The Bloody Octopus

in #life7 years ago


A quick visit to the hospital today for a check up on number 2 baby.

Well, I say quick. Obviously, it's a British hospital so we checked in then sat for an hour and a half in a poky beige waiting room, sweating in swivel-eyed fear that some flesh-eating bug would start gnawing on us.


They are funny places hospitals with quite the bizarre mix of clientele. As we sat in the waiting room I cast a calloused eye around me. Hmm...

Obnoxious boot
Uppity bastard

It was a relief when the Consultant sternly called our name. We followed him into his little room of power and he bade us sit.

Being a fine upstanding man I listened intently as he and my good lady discussed birthing plans and what not. After about two minutes however, I got bored and started to scuff my feet like an errant schoolboy.


I was hoaching to get my phone out and check my feed on steemit but admirably held back.

Then I heard a word in the conversation that stopped my wandering mind in its tracks.


Oh fuckity fuck, the blood was freezing in my veins. Surely they weren't bringing up all that shit again? Oh lord, they were. They were discussing the rather horrendous events of the birth of our first born.

And it all came flooding back.


There we were, all those moons ago. I was standing in the birthing room. There were nurses everywhere and astonishingly even a doctor. A few minutes before I had been holding my partner's hand. However, when the shit (literally) hit the fan, I had been crudely elbowed out of the way by a nurse who then commanded me to move down by the bottom of the bed. Annoyingly she didn't even attempt to use a sexy voice.

Aggrieved I moved where I was bid. Apparently the baby's head was stuck. Unfortunately, I now had a ringside seat to the horror that was unfolding on the bed. I couldn't help but be aghast at the sight. It looked like a freeze frame of a wormhole forming from a Star Trek film.


Being a paragon of utter manhood I didn't faint even when the blood began to flow.

About half an hour later it looked like someone had thrown a bucket of pigs blood around the place. A doctor came in with wellies and what looked like a hand blender.

What the fuck, is he making a pasta sauce? I thought.

A nurse saw my face and quickly moved over and muttered something about a ventouse. I nodded sagely whilst wondering what the fuck a ventouse was.

When I saw the doctor attach the hand blender to the babies head I was none the wiser.

When he started bending and twisting and generally looking like he was trying to hoe a particularly tough vegetable patch. I would be the first to admit that my knees gave a little tremor.

Thankfully after a mere half hour of blood and anguished screams. There was a resounding cry. A baby's cry. I opened my eyes to see if the coast was clear. I couldn't see a child but a nurse was tugging me gently over to the bed. Another one held something that resembled a pulsing sloth's penis toward me and a pair of scissors.


I hastily remembered something about agreeing to cut the umbilical chord. With only the smallest snort of disdain, I cut the damned thing. It was rather leathery. I found it quite disagreeable and made it obvious with a loud


Surely this foul nightmare was over. Where was the damned baby? Why was I standing in a river of blood?

The nurses parted and there was my good lady lying there. Smiling in delight and relief. I made to smile back but then it happened.


A nurse proclaimed.

She stepped forward to plop a writhing, bloodied octopus on my partner's chest.


My first instinct was to leap forward and swat the damn thing off. I darted forward but before I could raise my hand. It turned its black soulless eyes on me and screamed.

I snapped out of my reverie. The consultant and my partner were staring at me.

Are you ok

Oh yeah, can't wait. I croaked.


Epic picture and the first time I have heard "Oh fuckity fuck" Hahahah, good stuff!

Cheers! It's a splendid term for use in cases like this!!

this I won't have to go through
cut the umbilical chord?
i'd probably pass out if I were you
my mom said I was born feet first
and stuck too
Im just reading this but my stomach kind'a quench with the details
attach the hand blender? started bending and twitching?
that sounds like a horror birthing to watch
more so to experience eeekkk
thanks God I'm never going to experience this

Your own entry to this world sounds like a terrible orderal. Your poor mother!!

That hand blender was a vcuum thing that sucked onto the head and then they levered her out in quite a violent way. I just remember thinking, it cant get any worse. it cant get any worse. And the blood. oh lord. Everywhere!

Wasn't fuckity fuck the opening lines to 4 Wedding and a Funeral? Not that I was a Hugh Grant fan or anything!

A longer version was I think. Lord, that must be where I got it from. I am old!!!!

you are a hugh grant fan!

I'm probably one of the very few who watched the Lady and The Highwayman more than once lol

This is the best birthing narrative that I have ever read!

My favorite descriptor in the post:

Consultant sternly

I'd comment something rather more clever, but I cannot quit giggling. Hang in there!!!

I will be hanging strong!! Thank you, I thought I would get it out of my head and on virtual paper!

You are most welcome! We are all the better due to that extraction, both of them!😆

Yes indeed! We sure are!!! :0D

Well, that brought back some of my own memories... :-)

The cutting of the Sloths thingy, leatherish, weird. Felt like that strange pair of sciccors would not even be able to cut it at all. The apple of my eye had to be born through a cesarean section eventually.

Was glad to hear that first scream.

It was a good thing to hear, signalling that the ordeal was finally over. The cutting of the thing, it was not pleasant!!

