Viking Beers!!

in #life7 years ago


Saturday and there is snow everywhere! What does that mean? Well I think it means we should go all Nordic and get the drinking horns out for some crazy Viking beer! That's right. Viking!!

So let's go all Valhalla and pop a cap in Odin's ass!!

First up.



This has Viking written all over it. I mean really, look at the Viking head.


Funky can but what's inside?

It pours a magnificent white gold. It has a lustrous white head like a fine stallion I once rode into battle.


Mmm, wheaty wheaty yum yum!! It is a smooth, wintry beer. Citrus hints and little twizzles of coriander merge with the screams of the dying under my eldritch blade. VALHALLA!!!

Oh yes, I do approve of this. It's a great beer for a session and has enough character to cleave an enemy in two. 8/10 battle-axes!!

Cor, I am in the mood for some slaying. What's next?


Götterdämmerung!! What is this? Ragnarok, the famous end battle of the Norse Gods culminating in the end of the world as we know it? Well the beer doesn't have much to live up to eh!


Despite the name this is a Scottish beer, a bloody strong one too judging by the ABV. it claims to be an imperial IPA. Let's see...


A dark burnished copper on the pour. It looks grand. Lots of big gassy bubbles in the head. Like that weird sherbet piss you get after eating Thai food.

It tastes good. In fact it's great, very complex compared to the last one. Hops, barley and wheat all merging together into a fine toasted thing. The lingering aftertaste has a slight burnt caramel flavour. It's reminiscent of an Innis and Gunn beer. Like one of the ones that has been matured in rum casks. I like it!


Although normally I would score this higher than the last beer there is something lingering with the Viking white beer that I really liked so I am going to score this a draw, 8/10 battle-axes!! Any other day it might have won though :0)

So that's been my Viking beerity. Now I am going to go out and fling my beefy axe about in battle!!!



Have a great weekend everyone!


Very cool brews! I have cut down on drinking and eating like a savage for now because of how this crypto boom made me fat.

Damn, I was sure I had replied to this! Damn that crypto boom!!

me ha gustado tus fotografías, luego leo el post, voy de salida, que tengas un lindo día amigo. No bebas tanto..hahaha

Do not worry, I hardly touched a drop. Hope you had a good evening!

acabo de llegar a casa, pasé el dia donde mis suegros. Todo bien gracias a Dios.

That White Ale sounds delicious...funny I generally think of dark beers as winter beers, like stouts and porters, which is my whole weekend it would seem haha! But I definitely love a good white ale. Sam Adams had one, or probably has it still I just haven't run across it in awhile, it had serious alcohol content something like 11%. When we lived in Florida the local market sold them and I would use one to kickstart my buzz....good times ;)

I like that attitude! I often like a good kickstart to an evening. I think of dark beers as winter beers as well. Probably the warming comfort factor. This one was wintry of the spirit. It genuinely felt cold as ice.

I should stop talking about beer, is the next morning and I am tempting myself. Lol!!

Reading Innis & Gunn, say no more! :-)
Nordic weather and Viking beer a match made in Valhalla!

Have a great weekend!


Skål my friend!!!!

It's a top selection tonight I must say!

excellent find dear friend @meesterboom, the two beers are very appetizing however if I had to choose I would stay with the Ragnarok.
Thank you very much dear friend for another wonderful presentation, I must admit that I am surprised by the amounts of beers in your country
I wish you a wonderful weekend

It seems like every time I think I am running out of beers to try I find even more amazing ones!! Cheers @jlufer!

Oh snap, I DO love braided beards and helmets with horns, and yes, I've been known to cruise cross the lake bare breasted on the front of my john boat blaring Billy Talent's Viking Death March!!! Bring on the Vikings!!!

My goodness me, I couldn't put it better myself!! Hurrah for the Vikings! :0D

You had me at ‘Viking Beers!!’

The beers look great and I really need to start taking notes on which are Brewhalla and which should crawl back into Hel.

That said, I can’t help but trying to find some sort of easteregg in that bookcase of yours whenever it’s in the background. You know brooks with titles like ‘The Thirty Thirsty Tittieslappers Trucking Through Tatabanja’ or ‘Moobs: turn on or turn off’ ...

Ha, there are probably so many bad books in that bookcase. I should clear it out and put only lofty intellectual books in!!

Well, I do believe I see Patrick Rothfuss in there so it sure as high hell can’t be all bad !

Hehe, oh yeah, he is amazing. My ones are good, the wife's ones, hehe. Maybe not so much!

Wait wait ... are we married to the same woman ?! LOL ... bouquet romance novels ... facepalm.

Yeah, I suspect it is so. I despair is the twoddle that shares the vicar with my stuff!! Lol

Dude, you are like a real VIKING! Great photoshoot, especially the photo with the axe. I like the way the first brew look a lot! This Ice-landic thing is definitely like an Icelander's thing.
The IPA looks delicious too!

Great content! Cheers!

Cheers man, it was a very enjoyable tasting!!

I do not envy you with your beers because I do not drink, hahaha, even if they seem provocative, just to take a cold drink with this sun that hits here, unlike your winter.

It does help with the pain of winter!

