You are welcome. I just checked out your blog. I am surprised given all the stuff you wrote there that you were engaging in comment spamming - That is, writing complimentary comments on a post without voting for it. It's disappointing to see.
I hope that doesnt mean that everything you wrote was just rubbish. If so, you will get found out
Honestly I do vote on post after commenting and I stated it on my introductory post.
I guess today was not really me.
To err is human but to forgive is divine, I was happy when you forgave, what I did deserves flagging, but you were lenient enough. When I wrong people I also try my best to apologize Thanks so much really feel bad for what happened today.
Won't happen again. Thanks for at least taking time to read my introductory post.
I am very sorry
That's alright, you should know that people are watching for that kind of non-voting thing and you will not do very well here by being so dishonest
Alright.... Thanks for the advice and caution
You are welcome. I just checked out your blog. I am surprised given all the stuff you wrote there that you were engaging in comment spamming - That is, writing complimentary comments on a post without voting for it. It's disappointing to see.
I hope that doesnt mean that everything you wrote was just rubbish. If so, you will get found out
Honestly I do vote on post after commenting and I stated it on my introductory post.
I guess today was not really me.
To err is human but to forgive is divine, I was happy when you forgave, what I did deserves flagging, but you were lenient enough. When I wrong people I also try my best to apologize Thanks so much really feel bad for what happened today.
Won't happen again. Thanks for at least taking time to read my introductory post.