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RE: Mental Stress is Making You Sick

in #life7 years ago

STOP! @clemdane
hey bro, I read your comment here and I want to tell you that you need to STOP!
you should only be putting your health at risk for financial gain if you want fancy things,
if you only want a cottog and live off the soil start now, or else you never will
you need to ask yourself why are you really working for that money?
to gain approval from family? yourself?
go and live the life you want now and work hard making that a reality
don't prepare prepare prepare so that one day, one day you'll have ALL the resoreces, the money, and the respect to go live the life you want,
you said you may have gone to far already
well think of it this way
if you keep going and going killing yourself for "someday"
you'll die before reaching it
or worse
you'll get sick, have to spend all your dream money on your health bills and now you have that shitty job still, feeling like shit, and spending all your money just to keep you bearly alive so that you can keep going
Now that torture
please please
don't preapare
start now, you will never have it all perfect before you get that cottage
make your dream your problem, not some else who pays you to basically kill yourself


Thank you very much for writing so much and showing so much concern. Honestly, I'd love to drop everything this moment, but there are some practical reasons I can't. Instead, I have given myself 1 year. The main reason is I live in Manhattan and just renewed my lease and the other is my best friend and I are determined to start a business together and we are already working together (here in New York) on 3 side projects that we're going to incubate and see where they lead us. One last one is that I am looking to buy more rental property (I own two right now in Arizona) in the next few months so that I can move towards living off the income from those. This may be the last corporate job I work and it looks good on paper and pays well, so I need to take advantage of it for now to get the financing for my various projects. I need that credit for two other business ideas as well. So in that one year I need to get financing, get contracts signed, property into my LLC, etc.

I know that I can't do this very much longer so I am going to be focusing every effort from now on towards a transition plan. I also have a few more big commission checks on the way and will need that as capital, etc.

But believe me, I will not allow myself to go through this crap anymore by next year!

I really hope you start to understand yourself a bit more
you seem to want to live a simple life,
but I get the feeling you are scared to be unsatisfied
with having a little

try asking yourself some guiding questions
"if you got everything you wanted perfectly then, what would you do?"
"why do want what you want"
"what are some important values you don't want to break"
"who are you vs. who are you not?"

hopefully, you'll get a breakthrough from your inside
to help you accomplish what you really want on the outside,

keep in touch I want to see how it goes in a year

Yes, that makes sense. I guess right now what I really want is some breathing room. I just want to not have to worry about how I'm going to pay the bills and have free time during the day to ask myself all of these questions. What do I really want if I could do or have or be anything? I feel mentally overloaded. My worst fear is of being at the mercy of hostile others and not being able to help the people I care about.

Thanks for the starting points. I will use them.