Bloody hell.
One of the chaps, Gertrude, sitting beside me in the office threw up his hands and huffed at his screen.
What's up with you?
I asked curiously. Gertrude was usually a quiet soul who ate sushi. He was not often one to make any kind of a fuss in the office.
What's up with me? This fucking rubbish. This shit that people do really gets on my goat.
He failed his arms at the screen before him like a squid smelling Hershey's chocolate.
Hershey's, a chocolatey treat that smells faintly of vomit and death that excites both arousal and horror in both deep water squids and some humans.
I wheeled over and looked at his screen to see what had offended him so much. There was nothing there but a message from some Business Analyst.
Umm, so what is the problem?
I wheeled back a bit as Gertie looked to be getting even more animatedly angry.
You mean you can't see it? You don't see THAT?!
He flailed at his screen again, a little bit of white spittle foaming at the corner of his mouth like the bubbly sewage in an English river.
I peered a little more closely.
Nope, it was just an innocuous-seeming message.
No problem, I will get that added to Jira 😊
I shrugged my shoulders and hoped he wasn't going to go all Falling Down on me.
Gertie let out a squeal of frustration as though I had won the coin toss and it was his turn to be the Farmer's wife.
Truly, I am the last of my kind.
He let out a deflated hiss and threw his head back to stare morosely at the ceiling.
The eyebrow I cocked at him had more cock than a long-cocked cockney from Cockburn.
The last of your kind? What is that meant to mean? Are we in a Sci-Fi movie or something?
It is always worth clarifying if you are in a Sci-Fi movie or not. If the answer, unlikely as it may be, is ever yes then you can start pistol-whipping people and telling them that we only have four hours left.
Gertie snapped his attention away from our ceiling tiles and fixed it on me instead.
Yes, there aren't many of us left. I might be one of the last.
He shook his head bleakly.
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
I exercised a little of my famed diplomacy super skill.
Gertie pulled himself close to his desk and stabbed a pale pointy finger at the smiley on the message he had just received.
That, the fucking emoji. When did we all start using emojis at work? This is a business not a bloomin Facebook group. Does my head in. I swear, everyone does it now. I am one of the few that keeps things professional. Has no one got any standards? Even El Jefe blooming uses them. Absolutely laughable.
He stood up his fists clenched, if he was a cup he would have been full of angry tea.
Dude, relax man. The times, they are a changing that's all. It's no big deal.
I gently patted my hands at the air calmingly as if I were closing an albino's suitcase.
Gertie pulled himself up to his magnificent full height of about 5'8'' and exhaled furiously through his nose as if he were trying to put out a fire in a doll's house.
If you can't see the problem then maybe you are part of the problem... Oh fuck this, I need a breath of fresh air.
He wobbled an accusing finger at me.
A breath of fresh air? Mate, I think you need a wank or something.
He flipped me two fingers as he stamped off.
I laughed and wondered without a hint of irony.
What was it like to be an arse?
I probably wouldn't use emojis at work. For social media I may be more likely to use the old emoticons as I am old school. Kids may laugh at me for that, but whatever. I was online before some of their parents were born.
American chocolate is not great, but it seems you can get Dairy Milk over there that tastes like ours.
Their chocolate is foul! At least a lot of the stuff I have tasted. I keep wondering how it can be called chocolate. Then again I know that ours has a bad rep for just being sweetened muck.
I try not to use them at work but have found myself slipping into using em in Teams as everyone else is mad for it. Although I wouldn't be sending them to the boss!
It is true, our chocolate is foul. That is why I eat Dark chocolate here, it's usually better, because there is an additive they use here that does indeed mimick the taste/smell of vomit. But, most of our general processed food is rubbish. If one gets Lindt Dark (our lindor) or a dark Ghiradheli not too bad, however we have a local chocolate house on Cape that makes their own Chocolate that is wonderful. I will eat their milk chocolate.
The first thing I do when I land in Ole' blighty is get a Milk chocolate bar (even Maltesers taste like heaven to me)
Hello milady!!
It was indeed were baffling to be the first time someone jubilantly returned from the States with Hershey's and I tried it and though, what in the name of God!?!.
Good that you have decent stuff made in your part!
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The chat apps we use have emojis, so they will get used. I'll admit I use them at times. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on.
YEah, it is only in the chatness that I would use them but similarly, I am not really that fussed about them. I have noticed a lot of the people in my work struggling to understand the modern world!
An understatement! Dairy Milk over there is now?..., I am out of touch.