It's all worth it in the end though eh!!! :0)

Exactly, I still remember how the cutting of 'it' felt, in my head it has a sound attached too... Yech.

Indeed, all worth it in the end! =D

I remember that too!! It didn't seem like it was going to go and then Schniirk!

Hahaha Dude, that totally is the experience and the sound to match!




It was like a scene from a slasher movie!! 🤣🤣

Yep. You'll never unsee it, huh!

I blew the comedic rhythm. No need to encourage me :D They say it's all about timing, you know. And I'm meandering along at the moment! Sawry.

p.s. I hope you took video in case you block it out

Lol. There was no video from that day. I thought death was coming!

😊 Little shop of horrors!

How's the beer coming along (or in?) up North?

This liddle village got very fucking weird, btw. Stories brewing and an escape plan developing. I guess that's why folks end up in secluded places by the coast.... so many stories! ;)

Also.... LOADS of beer here. I may start drinking again to stay sane! 👀

It has been quite beerless so far this weekend but having a BBQ this avo so I think there might be some then!!

Sometimes you need something to keep you sane. I find little places are always awash with stories and gossip! Are you getting the juice?

Dude! So much juice I could write a Stephen King novel.

Small towns are fucking weirder than green juice. 👀

Not sure I can share it on social media kinda weird. It could get someone arrested kinda weird. Don't call 911 kinda weird.

Hope you're well. I'm feeling a liddle better. I'll be bothering you more frequently soonish 👍

p.s. Hope the BBQ was brilliant and the beer was better

This post received a 21% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @meesterboom! For more information, click here!

I usually have the attention span of a three year old and never make it past the first sentence in the "funny" section, but I'm glad I made it to the end with this one. LOL!

Aw man that's superb. Thank you very much, you have made my evening!


Whoa, that's a rough enough read, let alone being there!
Wishing you a better go this time around mate!

Thanks mate. I too am wishing for a slightly easier go this time!!

You sir have got some skill. I just read this to my lady and had her laughing the whole time! Fantastic, I hope one day I can rescue my wife from a wailing bloody octopus! Hahah

I hope you get that joy too!! It only takes about a year for the image not to appear everytime you close your eyes ;0)

Just in time for another to begin growing I'm sure...

Why yes, so the horror joy never ends!!!

It's a bloody cycle BAHAHAH little pun fun there for ya ;) OK. Geez this wine I'm drinking seems to have already gotten to me.

Isn't that a great thing though when the wine is working!!

It really is...going on a winery tour tomorrow all day so I'm really going to put the wine through its paces. Or will it be the other way around?!?!

I dehidrated like two weeks ago... It was a nightmare I sat there for like an hour trying to stay conscious...

I feel your pain!! :0)

That's the NHS for you, if you went private the nurses would have been in stockings and sussies and sexy talking you through everything with Benny hill as the Doctor...

Why isn't life more Benny Hill! :0D

A question i ask myself on a regular basis.

It works make things so much better. Congrats, you are 50 rep now!!

upvoted based on title alone.

Yeeg, can't even fathom birthing an octopod. And watching the process unfold would be an experience of a lifetime. Surprised the jello-mold knee joints hold up throughout. Sure the next one will be easier for you, and give a high fiver to the Missus Meester for me in honor of all that hard work. Thanks for the brilliant read and continual mirth.

Cheers mate! I am hoping the next one will shoot out like a greased pig without any drama :0)

Well, it sounds like her first birth went about the same as mine. I had a vacuum assist, I'm assuming the claw was forceps? That was a consideration. My child was also stuck. I pushed for almost three hours which is unheard of, they were talking emergency c section, my poor hubby was also elbowed out of the way. I had a planned c section for the second child needless to say. I know people like to avoid that, but I honestly am hugely in favor of it now, it was sooo much better. And, while my daughter's head was shaped like a cone from all of the dastardly pressure put on it, my son had a perfect apple head lol.
I wish you both well!

A vacuum assist, I think that is the ventouse thing. The basically fastened it on to the baby's head and then it was suctioned on and they levered her out rather violently. It sounds like your experience was exactly the same.

Her head as well was all squished and scraped and a mess. It was quite the todo!!

I am sure it will all be grand this time. Perhaps number two will just fall out! :O)

Now that is every woman's hope I think...err, well, perhaps not for certain reasons. Have to think about that some more LOL

Hahaha, yeah there are definite plus's and minus's!!

Was it like in the movie "Alien". Chestburst and stuff?

It was, it was horrific!!

I'm glad you survived. An Alien apocalypse is not far :(

Survived and learned from it!! Lol

Hahahah...amazing post as always my friend, pretty funny too, learned a new word too "fuckity fuck".
Thanks for sharing :)

Fuckity fuck is awesome. It has so many good uses! I think it is one of my favourites!

That is why I look forward to your posts. Sometimes I need a good laugh and you always seem to deliver. Thanks.

Comments like this mean a lot, I hope not to disappoint! Cheers mate!

haha. great story! I got that feeling that your kids story are actually funny not parent-funy! You know how all parents think their kids stories ARE SO FUNNY and you can't stop yawning? :))
Your are legit interesting.
And the photo with the octopus is the best yet!!

