Pretty Colours

in #life6 years ago


It was lunchtime and I was trapped in a grimy, windowless room for an urgent meeting. The urgency was over the creation of a report and how it should be distributed.

I could have wept at the futility of it all.

Even worse, it was sunny outside.


A sense of desperation to get out there and enjoy the first proper warm day of the year radiated from me and the fellow attendees.

Well, almost all of the attendees.

I mean, shouldn't we be attempting to be a paperless office?

Squawked Pero-Pero, indignantly in a bid to appear important.

Despite my best efforts I groaned out loud. Oh yes Pero-Pero because someone has to mention paperless office at every meeting since the eighties.

Pero-Pero glared at me as if instead of sighing, I had chewed his cornflakes with my buttocks.


All our stuff is, it's you lot, the Design Team that insists on printing everything out.

I smiled smugly as if indeed I had buttocked his cornflakes and was now spooning them into his mouth.

I had been trapped in meetings all day and was rapidly losing patience at the amount of guff twaddle that was spouted.

It seemed that instead of actually trying to achieve things that many people made a career out of going to meetings and just talking out and out tosh. Pero-Pero being a fine example. He had already extended this meeting twenty minutes beyond the expected hour and showed no sign of running out of steam.

I think it's something that we all, as a project. Nay, a company have to consider.

Pero-Pero stated this last with the pomposity of a wine waiter in a posh restaurant.



I responded, vibrating my lips labially as I stroked the big printout in front of me as if it was a fluffy white cat.

El Jefe raised a magisterial hand.

Guys, guys. Maybe we should take the paperless thing offline?

Happy to.

I said, knowing full well that saying such a thing actually means let's move on and not bother our arse with that.

Pero-Pero shot me a glance that would have killed a daffodil or at least made it feel slightly ill.


I looked pleadingly at El Jefe. Come on... It's sunny outside, let's end this charade and let us go? I mentally projected at him.

El Jefe raised a forefinger to his chin and made his patented thinking face. We had all seen it before so no-one panicked that he had had a stroke. The seconds stretched out. I could tell that he wasn't thinking at all because there were no ominous creaking noises.

Eventually he sighed and spoke.

Hmmm. If we don't want to go down the paper route perhaps we could make some kind of digital dashboard?

He stroked his chin.

Yes. That's it. Perhaps we should kick a few ideas around about the format? Anyone?

Pero-Pero opened his mouth excitedly, like a hamster with a new stone.


I stood.

Right. I will do it. I will send you a draft this afternoon. I shall put lots of graphs with pretty colours on it. Now I am going to have my lunch, in the sun.

El Jefe smirked and nodded. Pero-Pero mumbled something that sounded like no need to be precious.

I leered at him as if it was our wedding night.

And I will print it out as well to send via the internal mail for everyone to approve.

I stomped off to enjoy my lunch in the sun.


Ooh, you have opened summer season, at least...We have done that a while ago. Actually, after 23 March we re-opened winter season with snow, after we have just closed it, then opened summer season, then autumn and now again summer bycicle season. When I studied, I thought to work like mechanical engineer for somebody but now, I would not change my freedom by being my own boss. Your job meetings sound like cell meetings, no windows and less air it should be...😫😝😓

That sounds exactly like here! The seasons changing with the day!

No windows should be a crime, it really annoys me when I have to go to one of those rooms

I prefer office-less papers and telephone-less wires. Much better for having a quiet lunch outside.

Did he really say "nay"? I only use that when writing faux archaic English.

He did! He is quite the affected fellow. He also said efficacy which I have never heard anyone say!

I have used that in formal documents, but I don't think I ever said it out loud. Still, listening to affected folk is good for my vocabulary, but somehow hard to do for more than a few minutes, and they seem to be offended when you giggle.

They do, they think they are impressing everyone. I snigger loudly :OD

uch stuck inside when it's FINALLY sunny outside. I feel your pain Boom.

Luckily, for me, today is daddy-day. I got to stay home (like every tuesday) to take care of the wee one on this beautifully sunny day. I highly recommend it. Since he'll be going to school in september, but the day has set a precedent if you know what I mean wink wink nudge nudge

btw, what is it you actually do for a living ?

Aw man, that is so cool! I have a Daddy day on a Monday, it is truly awesome. I love spending that extra bit of time with the family. My oldest will be going to school in August. It's quite the thought.

Hehe, I am a Test Consultant. Fancy title for a fighty job!

Test Consultant. Talk about a job title that could mean anything haha. Well, as long as it pays the bills 😊

It's nice and vague. I like it that way!

Ack, meetings! When I was working, meetings meant working late several nights before hand, providing analyses, creating charts and graphs in pretty colours, and printing out reams of paper for umpteen committee members. On the other hand, all those things did give me a well-paying job, lol. (... vibrating my lips labially ... totally cracked me up! LOL!)

Hehe, my expressions were on fire today lol!!

Ya just gotta have the printout to write on, scribble thoughts on, jot down ideas. By the time you open up the Word document, they're gone!

I do like a good printout scrawl. Its a great way of note taking!

Spring is always a wonderful time that makes one want to be out there.
I remembered someone predicted there will be less printing with computers and word processing. We ended up printing much more than before.

Totally, our office is absolutely chock-a-block with stacks of printouts!

Meetings! How I used to loathe them. A colossal waste of time almost always. A committee meeting is worst. Nothing is ever accomplished. I think I would have done what you did. As a matter of fact, I have. I wonder though, was it all a plot for them to get you to do the work and make you believe the whole thing was your idea...