You are so right, I told American's this decades ago and got funny looks. What do you say @bozz? Does it taste and smell of barf and spew?
...How I survived America without chocolate in the 90's.., I don't know...
I genuinely thought there was something wrong with the first Hershey's I tasted. I thought I was being pranked or something but it seems not, that's the stuff!!
It's gratifying to find somebody who thinks exactly the same as me about this stuff. Root Beer also tastes like liquid Germoline (they didn't get that either!).
I thought that too. I was genuinely like, how can anyone like this stuff!! Lol!
America's food and drinks are not all bad. You get larger Mc'Fries there and 32oz drinks (which are fucking massive) are the regular size. The cars' holders are adapted to take such colossal containers, and there's generally more ice than pop.
...Would you like some drink with your ice sir?...
I must admit, I would love larger McFries. I have a pure weakness for them. I have always hated the ice laden drinks though. Just give me the juice!!!
Hershey's chocolate? It's pretty good. I prefer Dove though. Their dark chocolate is really good. I know some people that swear by Hershey's. It's pretty rare that I turn down chocolate no matter who made it. What do you consider good chocolate if you don't like Hershey's?
Almond Joy was all I could stomach when living there. I brought English chocolate over for my local friends.., they went nuts. Talk about being deprived!
See, now Almond Joy would definitely make me vomit. I can't stand coconut, it's a taste/texture/smell thing. Worst stuff ever created. Mounds and Almond Joy both can disappear and never come back as far as I care. I thought Swiss and Belgium chocolate was supposed to be the best. I have never heard of English Chocolate. Do they make it in the same place they make English Toffee?
I think Bounty was in the US, (Coconut again), but it didn't taste the same. I took Crunchie's and Walnut Whips to America, and they couldn't get enough. Heard of either?
Suchard's Eggs were once wonderful, but they are not the same now.
When I was younger, Hellas bars, Prize and Chocolate Tools ruled. All are now gone. It could be my changing tastes.
Old Jamaica, now that's great if you can find it. I think it's another one that's not made.
Please tell me Toblerone is buyable there? - very English.
I am a fan of Cadbury, but not the creme eggs. Yeah, you can get toblerone I think, but isn't that German? Haven't heard of any of those other things.
I'm old school so I don't use emojis. I think I'm so old school that when I see those, I think of emoticons, instead of emojis. But to get heated/stressed about something like that is laughable. If it's just a direct reply or a conversation between two people, that is perfectly ok. I would hope people avoid using it when replying to all, including their bosses. I have seen some even include them in their email signature, so it's always there. Your friend needs to get with the times, and learn to bend some norms.
Emoticon, there is a word to take me back!!
I think he does need to chill a bit. I just cant see myself getting bothered about such little things no matter my thinking on it. some people just need to chill!
Haha, I guessed right when I saw the message, hehe, and I do understand him in the formal setting. But you been an arse makes things fun. Haha, I bet he could have wank you instead . lol.
I am back to reading your stories. I got a new phone and it did drain me lol. But I had to or I'll better say goodbye to Hive and every other thing.
New phones often make a difference dont they!
I might pass on the wanking though, I will just keep being an arse 🤣🤣🤣
Haha... you should. That will keep everyone happy.
And surely, getting a new phone did made a big difference. I can build up my finances back.
Did you lose all your old stuff?
Some I did, others I could back up. I believe I just need to work more (smartly of cos) cos work out here pay pennies and boss you around for almost a half and quarter of 24 hrs.
Yeah, you want to get more income from other sources!
Probably from Hive. I have not found any other sources.
Tell Gertie that we have been using all the technology even at workplace since the pandemic 😄
All the technology is OURS!!!
HAhahaha :OD
This reminds me of when I was warned to keep things polite and not shout. My crime was that I ended a phrase with 3 (three) exclamation marks, and someone took it personally.
I have seen people go nuts about that kind of thing. Its mad isn't it? I once got called out for using 4 dots instead of 3 in an elipsis... Admittedly I have never made the same mistake twice but come on, its taking things too far!
I was warned and I told them: From now on I will only use one exclamation mark, but keep in mind, I always think there are three in there, and you can consider that there are three every time you see one, as it is a given. I was told to not be aggressive. We all ended up laughing in the meeting, except the offended person. Nice one!
The offended people rarely laugh even when they really should. Lol.
The emoji haters should build a country of their own and stay in a cocoon without reception nor satellite - they will have a blast😏
We are emotional beings trying as much as possible to express emotions as best we could even without seeing face to face. He should chill.
