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RE: Apples

in #life6 months ago

The cake does indeed exist. In fact this story was an exaggerated/embellished excerpt of events that happened today. The cake was made and I mostly liked it!

I do love making the images to accompany the tales. Sometimes I get it very right and others... they just look nuts.

I think I am influenced my all the Gothic horror I read as a youth and of course the fact that I can be a right rude un thrown in 😀


Ha! I think the gothic horror influence is very evident. You say the story was an embellished version of something that happened to you earlier, I sincerely hope some of those things I read didn't actually happen!

I think you make the blend of horror and comedy work really well actually. Throw in some 'rudeness' as you call it and you have a great mix there.

Delighted to know the cake really does exist, I may have to get on that.

Thankfully make of the aforementioned events didn't happen. She just turned up with a basket of apples and carried through on a threat to make a cake 😀😀 she doesn't like me much though, that's where I get all the witchery from!