Boom! :O)

I'm like inspector Gadget I will find everything,
Inspector Gadget.jpg

Lol, dig away ;0)

Skol ;)

In my country, when it is cold we take a Ron or Wisky because the beer we drink cold and that would make us colder.

That sounds great to me!!

They're no Traquair though... (yes, I'm trying to use "traquair" almost every day, in whatever context) You jacking the Einstok, eh Boomy? I have to admit, that is one sleek design! The viking head, oh man!! And the white gold hue! It looks so awesome! Admittedly, there were high expectations for Ragnarok, seeing as it's the twilight of the gods and all. Had they named it Ragnarok Pre-Game or The Day After Ragnarok, I think it would've done better.

Look at you out and about! Aside from your taps aff-y tendencies, I think this is the first time ever since Spain when you've spent the beer-ing outside.

Hehe, I know. Venturing outside like some kind of anti hermet!!

True, they were no traquairs here this week. Although I did see another traquair in the shop. I thought it a bit much to do two traquair two weeks in a row!

Oh yeah, I totally get it. The traquair shouldn't be traquaired to death. Its memory should be cherished, and should only be traquaired during special occasions from now on.


Exactly!! Next week is obviously a special traquairsion! :O)

I'm already salivating, and I don't even know if I would like Traquair myself haha!

You would love it!!!

I'll hold you to it! Would you be willing to stake our epic friendship on that assertion??

Unstoppable, unbeatable king of the bears! I bow to you master!

There shall be bow's of solid gold on the bridges I build!! Hurrah!!

Every gentleman wishes a great weekend to everyone with an axe!
Monsieur boom, I wish you even better weekend :d

If you have to bring an axe you know you can relax!! Weeeee!!

Led Zeppelin approve:

We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow

Valhalla, I am coming!

Is beer, is good. Something to prepare one for battle - never a bad thing. Cheers.

That is never a bad thing. In fact I thing the zep were singing about scotland!

And why wouldn't they? Scotland is worth singing about. Especially after a fine Viking ale or two.

Pass me a cold Viking Ragnarok, please! It's a good day to be a Viking!

Today is the perfect day for it!! Ragnarok!!!

Great post. Great idea to match the weather outside. I was hoping to see you in some Viking horns though!

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is an active member of The Alliance and teamcanada
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Hehe, if I had them I would be wearing them!

beer master y u neva vote me ?!

I must keep missing your posts dude, but you know, I will make a special effort to keep an eye out!!!

I made sure to give the beer post a full vote so you can go buy more beer. Be responsible with this beer money I have given you. Don't go spending it on bananas or lunch for the family. I enjoy these beer posts because I enjoy beer but don't drink much anymore. Have one for me next time. Actually, have about three or four and then tie into the whiskey. If I'm going to drink, we're getting drunk.

I shall be responsibly irresponsible with this gift of dollerage!

Onto the whisky it is!!

Very entertaining post. If I may recommend one of my favorite beers. It is from Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Staropramen or Pilsner Urquel.

I have tried staropramen, I will look out for the other one!

The real question is if you drank the viking beers while watching the show Vikings?

That would have been a fine thing to do. I didn't though lol

I don't even like beer, but I love reading your beer reviews for sheer entertainment value XD


Entertainment is what I am all about. If I had any skill in this arena I suspect my reviews wiuld be quite tame!

Vikings bout to lose to the eagles tho my guy

Datta right ma porcini mysharoo.

Enjoy Beer And Weekend <3 Have a nice day dear @meesterboom resteemed

I'm enjoying it Fatima!

I always upvoted you mr.@meesterboom. Thank You so much For This Post.

Why thank you for the voting!

Chears @ meesteboom

Cheers mate!

Hello friend, very good post. I already follow you and I invite you to go through my blog maybe something you like and you can support me with your vote. Greetings.

Consider my vote a there boom bang!

Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea.

Cheers to you too!!

Well since the endorsement is coming from you, then I'd gladly drink to stupor 😂😂😂😂😂

Stupor is a fine thing sometimes!!

I really love the excitement about ur beer..
It makes me want to start taking beer..
Thanks for sharing this @meesterboom

You are very welcome. Drink in moderation I say :0)

Postingan yg sangat indah dihiasi oleh bir-bir yg begitu segar

Grreedvb kihtrd jjgdd koi carp ggffc koiov !

Couldn't help myself :o)

haha it seems to be awesome,but make sure you dont get high,lol

Always careful!

Cherrs for Valhalla

Cheers dude!!!


Great post! Come with me!

Where are we going!!

WOW! Awesome post! I love trying new beers and these are a must have. Thank You for sharing this fantastic detailed post!

Very nic post

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Come to Affrica there is no snow there lol great blog

Great review.

Axe flinging after a couple of viking brews...what could possibly go wrong here? :P (At least you rugged up.) Ripper review by the way :)

Brews are so cool I've reduced my drinking and eating like a savage for now this crypto boom makes me fat.


Thats what crypto booms are for! :O)

sorry if wrong .. i am a newcomer

When drinking beer first, beer will release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with the brain's pleasure nerve center. This is what makes you feel good when you drink beer and will repeat the pleasure.


Ah, you copied this!!!