Publishing something would be cool! Let's try and write a post!
Do not ever watch it. You should the whole thing staring at him wondering what he trying to do by seeking so off-kilter and creepy
Publishing something would be cool! Let's try and write a post!
Do not ever watch it. You should the whole thing staring at him wondering what he trying to do by seeking so off-kilter and creepy
If I was to write a post, it would be about posting posts, and how. That way more people can too, and then some.
Depp in Fear and Loathing was solid. Can't even think of a reason to watch Depp as Wonka.
He can be good in many a role. I expected a quirky good performance even if the film world be no match for the original but eek.
And if I were to post it would be on how to not post just because you need to satisfy the daily gimme gimme gimme haha
Ah yes, thee ole throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks approach to failing. Don't forget to mention the stench!
Better add the just being facetious disclaimer...
When ya gonna post again ?