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RE: Common Threads: How has the pursuit of love changed the course of your life?

in #life8 years ago

Yes! I know this "you'll do" attitude. In hindsight, I also recognized that I based my first marriage on false information/perceptions of what marriage was supposed to look like. I never saw my parents argue. My mother was always conciliatory. To the outsider looking in, I'd say she was obedient. I thought that was a mix of culture and how things were supposed to be.
It was after I got divorced that my mother told me how she and dad used to fight like cats and dogs when all the kids were sleeping. I felt like I was duped! LOL


I never saw my parents fight, or even raise their voices to each other. Nor did I see them being even remotely affectionate towards each other... they divorced when I was in my teens but it wasn't until after my mom died that her cousin explained that their marriage was pretty much "a business arrangement;" she got security, status and lifestyle; he got "a pretty arm ornament."