Wow this week has gone quickly. Am I the only one who feels like time is going way too fast? Soon it’ll be Christmas and then it’ll be 2019. How many people have conquered their New Years resolutions? I for sure haven’t. My resolution has been the same since I was old enough to make them. It’s to lose weight. Something that I struggle with, and no matter how badly I want to lose weight, I just can’t.
I’m at that stage where I feel like I’ve tried everything. It’s as simple as eating healthy and exercising. BUT it’s harder than it sounds. I workout 6 times a week and have been doing so since the beginning of the year. I haven’t lost anything. My diet is OK but I know I need to work on it.
For my age and height I’m massively overweight, although I may not look like it. I’m not a huge girl but I’m not tiny either. I want to be somewhere in the middle. I really just want to be happy and confident in my body. I especially want to be confident by the time I go back to England in November.
Does anyone have any tips on weight loss? A question I’ve asked many times. I’ve got 5 months to lose at least 15kg, 20kg is my goal. I think my head is in the right place as I’ve started refusing the foods I love. Every time I go shopping and pick up chocolate or crisps I’ll put them back straight away because I think about what I’m doing and know I don’t need them. Junk food doesn’t make me feel good, it doesn’t do anything good for my body, it just tastes nice.
The problem I have with healthy food is the price. It’s a lot more expensive than junk food and I don’t know what to do with it. I’m a terrible cook but I do try. At the moment I’m doing meal prep but even that’s not working. I love snacking and that’s definitely my weak spot. I snack when I’m bored, I snack primarily at night after dinner. A lot of the time I’m not even hungry, I just eat for the sake of it.
I’m so sore today. I did a leg workout the other day and I haven’t been able to walk properly since. My thighs are killing me! I might’ve overdone it just a little. I’ve heard that you should keep working out even when you’re sore but how am I supposed to do that?! I’M IN PAIN. Maybe today will be my rest day.
Let me know if you’ve got any tips that’ll actually work for weightloss. I know everyone’s different and some things may work for other people and not for me. But just comment below any tips you may have.
Until next time,
I don't have the same problem with not being able to lose weight (I've always been pretty skinny), but I've been trying to stay in shape, which is a totally different thing altogether. For me the big game changer was getting a Fitbit. Being able to quantify what I'm doing and see how many calories I'm losing and how much I'm working out really helps. When I don't have it, my workouts are not anywhere near as effective. I just feel compulsively like I HAVE to fill in the circles on the app. One thing that I've found really helps is walking EVERYWHERE. When I'm at work, I take at least 2-3 walks around the block every day, and I try to keep up a good pace. From that alone you lose another 100-200 or so calories more than you would. And I've found that the earlier I do that in the day, the better. Putting on muscle helps a lot too. If you really are gaining muscle, then it's not a bad thing that the scale isn't budging. Muscle weighs more than fat, and it really ups your metabolism and eats up a lot of those calories.
Good luck!! I like the way you write. Following you now.
Yes! I've seen a lot of people wearing fitbits. I'll have to have a look at them.
Yeah you're right, it might be muscle but honestly I just want to be thinner!
Thank you for such a great comment & advice. I really appreciate it 😊
The way I have eaten for years already is intermittent fasting. Basically what you do, is to have a eating window of 8-10 hours out the 24 on a day. For me in practice this means that I don't eat breakfast at all and start eating around midday, sometimes even later in afternoon. The idea behind intermittent fasting is that after long enough period of not eating, the body will start metabolizing fat for energy after having used all the glycogen stored in muscles and liver. Personally I don't keep on eye on the calories – usually with a small eating window the worry is actually to get enough than too little calories, for me at least.
It can be done also so that you eat breakfast normally but don't eat after 5-7 PM, but I prefer to eat later the day than early to make sure I'm not hungry when I get to bed.
If you do try it, keep in mind that you will be hungry at first if you skip a meal at the time you have regularly eaten, but there's no worry because hunger is only a signal caused by hormones (Ghrelin, specifically) that gets released during your usual eating times. But once you have adopted new eating habits (or eating window) and stuck to it for a while, your body will adjust accordingly and start making you hungry during the new eating times. For example, I'm never hungry in the morning because I never eat at that time.
If you're wondering, it has no negative effects on exercise outside of slight discomfort at first if you workout and feel hungry – it actually might have a positive effect on muscle mass and recovery because fasting increases the production of human growth hormone.
This is a pretty good article that goes more in depth about it:
Works for me, can't guarantee it's "the way" for everybody of course, but it's at least worth experimenting with.
Wow, thank you for putting the time into writing this.
I've heard of fasting but have never actually given it a go. I'll definitely check out the link, because at this point I'm willing to try anything.
Thank you again 😊
No problem :)