
I know what you are going through.
Next time you are in the hardware ( hand tools shop) get some foam ear plugs to carry in your pocket, they cut a bit of the noise, especially when both sound off together.
Just wait, suddenly there is three, then you have the problem of, you can't have one each, someone, you, has two, while the boss has the little one. ( boob time)

Haha, there is categorically not going to be a third! The ear plugs is a smashng idea!

Have you changed your job? are you now a monk? remember one in every packet is an aspro, that's for the headache that is to follow.

Haha, no. Monk'ing but this tide of babies must be stopped!

what is the average number of kids in your country? here it is 2.75 per couple, the .75 may be a bit messy so go for three.
it gets easier as you more used to it.

I think it's 2.4 or something. I ain't for convincing. Am I guessing you might have three?

I am a sucker for punishment, 4, 1 girl,, who got me in here, then 2 more daughters, 2 in Wellington about 2.5hours away, two in Australia.