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RE: Becoming an open book #1

in #life7 years ago

Three cheers for ya Bianca! The more who we hide who we are, the more we perpetuate the gnarly culture that's formed in our society that says we are only supposed to talk about certain things. Like all the stigmas around mental health. Seriously? Why the hell is there a stigma to being sick? It's one thing to not want people to spread a cold...but when it comes to the mind?

I love that about Steemit...or I guess writing in general. How we feel face-to-face, those insecurities we feel...don't really exist. I guess that's because there's this barrier of anonymity. But, writing can open up the path to feeling that same strength when you meet people IRL. Although the first moments are hella awkward because you realize you've shared some of the deepest, darkest parts of your soul...things we're told we shouldn't normally share...but these people know them...but then you realize you know the same things about them. And that you're both human, with different kinds of differences, hehe. Then comes the high five and a hug, and all's good :)

I look forward to getting to knowing you better. Keep missing you in chat...but I'm gonna try and be there more, hehe. The endless cry of people who really love this place, 'not enough time to be everywhere!' lol

Be well! :)