I scampered toward the entrance of the lane like a demented thing on steroids. This bloody smoking vaping man was gonna hear me and no mistake. I rounded the corner and shouted.
Right you!
There was no-one there.
The lane was quite a short one. A few rubbish bins in the middle and steam billowing up from some kind of grating in the ground.
I walked along, eyes glued to the ground like fetid conkers, looking for clues.
There was a discarded condom near one of the bins. I picked it up and rubbed it between my fingers to see if it was still warm. No. It was as cold as this case was becoming. I threw it away contemptuously.
Nothing to see here then.
I heard a crow call and scanned around me.
Sitting on one of the bins was a large one. Black as night. It regarded me with a bastard of a crow face.
What do you know of Project Cirrus?
I demanded. Somewhat irrationally it could be said.
It tilted its head to one side and regarded me with a eye like diseased caviar. It hopped back a bit.
I moved toward it one hand straying slowly to my back pocket. Call me mad or call me Josephine but I was suddenly quite convinced that this crow had all the answers.
Spill the beans you dirty bastard crow!
At my raised voice it opened it's wings and fanned them aggressively at me.
Quick as a whip my fist flashed out releasing my trusty spoon which sped like an arrow and biffed it straight on the head. It dropped to the ground.
I moved forward and bent to retrieve my spoon from beside the crow corpse.
You know nothing, crow.
I spat at it.
Time to head back to the office.
I sat at my desk.
Were there any calls for me Mikey?
I'm not your fucking PA and for the last fucking time my name's not fucking Mikey!?!?!
Listen Mikey, when your looking at the tail end of a ten stretch, you will do anything to keep on the straight and narrow...
I tapped my nose.
Anything... Anyway, no calls?
Mikey sulked and pushed a post-it note toward me grudgingly.
Yeah, El Jefe called, asked you to go see him.
Cheers sweetheart.
I gave Mikey a lecherous wink.
I knocked and pushed open the door of El Jefe's office. I was always surprised that his office wasn't the toilet given the hours he spent in there groaning and straining.
Come in.
I entered, pausing only slightly when I saw that there was another occupant in the office with El Jefe. He stood.
Ah BoomDawg, I understand you have met Carlate?
I briefly shook her hand. She was the sassy business lady I had met in the basement, it seemed like a lifetime ago.
We meet again.
I said smoothly as if I had asked for a hotdog and been served a bratwurst.
El Jefe, looked between us suspiciously.
And I understand you have been asking around about Project Cirrus? Tell me, what have you heard?
El Jefe leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. His demeanour said it all. He thought he had me. Perhaps even now he had some toughs outside ready to fill me in and leave in a dumpster with a ladies sock crammed in my mouth.
Not today El Jefe.
What do I know?
I gestured around me, as if showing off my completed Lego Death Star.
Much as they say that the Cloud is just someone else's computer, it's more than that when you take into account interconnected enterprise systems each sitting on very different platforms. Integration is key and that my friend is where you need a solid test strategy to ensure that when the lead goose honks. You ain't the one out of formation.
El Jefe let out a big breath as if I had just burst him with a prick.
Carlate smiled, with lips the colour of freshly spilled blood.
Yes, I couldn't have put it better myself. Which is why you are moving up to the eighth floor as of next week to join us.
It was my turn to smile. All feral teeth and jaws.
With pleasure...
In my head I slammed closed the file marked Project Cirrus and tried not to dwell on the fact that we didn't have an eighth floor...
You know nothing, crow...was that a GOT reference?
Good one Josephine! Looking forward to the Mystery of the 8th floor...lol!
It was, it totally was!!! I laughed and laughed when I wrote it because sometimes I think I am nuts!!! hahaha, love ya lass!!
If you're nuts, you're in good company- I say normal is borrinnggg! Love ya more me boom!
Wayhay for nuts!!! :OD
I love every moment of your 'nuttyness' and I agree .... normal is so boring.
No mystery (or crow) is safe with detective boom on the case.
The crows had their chance!! Hehe :0)
Now I know the exact kind of creature I should work hard to be every day, from now.
No way man. NO WAY you actually have a completed Lego Death Star... The force must be strong with you.
I don't!!!! I don't!! But if I did that is exactly how I would look :0D
"You" picked up a discarded condom!!! bleccccchhhh and eeewwwww
I could barely read the rest!!
Hahaha, that bit admittedly was fiction!! Hehe
I fixed it....I put quotes around "You" :0)
Hehehe!!! I was tempted to put and gave it a sniff to see if it was fresh... In the text
thank goodness your right mind took over ;0)
Hehe, yes indeed!!!!
I still amazed you killed a crow with a spoon! Was it an African crow or an Asian crow? (I’ll be impressed if you get that weak reference). Maybe she meant something with different punctuation? You’ll be joining us on the 8th, floor. Meaning the 8th if the month on the floor? Perhaps? Ya think?
Haha, I have no idea what the weak reference could be!!
Perhaps she did! Maybe she was playing in words like a trickster!!
Ok I’ll admit I might have the details wrong but perhaps you’ve seen Monty python and the holy grail where the bridge keeper asked about the weight of a sparrow and the other guy says “...do you mean an African sparrow or a European sparrow ( here is where I’m going from memory). Anyway that was my weak attempt to use that reference!
Oh, oh!! That rings a bell. I suspect you are right!!!! Lol!!
Ok I’ll admit I might have the details wrong but perhaps you’ve seen Monty python and the holy grail where the bridge keeper asked about the weight of a sparrow and the other guy says “...do you mean an African sparrow or a European sparrow ( here is where I’m going from memory). Anyway that was my weak attempt to use that reference!