I wondered that myself. Some kind of torture to make me volunteer for the scut work!! Anywhere else yes, but they ain't clever enough lol!!!

Disastrous is the paper office, or that is for me... once while walking with a folder full of documents fell and everything was messed up, and so I felt for the first time a grunting of an angry boss, I just wanted to go down the toilet.

Oh dear! I print everything out to annoy the guy that sits near me lol!

the pomposity of a wine waiter in a posh restaurant.
buttocked his cornflakes
vibrating my lips labially
killed a daffodil or at least made it feel slightly ill.
I leered at him as if it was our wedding night.

Hahahaha, I always love your sayings, but today they are particularly hilarious to me, you were on a roll me boom! And I am drinking wine as I imagine the end of the world...haha, I posted the first part. Yup, only the first, because only me could not possibly stick to my own contest rules. Oh, the first part is fairly depressing. It will get better!

Hahahah, yes, I was struggling to fit the story in between all my boomisms, lol!!

I am off to read your CONTRAVENTION OF THE RULES!!!

The paperless office is an urban legend.

I truly believe so!

And I will print it out as well to send via the internal mail for everyone to approve.

Haha! I love it! I spent a few years in banking and with each promotion, the number of meetings seemed to go up exponentially. By the time I was a branch manager, it seemed I was out of my office more than I was in! And it was mostly just patting each other on the back for this or that in order to 'motivate' those who weren't accomplishing great things! I remember trying to skip meetings and being treated as if i'd committed some cardinal sin! Maybe if we didn't have so many bloody meetings, we could all reach our goals!

The powers that be labelled them goals but they were treated like quotas!

Anyway, since I've been a stay at home mom for 12 yrs now, when I feel nostalgic about my career, I just remember those days and the feeling quickly subsides! 😂

Yeah, just remember the meetings is definitely a thing to do! Adn you can't skip them without people acting as if you threw a dog out of a window! It's madness

I always hated meetings at lunchtime, I worked more than fifteen hours a day, and it did not bother me, but when I had lunch, it made me very angry, lunch was sacred. I also acted in that way, well done dear friend. @ meesterboom
I wish you a beautiful night

Lunchtime is something not to be meddled with, one day they will all understand!! :O)

Hello @meesterboom, I see how you explain, with your style, the situations that you have to face in the office and particularly what has to do with the project of computer implantation that they are carrying out, and I remember similar episodes that I had to live. Yes, many papers (a lot of bureaucracy), to please those who direct a project and try to show unreal results and often neglect the true essence or the true objective of the implantaciòn ... I went through something similar, and the amount of time invested in filling the virtual library of those who direct the Project is really unjustified ... in the end very few see these reports and simply limit themselves to waiting for practical results of the implantation, which probably will have a deficiency in the practice of users ... Fewer papers and more practicality!


No one ever see them! It's so true. Once we had an initiative to assess which ones were being looked at and over 80% of them werent!

It was good that El Jefe took the cue to end the meeting early or else it would have been disastrous for meesterboom. The weather outside was meant to be enjoyed! Upvoted!

Always enjoy that weather, is my motto!

Who does that? Who build a room without windows?
Killing a daffodil it's an horrible thing to do and the intention/look is even worst.

They do it in my place. It's horrible, The building is on a hill so half of it the bottom theree floors are underground at the back, yuk!

after all you still enjoy your lunch in the sun. Hope the radiation of the sun didn't affect you much @meesterboom?

Or was lovely and warm. Made me feel alive!

How warm? Go on, give me a temperature so I can laugh and say "yeah, nah, that's not warm".

We made it to...

I am embarassed to say because we all thought it was so amazing...

16 degrees!!!

Yeah, nah, that's not warm. But I'll admit it's pretty good for Scotland. I can imagine how excited everyone was.

It was almost taps aff weather!

wow...that is great! i am glad you had a wonderful time despite the interruptions.

hot air with a tight meeting agenda sometimes makes us growl, I've experienced it like that: D

That is very true

I think there is nothing more a waste of time than meetings..

Office language, office culture, office humor

caramaba muchacho!

It's an awfully full waste of time. But still, if it means some pretty colours and charts then they will be happy lol

Does it make you a little disappointed

What, that you voted for your own comment and not the post?

Well, yes. A little bit.


Hoi @meesterboom!

Wij zijn @alldutch, de grootste en gezelligste Nederlandstalige Steemit community 😁. Wij vinden dat er meer Nederlandse content op Steemit moet verschijnen.

We zijn met meer dan 150 leden en groeien elke dag.
We willen je graag uitnodigen om een keer te komen buurten.

Je kunt ons vinden op Discord :

Je bent van harte welkom! Tot snel?


Als ik Nederlands was zou het een plezier zijn! ;O)

Vlamingen zijn ook van harte welkom! Of anderen die Nederlands/Vlaams spreken.

I’m with you! I hate long pointless meetings and since people want to go paperless there is actually more printing going on than ever! Well played Sir Meesterboom!

Hehe, it was a necessary thing to do. Can't have that sun a spoiling!

when you posted this title it made me think of this old Chicago Song. Fancy Colours

I didn't know it! I do now though. Cheers!

Thank you for an interesting post! May happiness and prosperity be with you!

I think some people just love the sound of their own voice. And why always a damn meeting during lunch time? That is my biggest perk at my job. I see my boss maybe once a year for a meeting

There's always that one guy like that. I mean, I get where he's coming from, but coooommmmeeeee onnnnnn. It's funny how you aliased him Pero-Pero, Boomcyclone. In Filipino, it literally means "But... But..." hahaha!