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RE: Get Up When You Wake Up Naturally

in #life7 years ago

Guilty here. I'm always waking up like 5am feeling good, but, as a good lazy I am, I sleep again and wake only at 8am. Sometimes I'm OK, but other times, I'm just... soft, slow, I think are the right adjectives. Nevertheless, I always sleep a LOT, in order to be completly fine in work.
Nice post!


It is hard but completely worth it. I've been awake for almost 3 hours now, whereas before I would just be starting my day.

I can't believe I used to wake up at 10 and think that was early...

I'm going to test my body next week and use the extra time for useful things. The truth is that I need to cut my sleep hours. I sleep minimum 9 hours per night xD! Whenever I sleep like 6h, man, my colleagues notice at the same minute xD! I begin to be nervous for little things and stuff like that...
Thanks for the tip :D