Nice article. I'm 100% convinced it's exactly what you said. It's the next form of chronic addiction and it's already running rampant destroying potential.
I've cut way back myself. I took a serious break from facebook... and surprise surprise my productivity exploded!
I don't have a smart phone, in fact, I don't have a phone at all. It's wonderful!
I'm not sure if I could be as strong as you, going without a smartphone. In the old days there used to be a phone booth on every corner, what would you do if you had to call an Uber? Oh wait, you need a smartphone for Uber.
After writing the article I did consider taking a one week vacation from social media just as the kids did, then I remembered I set a 30 day 1000 word a day challenge for myself.
I have been checking far too often for likes and comments. Maybe I am addicted too?