Hi John. I'm not saying Hernando County is one of the safest counties because we have higher elevation. I-95 and 75 are bumper to bumper and even a couple days ago there were a lot of abandoned vehicles. It's nuts. Now, it might not matter that we're relocating to a block house when it comes to 100+ mph winds but we've got a much better chance than being in this tin can. We've got our supplies and... well... I don't expect to have a home once this is over. Strangely, I'm okay with that as long as my husband, son, pups and I come out of this alive and well. :)
Break's over! Time to pack a few more things. ;)
you know Deb and I are praying for you guys - Take care, mere :)
@johnjgeddes - please let Deb know that we're all okay! Emotionally and physically exhausted and way behind on a lot of work. Holy geez have I got some stories to tell but the thoughts and prayers were felt and most definitely answered. HUGS.
I'm so glad, mere - went on your site to see if you posted but just saw posts re Irma relief efforts. I'll tell Deb - we were concerned :)
Mere!!! I'm back on steemit!! So glad you are safe and that I'll get to talk to you again soon. Take the time you need to do what you need to do. I just cannot imagine what you experienced. I'd offer to help but....you know, we do live very far away.
Im just glad that you are okay. Hugs back. And continued prayers for your well being and safe recovery.