CANCER ( 22.JUN / 22.JUL )
HAPPY 2018!! It's a year that sees favorable jupiter in your sign. Which means that there will be complicity, there will be opportunities to assert themselves. However, Saturn remains in opposition. The combination of these two great planets may represent the need to do new things, but it can also represent so much effort and the possibility that you take drastic decisions. Cut on issues that are no longer good.
Those who have dragged a job and have gone ahead despite everything, this year will have to make a choice that will also be imposed by the economic situation. That will not say critical, but will need some extra care.
It must be said that this horoscope can also bring a clear change in the work to all those who have long done the same thing, you fall on your feet! It is a very important year for social relations, for feelings.
Never as in this period there will be the possibility not only of winning a challenge of love. It will be easier to find a new reference. It may also be the year of sentimental closures, but always in the face of good news.
SCORPIO ( 23.OCT / 22.NOV )
HAPPY 2018!! I can really say it with great emphasis, with great enthusiasm to your sign:
not only because jupiter transits from your parts, but also because we have a beautiful saturn that involves. Apart from the month of February, which especially in terms of feelings may be falling, the whole year is favorable. We know that when we have a positive year, things do not fall from the sky alone, but we can have more opportunities to get involved.
So, I recommend not to be pessimistic, not to think about not making it. I push it to action. For example, the month of April will be positive, even for new positions, for exams. This is a year when many will feel stronger and less attackable.
Someone has already started a new job, different from what he did until some time ago. And there is the possibility of concluding a great year from an economic point of view.
For example, for those who get busy at work, the last months of 2018 will be extremely important. August, September and October will be ideal months to say YES, to fall in love. It would be a pity to close oneself.
PISCES ( 20.FEB / 20.MAR )
HAPPY 2018!! An year that knows no shadows or almost, outside those that are closely related to your mood. You know you are a person who from the point of view of emotions is always receptive. Like a sponge, you absorb emotions from the outside, but this year you do not have to be blocked by people or situations that can be an obstacle for you. I speak, for example, of sentimental obstacles.
April will be a month of great interest for new loves, to confirm a feeling. June, July and August even more! And as for work, we really have great possibilities. Count your age, count what you are doing, what you did in the past. But even if you have experienced a major crisis in the summer of 2017, now this crisis has passed.
And based on some relationship that at the beginning can also be part-time, fixed-term, you can finally manage to get something more. And the best months are those that go from June onwards. Even those who have separated can find a new passion. And finally, now take care of yourself a little more.
If for too many years you had to keep everything inside, now explode. You're more available.
@mgkmex cancer is the best!
so i imagine that you are the best!! =)
Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.
- Mahatma Gandhi