The Last Hurrah

in #life7 years ago


Tonight is the Last Hurrah. What does that mean? Well, it is precisely one month till Little Boom 2 arrives.

As we all know. Or rather, as I have just been reminded, that means we will be on storm alert. At any moment the baby could come hurtling out of the good lady's bahjeen at a rate of knots. Exploding into the world in a frezy of waaahs and tarry black poop.


It simply wouldn't do for the Boomster to be out carousing and scuffling with vagabonds in alleys, caught short whilst the good lady gets the bike out of the garage and has to cycle to the hospital.

To this end being the sociable creature I am, I have organised a last night out before the birth. A *shindig no less.
*Shindig: old Scots term for a merry dance, a night of madness and reaping the whirlwind.

I have gathered some doughty warriors (well, maybe two, definitely one) to help me on my quest. For a night such as this, strong stomachs and sea legs will be needed. We intend to go to a club. Oh yes, I have written of these places before. Normally I suffer from the fear of being too old to club.

Pah! Too old? This is my last hurrah, I shall be the...


My feet will be on fire, my wit will be scalding hot and my merry japery will be turned up to full bhoona.

These and other thoughts were in my mind as I arrived home from work and prepared for my epic quest. As I pussy footed around with my hair the good lady came and gave me a steely look.

No kebabs.

What? What the blazes are you talking about woman?

No. Kebabs.

Why? Why on earth shouldn't a princely night on the sauce not be followed by the Kings Meat?


Because they stink and that means you stink. When you come home drunk you stink of meat. In fact the house ends up stinking of beer and meat. No kebabs.

How very dare she. Normally I am a respectful man but to impinge upon my Last Hurrah? I prepared to give her a tongue lashing she wouldn't forget about the very principles of Man'ity.

And no smoking.


I don't smoke!

Last time you were out, when you came home you stank of smoke and meat and beer. It was not pleasant.

Must have been all that smoke in da club.

I mumbled.

You are not allowed to smoke in clubs. So...

Maybe I had a cigar?


I have been off the tabs for ages, but I did have a lapse, Just that one night when I was very very drunk. Dammit, she had me bang to rights.

Alright, I will definitely not stink of smoke when I come home.

And no kebabs.


My inner man screamed at the injustice! Foolish mortal, she dared command The Boom? Somewhere on the edge of the world mountains crumbled into the sea with the force of my ire.

She dared challenge me not to partake in the pale grey, oddly overprocessed, spicy garlic meat of Kings that purported to be lamb? How exactly was I to resist, as it spins its inviting dance on the kebab spit in front of the artificial flame, like a succubus hoiking its fleshy flanks at me?

Although, come to think of it, I do remember I had a dalliance with a kebab once when I was sober. It was a greasy unfulfilling experience. Hmmm.

Alright then, no kebabs.

Aw smashing, thank you darling. You have a great night!

She positively beamed with delight.

I pushed a smile out of the boom face back at her and uncrossed the fingers from behind my back...


Fun and funny too! Thanks for the laughter and, man, do I ever hear you with the Kebbab call... Especially the Shishtaouk and the Lamb&Beef Donairs... Now that I am hungry, it is time for brunch! ;)

Namaste :)

Hehe, Cheers mate! You can't beat a Kebab!! Especially when the sheets to the wind!!

no kebabs cause you stink?
she's got a dog nose now - a pretty strong one ey?

She had and quite ironically before she was pregnant her sense of smell was terrible!!

You have no idea how much I wish I could be a part of this. I know I am a chic, but I have earned my way into many a 'guy's' outing for being such a damn cool chic LOL. I have even been included in a bachelor party (though I had to pretend to 'run' into them so the other women and wives would not be put out) and invited to an all guys yearly retreat. (Friends of mine and my brothers's) I sadly didn't make that one because word got out to some of the women and wives who had the audacity to complain and whine (such a thing I would never do, hence why I am the cool chic and they are the girly girls who should never be at a guys retreat) And though many of the guys stood by my invite, I decided to keep the peace in their homes by staying behind. Such is the life of the Cool Chic, sacrificing for her friends (sigh)

What about a shower? Wouldn't a shower help with the boozy, meaty, smoky issue? What am I saying, if done right you will not have the presence of mind to think of that upon your return LOL!

