
Yep. You'll never unsee it, huh!

I blew the comedic rhythm. No need to encourage me :D They say it's all about timing, you know. And I'm meandering along at the moment! Sawry.

p.s. I hope you took video in case you block it out

Lol. There was no video from that day. I thought death was coming!

😊 Little shop of horrors!

How's the beer coming along (or in?) up North?

This liddle village got very fucking weird, btw. Stories brewing and an escape plan developing. I guess that's why folks end up in secluded places by the coast.... so many stories! ;)

Also.... LOADS of beer here. I may start drinking again to stay sane! 👀

It has been quite beerless so far this weekend but having a BBQ this avo so I think there might be some then!!

Sometimes you need something to keep you sane. I find little places are always awash with stories and gossip! Are you getting the juice?

Dude! So much juice I could write a Stephen King novel.

Small towns are fucking weirder than green juice. 👀

Not sure I can share it on social media kinda weird. It could get someone arrested kinda weird. Don't call 911 kinda weird.

Hope you're well. I'm feeling a liddle better. I'll be bothering you more frequently soonish 👍

p.s. Hope the BBQ was brilliant and the beer was better

That sounds mad wierd! I can understand it in a little place. I have only ever lived in big cities and everyone keeps themselves so much to themselves that Ithink it causes problems on the other end of the scale!

YUou can bother me as little or as often as you can and Iwill always think you are the bomb :O)

Oh you! :D

Bet it's the beer but i'll snap it up, wrap it up and keep it under my cap along with all the weirder than weird around the village!

Hugs and hoola hoops