Exactly. I always like reading from the source rather than a rush job of a translation to avoid plagiarism detecting which is what most of them do.
Long time no see dude! I didn't know you were here!
Exactly. I always like reading from the source rather than a rush job of a translation to avoid plagiarism detecting which is what most of them do.
Long time no see dude! I didn't know you were here!
I've been back for about a month, month and a half so far.
Oh and by the way I like your image for this post. It looks like you are channeling Devin Townsend and getting ready to sing Kingdom. :)
Tis good to see an old face, you know what I mean. Hope you are enjoying it? Its a bit more different and yet a bit more exactly the same.
Old Devin.. Haha, oh that takes me back. I haven't heard of him for a while, I will of course pretend that is exactly the look I was going for!
So far so good. It feels a lot like when Steemit was still a fun place to be. I'd say even a little better. The spam down votes are not nearly as bad YET.
Not yet, hopefully never but I will go with not yet!!
Yeah, it defo has the early vibe going on before the bots wrecked everything and everyone became gnarly!
By the way...
IF that is not you then someone may be trying to draft off of your momentum. :)
I noticed it because it is the only account to downvote a post I did a couple of days ago. If it was you then that is fine as I can see why someone might want to downvote that particular post. Though with you I'd think you would be pretty vocal about why you did so. This person said nothing.
Hehe bells, that was me. I didn't even notice the author which is quite shameful. Sorry about that.
Its a terrible case of skimming a post for STEM and in STEM I can be a bit trigger happy as it suffers terribly from misuse of the tag. Which I mistakenly thought this was. I used to drop an explanation to posts I downvoted over there but it became quite an arduous task explaining the same thing over and over. Usually about the price of coins not being very STEM. In this case though, it was a genuine case of mistaken STEMity. I have fixed it now and even read the piece properly so once again, I do apologise.
Hey. If you have a legit reason then down vote. I just noticed the name.
I could actually see it as downvoted legit for the #science tag. I am not sure why I used that tag for that post. Likely because I wanted some people with scientific minds to chime in.
I haven't written any METAL posts yet. Though I can feel them percolating back there somewhere in the gray matter.
Oh you need to get on it, there ain't enough metal in this ...
Bloody tried to embed it and failed
Heh. The first Anthrax song I really liked. Though I loved "Among the Living" in its entirety when it came out... played the hell out of that album.
Same here, I had sort of liked them in passing, then this came out and I listened to it non stop and then had to go back and re-listen to them again with a bit more intent. Great band
I had to do it. I liked your intro image so much I had to reblog it. :P
Lol, cheers man. Now if anyone else says Devin Townsend I must remember to say yes of course that's what I was going for :OD
Check it out if you haven't seen it...
Just toss some glasses on him and you're there.
Lol, you might be right! :0D