I would LOVE it if you took pictures and posted them to discord, some vicarious photo living :)

Oh lass, you would be most welcome!!! I would be honoured!! To have you along would be tops. I ain't one of those guy only night dudes hehe. The more and merrier the company the better!! Hehe, I am sure there will be a pic or two. Consider them posted. Well in an hour or two :0D

One day...
Look forward to those pics!
I put up a post about crypto...well mostly it's my husband's words, but some great tips for the long term crypto investor :)

I love crypto!! I love Kong Tel investments!!!

So the night should go something like this then... BUY MINTS, Drink till almost blind, Frequent meat based vendor, top off with Cyder, lose all control of mental faculties, pass out cold. Wake up long enough to down the mints, strip to underpants, head home?

That is my plan!! In fact I am going to follow it to the letter!!! Consider it done!!

Hahahaha The Gentle Man Club will be the best place to go without Milady !!! Hahahah another good one.

Cheers mate! It was a poignant one to write!! But as they say when in Rome!!!

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"


I'm fighting it man!! :0D

You are "cruising" you know that? Right! And kebabs on a gut full of beer. You are crazy man. Everybody knows beer and pizza are the way to go! You really don't want to mess with the missus in her condition. She is likely to spawn her poliwg right then and there lol

I am a crazy man!! I will probably pay for this in spades but heck... One last time!!!! :0D

Does this mean no more beer posts as you will have to stay sober and alert :)

Well.... Will... That is a good question!! In the house is different!!! ;0)

She will start labour in the house.... you will drive from the house... you need to be sober...hahaha

You are absolutely right, come up to Scotland and be our doula!

Free travel and accommodation, on my way lol

One month till the baby arrive? Wow, sweet and exciting at the same time! I can't image how you're feeling about it (even if, as a mom, I can understand your wife ^_^). So, not stink of smoke when you come home and no kebabs! :D

I am stinking of both!! Oops!!

Enjoy your night out! And good luck with the good lady when you get back! With D-day so close, you don't want to mess with her..

You are absolutely right there! I shall try not to miss my mouth with the stinking meat lol!!

The best food after a night on the town is poutine. Picture a paper bowl full of french fries, cheese curds and gravy.

Now, based on your post, I will search out a poutinery that will serve poutine with a healthy portion of kebabs in it.

They are starting to sell that here!! I will certainly have to try it. Perhaps sans kebab meat the first time ;0)

One other tip.

Don't ever take poutine "to go"

The next morning, when you pull it out of the fridge, you'll notice that the fat has congealed.
You will also notice that ... accept for a wee bit of tater, it's all fat.

That happens with kebabs!!!!

There's also a new thing - poutine pizza.

Picture it ...

Pizza dough, hand tossed into a beautiful crust
Instead of tomato sauce, gravy
Cheese curds
Pepperoni and other fatty, salty meats

Thrown in an oven at 450° for 6-8 minutes.

The best part ... the next morning, your lovely wife will be wishing you'd had kebabs. ;-P

Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa!!! I think that sounds astonishing!! I will save it for a night where I might not end up in the dog house :0)

lmao, you riot! Also, your photoshop level is legendary

Hehe, Cheers!! All done on my phone these days!! :0)

WHAT?? Legendary. *round of applause *

Indeed, I impress myself sometimes!!

No kebabs!? Heresy!!

I mean... No kebabs for you, meester.

Forgive the pregnant mind, for it doth not know what it's doing.

Didn't your good lady get your memo about quitting the smokes? I'm with her on that front though. While we don't see eye to eye with the meat issue (especially kebabs!), the smoking thing really has to stop. Boomdawg, feel yourself getting drowsy. Listen to the sound of my voice. You are getting sleepy. Sleeeeeppppppyyyyy....

Quit smoking you, basturt! Haha!

It seems that we cannot be angry at the same time. Between my volcano erupting fury and your mountain crumbling rage, the world would be done for if we align our anger.

So excited for Boom Baby Number 2 aka The Second Coming of Boom aka Boom Jr aka Boom: The Sequel. If the first one is any indication, then the world better prepare for a collective thank you to you and the good lady!

Hehe, I thought of your vocalic fury as I write of the mountain crumbling rage!