I like this so much I am gonna answer it again!! ;0)
Sorry my phone was acting like it didn’t post the first one or maybe I was stressing my point
Lol, I thought it would be something like that :O)
No eighth floor? Hmm. Perhaps next Mr.Boom will be getting messages in cabbage leaves...
You got me there, what movie reference is my slow brain missing!!!
Oh, God! Book 1. George Burns plays God. It is a great comedy. Old movie. Maybe before your time?
Maybe just a tiny bit. I do know who George Burns was though so all is not lost!
Sometime, when you are bored, see if you can find the movie. It's from 1977 starring George Burns and John Denver. It is based on a book by Avery Corman. It is a classic.
I will defo keep it in mind. I do like a classic!
wow, that's committing to the search.
What kind of offices that? that you could hear moans and others.
strange things happen, sure it had to do with the Cirrus Project
The truth is that you were victorious, because the boss wanted to grab you "with your hands in the dough" and could not
Hehe, it is an awfully strange office with awfully strange inhabitants :OD
Well, I'm sure there is an 8th floor - but it can only be reached through the fake door in El Jefe's private supply room in his office .... or by the special elevator that is programmed to only accept the iris scans and hand prints of certain high-clearance-level persons. But I guess we'll find out all about that next time .... "used condom"? really? lol. :D
It could be where they keep the aliens!!! :0)
Oooooh, aliens! This is going to be awesome! :D
Dammit, now there will have to be aliens lol!!! ;0)
Hehehe :D
Tune in next week as the great detective boom finds the missing eighth floor.
( it is really the seventh but they had run out sevens when they were doing the numbering and thought nobody would notice, like 11, 12, 14, 15
Heh heh, you might not be too far off there!
@meesterboom Can be crows found in the city? Please what is project circus, I've been meaning to ask you this,gosh!!!!!! Is it related to programming?
It's related to putting all of our stuff in the cloud!
And yes, we have loads of crows :0)
Hehehe 😁
The Great Glass Elevator will take you to the 8th floor.
Once you get to Cirrus ... Stratus will follow.
And cumulus!!! I am actually reading Willie Wonka's chocolate factory right now!
I had my order backwards ...
Stratus --> Cumulus --> Cirrus
BoomDawg is already at the top!!!
I'm hoping it turns out to be a citrus flavored beer with an ABV of 11.2.
Lol, that would be a pretty good result all round ;0)
Carlate's entrance to the office looks very strange; Normally when someone arrives unexpectedly to work in an office and with a medium range, it is because someone is going to be fired. The Cirrus Project may involve the revision of the entire employee roster to verify where the most qualified candidates are. Definitely, I think that in the future there will be a victim with the arrival of Carlate ... We'll see. Greetings @meesterboom
Goodness me. I bloody hope not!! Cheers @cjao20!
the vaping man is the key, the crow was able to lose his life and not give away his master, the condom had DNA, maybe he knew that he was behind the whole Cirrus projectthe eighth floor will come to light next week dear friend @meesterboom, are those floors that can only see a few privileged, but be careful, it could be a trap.
Your thinking more and more mirrors mine @jlufer!!
OMG... I need to go back and read all the postings I missed..lol...I'm Baaaack.....upvoted and resteemed
Welcome back!!
Nice finish. I can only imagine the direction that the story would have taken if the condom was warm. Or maybe I don't want to. lol
I think there are places that no-one wants the story to go!! hehe
You remembered me when I was a teenager I use to make fun of my classmate, telling him very loud "You suck used condom!"
I think I said the same thing to people that annoyed me as well when I was a teenager!
I said it to everybody randomly, in repetition, to make myself laugh.
I was such an idiot.
Lol, sounds magic to me!! :0D
I still couldn't get over the condom bit. In my honest opinion, it's by far the best piece of detectivity I've seen quite possibly ever. I'm glad I came back just in time for the big reveal. Great to see everything being tied tofether in a neat little bow! That crow Jon Aegon would be proud!
Yes indeed, the reveal which you had ably saw through From the very first!!! But yes, I can hope that good old Jon would be proud!!
I think we are following the wrong story here, the mysterious condom crow connection. Who is the crow f*cker...find him and you'd find the eighth floor.
Damn Floor stealing crow f*cker.
It always comes back to those bloody crow fuckers!! :0D
So true, I think I have a pillow with that embroidered on somewhere, now where did I put that? ;)
Great as always, a spoon? Innovative armament, to say the least.
You know where you are with a good spooning ;0)
"There was a discarded condom near one of the bins. I picked it up and rubbed it between my fingers to see if it was still warm"
OMG!!....I hope you were wearing gloves!...LOL...I just had to come back and read it again.
Hehe, that's a good bit!
Nice one uncle boom..
Cheers mate!
I'm surprised you were not disgusted that you pick up that condom and rubbed it with your hands and you kill the crow. Oooo.
I think the eighth floor is under construction I guess? Upvoted!
Our floors go higher than eight!! :0)
So nice story i like your post its great story @meesterboom
Pleas down the flag what is problum
I see your alt account @allsz had flagged several of my posts. Would you like me to start flagging your posts?
You picked the wrong fight here
Your post has been selected on my station, continue contributing quality content hoping curation hunters will find your post
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This is fucking hilarious
No vote eh
I am tempted to flag this. There is no photography and I seriously doubt you read it. I will look at your profile first and see if this is a copy and paste type comment
wow very nice video
AHAHAHAHAHAH Did you take heavy drugs before to record this?