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RE: Disabled Students Receiving Electric Shocks For Punishment In School & Court Lets Them

in #life7 years ago


How DUMB do you have to be to ALLOW this to KEEP happening to your kids? How DUMB do you have to be have SIGNED SOMETHING upon enrollment that I'm sure granted them this authority?

Would you do this to your kids at home yourself?

Idiot parent -- YOU'RE the one who deserves to be shocked for letting this happen to your kids.

If this were happening to my kids without my knowledge or permission (I would NEVER give permission for this happen), I'd be yanking my kids out of that school so fast and I dunno, maybe pressing charges for mmm... child abuse maybe?

  • You're an idiot and a POS for keeping your kid in a school that does this.
  • The law and courts are corrupt for allowing it to continue.

I don't what else to say.


Perfectly said @miklkent. I couldn't have compacted the ridiculousness into a better comment than this!