Thats my thinking, I mean there are far more important things to get all the up about. Dont sweat the small stuff someone once rightly said!
We have our Team Chat boxes and in the mornings when the supervisor posts her morning greetings, several of the co-workers post with cartoon gifs and the such. Although it doesn't put a dent in my day, I think "how immature and inappropriate for work" ha ha.....
Oh well..... I'm glad things like that don't bother me or I'd be bothered all the time.
That does seem like quite a large sized snit he was in for such a little thing.
I would say that maybe he had some other schnizz going on in his life but its IT. They are all bonkers like that. You should see the fridge, its like mental in how they all claim their little bits. So his reaction does not surprise me! :OD
It's like being in the nut house without being in the nut house.
The WHOLE world's a nut house.... I just realized that. LOL
I think I have just realised it too. It is the thing that makes the most sense out of life!!
I'm laughing right now because I can't see your friend being 'new fashioned', he would prefer to stick with the old school
Some people just cant change! :OD
And there I thought he was talking about missing pixels on his screen.
my mom, who is 70, does not use emojis, ever. She uses "!" which makes her seem angry ( at leat that's how it feels to me ), even when she is making a joke
Lol, it beats capitals which a lot of older or untech-savvy people use and then it just seems like they are super angry all the time even when wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I do hate a missing pixel myself. I could have sympathised there :OD
I agree. CAPS are the worst. Then again, my mom probably screamed too much to me when I was a kid, so I guess the ! triggers some trauma ;<)
Also, missing pixels are hard to swallow
even more because they are missing
😆 🤣 😂
heh heh
Some people really can't handle change.
I always wonder if the emojis I use on my phone look the same on the other end when the people receive them 🤔 since there are different emotions keyboards for different phones and platforms 🙃
I think they can differ but are still along the same theme. It would be horrible if someone switched out a user's set so that they matched up with different ones! lol.
I remember the first time I saw an emoji in work I was a tiny bit surprised but really, these days, some folk cant write without them. I don't think its a bad thing though, Possibly trying to humanise contact after lockdown when we were all apart!
Haha that would be a good prank 😂
I really like my phones emojis but others I hate. Whatsapp emojis are terrible lol.
So much of our communication is written via our phones nowadays - text, teams, secure chats and emails...etc It's hard to maintain different persona's among the various formats. I've sent memes via email before to non-friends coworkers in higher positions than myself...
Though I did regret that afterwards 😅
I have done exactly the same right down to the regret part. hehe.
Yeah. teams emojis are quite crap. They mess with the generic ones and make them all look lame.
In my place GIFs are all the rage too. Even the management are sending them and you are thinking, hmm, maybe there is a limit!
My wife is big on gifs at work too and has gotten other managers and directors on board using them lol
I understand what Gertrude is really 'going through'. It's that time when you feel so out of place in the doings of people around you and you are like a fish out of water, well adaptability is that part of the human trait that we need at such times. Either adapt or just let it be 😀😀
Adapt or die!! i think in his case he would rather die!
You are right
I am a lover of emoji
I use it all the time but not vety much on here
They are great. Once upon a time there was no need but this is now and we can emoji to our hearts content!!
Well most folks dont like using emojis at all i for sure adore them and i use them frequently on comments and chat, i was using them on post before, but dandays has to tell me to stop has it will difficult for some folks to read through..
Lol. You should carry on. People can read through a bunch of emojis no bother! 😀😀
Hmmm true, but its better to set an emotion through, emojis than using words, i can tell what you feeling with just your emoji reaction seeee 😃😃
Haha, I like to spread my emoji love wide!! 😀😀
Hahah i got you on that one, all hay the emoji lovers
I myself used to be in school or when I'm in trouble so I keep sending stickers like this to my friends and to many people whom one loves and chocolate is dairy milk my favorite chocolate and I like to eat it. i do.
I do like a dairy milk myself!
Even when I consumed dairy, I didn't use Hershey's bars for anything except s'mores, and that was rare. It is definitely not good as a chocolate.
Emojis have infested even the library, out bastion in defense of literacy and good writing. Humanity is doomed, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse each bear a yellow grinning visage.
Haha, I really like that 4 horsemen vision. It would make a cracking meme!