Aw cheers man, I quite liked that octo photo!!

HEhe, I know exactly what you mean with the kids stories. My kid's are actually quite funny. But I suspect others would groan.

Horror and funny! ^^; @meesterboom

It's like a horror comedy! Cheers @bontonstory!!

Great post...I liked..Upvoted

Thank you very much dude!

You must welcome :))
images (3).jpg

Oh, man, childbirth has got to be the grandest mix of sheer horror and happiness. It's such a confusing bundle that scientist's have yet to decipher it. In my life, I have witnessed quite a few, but I cannot wait when I would be tasked to witness the birth of my own child. I'm over the moon with glee for you for Boom Baby Number 2.

Only you would have the guts to refer to the future Queen-Empress of Britannia that way haha! Your stories are always so animated, and I look forward to reading every last one. You really have a way of taking your readers where you were, pig blood spatter and all.

I can't believe nobody has commented this yet haha!

Oh thats magic, if I had access to that I would have put that in it!

It was a genuine harrowing time! But ultimately a joyous one so all is well that ends well! I look forward to you having your first dude! FAtherhood is quite the thing :O)

Obviously not if it's to an octo child. hehe

Or will it? We can't say for sure! Having an octo child might have its benefits haha! Not for me, I guess, but I'm sure other people will take advantage of that. No need for seatbelts of baby carriages for them haha!

I'm glad I'm able to add something new. You could still edit that in ;)

Haha, I could but I fear it would only fit if the context was built around the pic :0)

It might be a handy thing to have an octochild. Think of the fun to be had!!

You could scale walls on the back of your child, you could walk on ice without slipping, heck, you would never ever drop a single utensil when it's around. The possibilities are limitless! Why do I feel like I'm convincing myself that it's alright to have one? Haha!

You have talked yourself into it. Now you just have to get past the birth!!!

It's a hard sell for my lady though :( We're a long way's away anyway, so I better get busy creating a slide presentation about the benefits!

Damn, you narrate it too well. I am seeing blood all around me. Why did you decide to cut the umbilical chord yourself. Is it some kind of tradition?

It is a bit of tradition. They ask you if you want to do it prior to the birth. I think its meant to bring you closer to the whole thing. Ultimately you are left staring at the this wet looking tube of jerky that takes a surprising amount of effort to cut!!!

I didn't feel closer to the birth after doing it!!

Tradition or not, I'm glad more and more men are taking an active part in the birth process. A woman nourishes the baby in her womb through the umbilical cord. Upon birth, when the man cuts the umbilical cord, it's almost like assuring the baby that he will nurture and keep the baby safe always.

I can't stop laughing, thanks @meesterboom !

Oh you are most welcome @skytrex!!



good post
upvoted resteemed

Thank you very much!!

Keep a stiff upper lip. You'll pull through!

I can only hope, poor me!!! :0D

Just be sure to remind your other half how much pain, misery, and sacrifice this whole thing involves for you. I'm sure she'll respond well to that!

Oh I will, in fact I may have been intimating that already. She seems strangely unsympathetic!!!

Obnoxious boot
Uppity bastard

I'm done. Lol! 😄

Hehe, it was a longer list but I felt that was a succinct summing up!

Haha, I was expecting a mic drop after such a list.

Ha, now that would have been funnier!

Fricking Octopus! Swat it off! Hilarious. I haven't laughed out loud at the written word in awhile. Good luck Pappy.

Hehe, Cheers dude! I do try to wring a laugh from the written word!

You've succeeded once again. Keep the stories coming.

I shall!! ;0)

A smile make life so beautiful หัวเราะวันละนิดจิตแจ่มใส 😂😂😂 you are so funny 😂😂😂

I am all about the smiles me!! :0)

Nice post !



I've resisted the temptation to type these three letters for the last 15 fucking years but finally I must surrender! @meesterboom. Laugh out fuckin loud! :)

Ahv got no idea what you sound like so I've given you the voice of Chick Young! :)

Cheers bud!

Chick Young wouldnae be so far off the mark!! Cheers man!! You realise you will have broken the seal on the lol thing :0D

Nice illustrations. Almost looks like Grand theft auto style of drawing.

I do like that cartoonish style!!

lol awesome, keep up the good work bud. I cant even draw a stick figure properly so all the power to you.

Lol, it was all many apps, my drawing skills are quite limited too!

I almost failed kindergarten for not being able to draw within the lines, so you cant be as bad as me. lol

Hehe, at least you made it in the end!!

Nice! Great experience, one of the best narrative I read so far.

Wonderful story! Congratulations! Very honest recounting! Your style reminds me of Mark Haddon's.

I will have to check him out! I haven't read anything by him!! And Cheers man!!

'Curious incident of the dog in the nigh-time' is a classic! :D

Ah that guy!!! Yes. I have read that one, silly me!!!

I almost believe you man! Lol

Haha, I almost believe myself!!!! :0)

Hahaha That must be the funniest version of a childbirth from a new dad. Your story speaks volumes about your love for that little human you took home all those years ago. Loved it!