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RE: Grurp

in #life11 days ago

Thats the bribing that we are currently doing!

Yeah, that is the hope of it. By removing the giant adenoids and tonsils they hope to have a clearer airway for the glue in her glue ear to drain away. I am heartened to hear it worked as intended with you!


It's apparently a timeless bribing technique. : ) Totally worked in my case, they also put "tubes" in my ears during that procedure to help with drainage. It was my first time spending the night away from home and I kept climbing out of the bed and trying to escape the hospital.

They were going to do that with my daughter too but she has a huge issue with ear wax and they worked that some would get through the tubes and cause an infection in the inner ear.

Still, two ops to help with it all should do a good bit of difference!!