Having hard time to studying or you are studying too much and not catching up?

in #life6 years ago

I have realized that we fail is due to the fact that, we think like learners and in terms of getting a job and then settling. If you are at University you are luck.So think in terms of business, like you paying a trader to teach you how to trade. And then investing some of your money in the real market after you feel like the knowledge is enough to get you started..Those modules you are learning are actual investment opportunities or specifications in that field of study, so the course is just your career. In fact the gateway to your financial freedom/independence. This should have came or did came in your mind in your mind when you chose that course.

It is yet not late, so do this:
Take out all your course outline and read the description of each module(It should explain what you will learn). After doing that, select the best module that you want to follow or know more and that will be your core in that field of study. A core is the center of every atom. This whole system is a legalized scam system, build by lazy smart business-minded peoples. To outcome the master, you have to think like a master they say. You should also understand that we survive buy selling and buying. If you have nothing to sell, you cant buy, so you have to sell someones business.

Remember you are paying to learn how to create and innovate, and be your own salesman.

Peace and blessings to all,