I thought that chocolate was a very strange thing. At the same time I know people who love it. The world is fecked up 😀
He could really be the last of its kind haha. I don't understand why he is making such a big deal out of this, yes he may be working in a corporate company but if he saw what else is going on in the outside world I think he would lose his mind XD
He probably never communicates with some electronically outside the office, 🤣🤣
Is the attitude for me
Some people really hate emojis
But in a professional environment, I don't think using emojis should be acceptable.
Imagine an employee who is so familiar with using emoji mistakenly uses such for a client it definitely won't end well
It's just my little option
Great work👌👌
It will and probably has happened by now. Maybe one day we will be emoji'ing it everywhere 😀😀
It will be fun though
It will make sense
Your suggestion at solving the problem did make me laugh. It's a great insult as well considering that you could have said "You need to get laid dude"
And just for full effect
I think a wank might be at the peak of what he is capable of, lol!!
And oops, nearly forgot 😀😀
Shame, poor guy. He sounds like hard work 😂
Lol, thankfully we hotdesk now, I might not sure next to him for months!!
Haha. I remember the times when I was chatting with my boss and have to chat down numbers and percentages. Because the “%” sign and the “)” where typed close together it turned into an alien emoji. I explained myself and really funny to know it happens to the boss too hahaha.
It can happen to anyone. I have not enojied anyone too senior yet. I hope I dont by accident!
yes it does. but yeah whether it happens by accident makes up for a great story.
Haha! That is true!! Accidental non accidents are awesome 😀😀
Ha ha ha I had a boyfriend who didn't understand how I liked Hershey's, he said the same thing they taste like vomit and look like vomit, I also hate the use of emoji and gif in work messages and WhatsApp groups, people who use it as an album of cards
There just be something about it that only affects some people. I know some people that think it is awesome!!
Hehe, I don't mind them so much. At least not so much I would go mental in work about them!
Change is the only constant thing.
You always make me laugh😂😂😂
Glad to hear it!
Hello, how you and yours, been a while, see you haven't lost your sense of humour haha 😆
You gotta keep on laughing! :O)
Good morning Sir Meesterboom, I think your friend is not the only one who maybe feels helpless before responses that only represent them with emojis, omitting the richness of thought to respond with words what they communicate to you in writing. I think I join one to Gertrudes in his perception and interpretation of the fact on his screen.
Have The Best week ahead 🦋
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I will crack that 75K in no time 🙂
Go @meesterboom, go!
It's easy to answer your question, that man is hahahaha, and the last of his kind, I'm talking about the kind of idiots hahahaha,
A hug
Should I laugh in an emoji way 😅😅😅😂 emojis are the coolest way of expression, I love them
Here I ask myself two questions:
1 - What the fuck is this?
😂 no matter how hard I look for the image I can't find it 🤭
2 - What was in that chocolate? 🤓😂🤭
And I love chocolates, I'm a squidgy nanixxx because I'm a fan of chocolate whatever it is and that Hershey's I really like. I know I'll be smelling it shortly... but what a yummy puke smell.
Send my {love} to Gertie. I have chocolates for him.
💩💩💩💩 Chocolate kisses. 🤣
Hahaha, it does have such a puke smell!!
Lol. My simile above was just a nonsense thing, they make me laugh when I write them!
Hello! :)
I've had this on my radar for some days and am sitting, bleakly because fuck this weather now and aren't we supposed to be in Africa, in bed reading.
Which is also very lekker anyway.
I may stay here for good.
I've only recently begun to use emojis in work emails. 😬 And only the typing thingy kind. I figure it's a bit more professional 😆
Having said that...
I've only recently begun to work professionally again and can be a bit of an arse at times :D
To answer your question:
Sometimes it sucks (ass). And sometimes it's pretty hilarious. And mostly I only figure out which it is far too late!
I say use as many emojis as you wish.
The world will adjust ❤️😈😎☀️💥💯🍪👍🏼
I say the same. Life is too short to get hung up on triviality!!
At least for me 😀😀
Back on the work wagon? Dang, good for the money bad for the soul!
Dang right!!!
Depends who the client is :) I freelance so I get to choose, really. And, these days, I mostly avoid high drama clients.
This one is super fun, has multiple business, is awesome to work with and is super creative and really good on top of it. This will level me up too. He makes shit hot stuff so game on. I'm amped :)
Also working from home in my pajamas. Still. So there's that :D
p.s. aren't we always on the working wagon really? I only had to get back out there and see live humans again. It's been a while but, honestly, you lot were instrumental in getting me socialised again (somewhat because I'll always be me and that won't change. So suck it up buttercup! 😈)
Happy Saturday! Come and have a pajama party with me!