that point of view. Just be completely free and just made a conclusion after you did a research by yourself.
Source of Video
Photo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
That's just a basics of this HUUGE topic.
I urge you to start getting more information about this energy flows and be aware of what's happening around you.
I think open-minded people would easily get this kind of information. But i promise you !!!Once you just start be aware of the things around you and have a different perspective of view and by getting more knowledge in those areas.
By my own experience it became my awareness of myself and i started to feel that deeper connection within my soul, body , spirit and unlocking the new fascinating world of awakening .
Leave comments bellow , what is your thoughts?

Leave comments bellow , what is your thoughts?

try taking a phsycadelic like LSD, and you will see the energy waves yourself!
I've done DMT several times and literally discovered different dimensions and even had a breakthrough where i met ultra-dimensional spirits and after that trip i never used any drugs and gave up on my bad habits of eating unhealthy and started balancing my chakras and still discovering so much stuff within me...can u believe it?
I'm not really sure what I saw during my LSD trips. I know what you mean, I saw similar thing too, but I just don't think that's the actual energy wave. But it's awesome!
That's the things. For every single individual it feels slightly different based on their level of consciousness . If you are really seeking for truth , psychedelic trips can literally save you 10-15 years of self-development by sending you straight to you inner EGO and even destroy your beliefs that you gained and took from the community and the background story that makes you- YOU right now.
In order to understand this kind of stuff you've gotta get yourself in a higher state of consciousness.
seek for it and you shall receive my friend :)
click here!This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @mirage! For more information,
great post! Very in depth and informative... especially for those that are unfamiliar with chakras.
I would love your feedback on my latest post, if you have a moment to spare...
βYou will never amount to anythingβ they said. β Well, I may not have achieved everything I want as yet, but I am still alive βand had you asked me 20 years ago if I would be able to see myself where I would stand now, the answer would most definitely have been NO. In fact, I donβt think I saw much for myself at all, in terms of βfuture prospectsβ β it was just not something that I thought about, sadly.
really great post thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)
thank you! in your opinion which chakra is the most developed within you?
Wow, you really put in some time and effort! Great stuff...obviously I heard about this but got to inform myself on this subject. Very useful article to get myself up to speed, thank you!
thank you ! dudee just open youtube and watch Spirit Science and just try to google that information and find the connection, it could literally save you many years of knowledge ...
Thanks for the suggestion, will do that when I have the time!
This post that you wrote is fantastic, thank you for all the in depth information, i have read a lot about chakras and spend time using mudra cards for each chakra. right now i am back to the beginning, working on healing my root chakra, i actually just got a root chakra crystal singing bowl yesterday and i am loving the vibrations of the root sound. thank you for this post i will follow you and look forward to hearing more!
wow! that's pretty amazing what u're doing!!!Our basic chakras often are the most developed ones so im still working on opening my brow chakra and it's full potential, it's actually more harder than you think.Patience and dedication and practicing it everyday keeps you connected to your inner energy fields.
That's an amazing feeling of fulfillment and being grateful for everything.
Namaste :)
Great info about each chakra and its function thanks! I do agree that each chakra resonates to a certain frequency just like when we tune our radio to a certain station
exactly! but when you becoming more aware and getting more connecting you literally opening the whole new perspective of how the things actually work...have you ever heard of "Flower of Life"?
I might try this out and look it up more
nice! you can start with Spirit Science videos in youtube. he explains it in a simple words :)
This post gets a 5.95 % upvote thanks to @mirage - Hail Eris !
Hi @mirage! nice post. I have been doing my own research on consciousness and came across chakras too. Your next topic could be on the serpents, the male and female energy! thats pretty interesting too! :) I am definitely following you! n upvoted! :D
superb share..you really went in deep, much respect and appreciation! new follower, follow back if you may. I may write about my experience becoming in tune with chakras oneday, cheers!
ThanksThis is great post with an in-depth explanation as regards the subject matter. @mirage, it would have been better if you have split the post into different phase for easy reading.
Hello, thanks for the article! All the best for you :)