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RE: The Wyvern

in #life2 years ago

how would you even scratch your nethers with them without gouging out a furrow of flesh?

Funny I always wonder how people manage to wipe their asses with these vamp nails. Imagine the dirt that would accumulate, bringing new meanings to dirty girl. I once had a manager with nails like this and loved chewing her hair. She also didn't wash hands post bathroom use and played with her hair a lot. Maybe think of that to avoid the awkward boners lol.

But interesting turn of events! Office politics, I don't miss it. Word is out l, but does El Here know. Maybe you are even up for his position? Any the Wyvern and you will be equals!


He seems oblivious to all. It might be one of these deep management engineering things where they think something but nothing happens for an age then next thing you know he is gone!

I wondered about the ass thing too but started to fret that if I wrote that I was going beyond the pale with this woman lol!