Haha, yes, it is good to clear up the burd thing in that case! It is a slang pronunciation of bird. It's quite derogatory, very popular in Glasgow though!
Oh yes, my big bro. A character and a half. We don't get on hugely. In fact we don't get on much! My sister must be my sister in law! She is a menace also. Goodness. What a wonderful family/extended family I have!
Ah, yes... 'Burd' as an affectionate term...
"You know why men call women 'Burd'?" I always ask the man using the term.
"No?" He'll say, smiling inanely at me because I'm giving him some attention.
"Because they pull worms," I'll say, smiling sweetly - OK, I don't do 'sweetly' but you know... ;)
Oh I know!! I have heard htat one being said sweetly before. That is why I am quite careful never to call a girl burd
Honey Pie does just fine!
Sister-in-law! Right! I knew that! Haha! That's why I was hesitant to put that in. I wasn't sure if it's your sister or your good lady's. Nice to know that my memory gets it wrong sometimes.
The only other slang bird is used for here is to refer to men's other head--the brains of the operation, obviously.
Hehe, you still have quite the memory!
Ah the little bird, that is a new one on me although I have likened mine too a hawk on occasion
Oh wow seriously? I thought that eupemism was quite universal haha! The more you know. People have always likened mine to a pelican. Who am I to disagree? Who am I!? No, seriously. I've hit my head, and I can't seem to recall who I am.