Wagner looked puzzled as if finding one of those little black Hiroshima chicken shadows in the yolk of his hard-boiled egg.
Most hilarious! Although what is up with contractors these days, if an object is movable you need to move it and work behind. Logical.
I had the similar issue with the guys that did my mom paint work before we moved in..I now stare and peeling skirting boards that trigger me quite often. Good on you for sending them packing the first day!
Dont get me started on skirting boards! The ones that were in the place when we moved in were a joke. It is like whoever did them found lots of mismatched short lengths of wood and decided they would do. We are having to get them all done!
After we got the run around from various people before I now have zero tolerance fo shysters! :O)
Fuck man! We must be getting old to get triggered by quanking skirting boards! I mean look at the vulgarities im etching onto the blockchain.
My ball and chain is the worse though, his like leave it. It's chilled. Which is weird because his quite an outspoken person. But his like donte sweat the small things. I just wanna get what I paid for! Builders are the worst breed of people! Honestly! Quankers the lot of them!
I am normally quite chilled like that until I see appallingly bad work. Ours had bits jutting out and everything. Even then I was willing to let it slide but the missus, she is a different kettle of fish!
Skirting board warnings! Lol, defo an age thing