
Dad of the Year nonetheless! Hahaha! Oh I'm sure that widdwe baby waugh would put a smile on your face no matter how messy things get :D

That is true. It seems strangely easy just now. Waiting for the storm!!

Haha! I'm sure you'll have a way easier going this time around. Time has already hardened you and fortified you with experience, dude!!

It seems a little easier so I am hoping that's not a first week fluke. Although the nights are a little difficult but thats to be expected!

I'm with you there wishing it so, dude! But, if we're being realistic, there will be down weeks, but I truly believe that'll normalize to levels better than what you expect :D

Oh yes, there will be down weeks. I shall approach them in the way I approach all of life. With a fire in belly and a stick in my hand!!

Man, grab the reins whenever you can haha! Once your children strike an accord and decide to collaborate, you're going to wish for more peaceful (and compliant) times hahaha!

I speak as if all hell's going to break loose, but really, there's a huge chance that they're going to get along great and be model children!