Don't worry, I am smoke free! It was just one slip a while ago which gets mentioned when I go out ever since. Lol although the Hypno jazz does appear to be making me sleepy... Very sleepy.


One slip up is all the better half needs to hold it over your head your entire lives hahaha! The world cannot take two titans being angered at the same time, it just simply cannot--oh wait! You're in a trance, here's my chance! (to rhyme ;) )

Woooo... Name your son after your father-in-law... Wooooo... Force people to send Jedau all of their STEEM... Woooo...

Haha, I am really belly laughing!! Particularly at your fine memory of the father in law!! I am glad that that particular seed hasn't been hypnotically sown. It's not a bad name right enough. It kinda grows on you. And you know as well, I was thinking about telling people they should send you all their steem. It just seems kinda right

Haha! My mind is like a blockchain! While there may be some lag time sometimes, any and all memory is etched in there forever ;)

All memory is saved!! Hurrah for the jedchain!!

The jedchain!! Where BoomToken blocks are produced!! It's all coming together!!

Bringing the great content like always..Thank you!

Thank you very much!

Love the pictures you put into your content. You can really tell you put the time and effort into creating good reads for us Steemians. Thanks for sharing!

Cheers mate, it is appreciated. I really do put a bit of effort in!

this made me remember my times of being a father, are the days that weigh more, being on alert consumes you.
Happy for the coming of the child.
I wish you a great day dear friend meesterboom

se cambia la cerveza por teteros y pañales. suerte amigo. pásate por mi perfil

Hahahahaha! Oh gosh, you had me spitting out my coffee this morning!

As this was written last night, I suspect you may still be sleeping off a hangover this morning.... I hope your shindig was as merry and japery-filled as possible!

I'm with your wife on the kebab front though. XD

I actually managed it! Kebab free!! Although the house kinda stinks of chicken Madras as I went down the curry avenue instead. And I am as rough as a badgers chuff

Ah, the curry avenue... a beautiful and most acceptable place to be any time of day or night! Get thee some coffee, some paracetamol and a bacon sarnie and all will be right with the world!! :)

Ha, and that is exactly what I have done. Now the world is slightly less squinty :OD

Turquoise*... there you go...the seed has been planted for getting those kebabs you introduced me too.

*Turquoise is a Glaswgian kebab establishment that with furnish you with about a pound of meat for eight of your scottish pounds.

It almost happened!!

This is really so funny, takes me back 44 years when my second was born. My husband would have loved you, he and a friend said they were just going to write this friend in at nigth University.!!!!!!!! Saw them then next day, well that was actually the last time he had to have fun for a while so hope you enjoyed.

I did indeed, it was a splendid time although I am rather delicate today. Like a fragile flower lol!!

I will bear in mind that it might be for a while!!

Love your humor good luck hope you feel better.

Now much after the event I can say I feel magic!

O I do enjoy your post - woman can rule a man with one sentence hahaha. Enjoy the last month before the pyjamadrill starts, but what a joy that will be

I know it will be tough but the joy will outweigh it all :0)

They certainly can and you know, I didn't get a kebab! Wayhay!

I can only assume my shindig invitation is delayed in the post...

Have a great night!

Come!! Drink with us!!!

Oh boy! This is gonna get messy!

One of these days, I'll take you up on that! <3

Will I know you can take it... Goodness, you know what I mean :0D

LOL! Oh dear... step away from the keyboard...

The person that invents the breathalyser for prevention of 3am drunken texts/phonecalls will be a wealthy person indeed! :)

in my memory, The Last Hurra was a horse :D

Hehe, all the better then!!

god post brother, good information you are a big, greetings. @Joserc.vzla

Thank you! I am rather large in a certain department but hush, we don't want to start rumours now!!

ready brother, anything counts on me ..

Then wait on the rooftop for my signal!

hahahahah I was not expecting that :)


sir the picture are so beautiful....
very good post

Thank you mate!

verry nice

As are you my sweet x

Hope you having a good one :-)

Just no
well do not eat too much meat-- :)

Too funny I hope your last hurrah is an awesome one and congrats on your new little one on the way.p.s. I hope your wife doesn't have to ride a bike to the hospital.ha that cracked me up.I am but a minnow here swimming deep in the pool I followed you. following me that would be cool. @user0103283 Cheers.