
Cool, I'll keep my eyes open then!

I live in Babylon so I'm already in a cold metal doom 👀 getting colder than ever lately

Is that biblical Babylon? Where is that these days!

40 miles south east of Watford. Can't miss it. Big sprawling mess of a place full of empty skyscrapers (banks) and 8 million zombies!

That exactly where I live 🤣 !LOL

I feel for you dude 😂😂👍

For fuck sake 🤣 you too live in this madness?

😂😂 Only occasionally when I have too! 👍

Hahaha, I worked down there for a bit!!! Or at least I worked in Canary wharf which it sounds like!

Bingo! You got it 😂😂👍


What a weird soulless place it was! Although the del/snack lunch place I went to was blummin awesome

No I mean Babylon as The System 🤣 this western society, humans detached from themselves and from life...

I'm in London 😁

Haha, I am sharp today!!!

Welcome to another UKr!!

Ahaha thanks a lot! 🇬🇧🇮🇹🇵🇱 those are my colours now lol

I've been living here since almost 6 years, soon I'll be able to become a proper british (propa bri-ish 🤣) if I wanted to and get the citizenship, british or english? Who knows, I'll start studying for it when it will be time 🤣

Cheers for the chat, I enjoyed it 💪

Propah brit! You are welcome. I think you would ace the citizenship test although it is a dashed funny thing. Half of the native British people wouldn't be able to pass it. It has the weirdest questions about the monarchy and history!

Ahahah I know, thanks! I learned a lot in a good way thanks to the fact that I work in an office where I'm the only foreigner 🤣🤣🤣 really grateful for all the help and support received from my colleagues, the banter and everything, really!

And about the questions and what you say about the test you're absolutely right, one day for a joke we did it in the office and they didn't know how to answer to half of the questions 🤣 all british guys from around London

And they still correct me to this day when I mispell something or say something wrong, really great guys!