Yes, taking a right turn and heading back into the ocean would be the best thing but it looks like Miami is going to get bulls-eyed. I've noticed a lot of people either in panic mode or staying cool as cucumbers. Very little in between. I understand your dad's point of view. Nothing funny about what's going on but we have to keep our humor.
Hubby just got home and he said it took people from Miami and the Keys 24 hours to drive a normal 6-hour trip into our area. Our hotels are booked and just last night we got the evacuation notice. So today I am packing up the house and bringing a few things to our storage unit. Everything else is stuff we can stand to lose but I'm putting them in lower cupboards anyway.
We're not leaving the state. Our county has evac notices for low areas and mobile homes. I just happen to live in a mobile home. SIGH. Catch you later, @aunt-deb. I'll check in when I can.
Safety is paramount! Best thoughts and will keep an eye on Twitter and here. Hugs, hon!