Aha!! Look at that foilage!!! And fancy that, we both posted about facial hair!! Might I add, you're was way more lush than mine...
It's funny too, I just answered a comment mentioning shaving today!!
Aha!! Look at that foilage!!! And fancy that, we both posted about facial hair!! Might I add, you're was way more lush than mine...
It's funny too, I just answered a comment mentioning shaving today!!
Why yes! You! :0p
Ach! At this rate, I might be able to get to that in a day or two! If I remember correctly, I'm at the latest Automaton! Really going at it at a snail's pace haha! Also, this might be the first time mine was way more lush than someone else's. You have made my day, BRO-seph. My heart is full, so thanks for that, BRO-ses!