
in #life7 years ago


All great things come to an end. Today the good lady had the whip out. Not the top sauce kind that involves her dressing like a rabbit but instead the chores whip.

It didn't start that way, however, oh no.

In the morning I got up and had breakfast with the family. Like any bloke does I hid the pain and the suffering from the previous night's birthday celebrations so as to maintain maximum mannity. Whilst I crunched on some exceedingly dry toast which went well with my dried up insides, the good lady became all chatty.


You don't seem very hungover?

She enquired.

Oh, nah, I'm not. You know me ladychick. The beer machine.

I lied, whilst my dessicated insides groaned and creaked.

Did you have a lot to drink?

Not really, just a few beers.

I lied again, whilst in my head, the tsunami of last nights beer retreated leaving just empty bottles and shot glasses glittering on the shores of my memory.

Did you get in late?

She enquired with a kind face.

No, I don't think it was too late. It was all fairly civilised.

Civilised eh?

She remarked with what could almost be described as a smirk.

Yes, civilised.

She was being a little obtuse I felt. Although I did have a nagging feeling of something being slightly amiss. I dismissed it with a mental flourish.

How was your kebab?

She threw at me from left field.


Uumm, it was fine. Yes, it was fine.

I lied with a mild desperation. What kebab? I don't remember a kebab. Dang. I must have been a little more stocious than I remembered. Hmmm, perhaps that was the problem. My memories toward the end of the night were indeed a little hazy.

And the snow, that snow was wild eh?

Wild snow? What was she talking about? I could see out the window, there was no snow? Although now that she mentioned it, something about snow tickled my memory.

At least by going straight to bed you will have gotten lots of quality sleep!

She exclaimed as if her best cow had just won a prize.

Erm, yeeeees. I suppose so.

I suspected I might be in trouble. I couldn't really remember getting home. Always a tricky situation.


She stood up and swept her arm towards the sofa behind us.

So you didn't come rolling in the door at three AM shouting about the Damn Snow with a kebab in your hand. Nor did you spill said kebab all over the floor to the sofa. Nor would you have then sprinkled little bits of kebab meat around you whilst attempting, I presume, to put bits of it in your mouth?

I made a face and squirmed in my chair as if lifting a bum cheek to let a cheeky out.

And of course you didn't fall asleep on said sofa and I didn't have to get up at 4AM to come down and rouse you up and into your bed? Which was comedy in itself.

I decided there was only one way out.

Of course not milady, how preposterous to even suggest such a chain of events!

She smiled.

Well I am glad you enjoyed it.

Then the chores came but I didn't mind. A hazy memory and a kebab is always worth it.


I know comments are supposed to be more than just complimentary. All the newbie tutorials advise to strive to add valuable content to the post or whatnot, but I just have to tell you that I can't. I have nothing to share but my gratitude because in the short time I've followed you, I've learned this. When I'm having one of those days where the 4 kids are somehow all timing their tantrums and hormonal issues to land on the same day and I want to pull my hair out and run away, I can count on you @meesterboom for a chuckle, sometimes even a guffaw! Thank you and please continue your good work sir! Cheers and happy belated birthday!

Aw, that's lovely. Thank you for such a lovely comment. I do my best to entertain :0) is funny how kids just seem to all go into meltdown at the one time. I struggle with two let alone four!

Hey, this is one of the best comments I've seen in a while. In more than a little while. :)

Top comment! I approve. I too enjoy reading the shenanigans of Mr. Boom. It makes my day just a little brighter.


I always enjoy reading your episodes when I catch them. Now I did because my notifications showed me your name. Sad to see you “leave” me. 🧡 it was my pleasure Dear @meesterboom

Hello lass!! Forgive my hungover head. I have been too free with the unfollow button today. In fact I think I was getting drunk on it. I fixed it though. I shall never leave you again! :0)

Hahaha got yaaaa!
I don’t dare to leave you but I just did and will also correct it as a human reaction🤖
One thing, I am a little annoyed with is that I follow too many that I can’t see my Favourites anymore.
I should get drunk as well and just push those buttons 😉

Hehe, you did get me. I was like oh my god how positively rude of me!!

Drinking is definitely good for helping with the button mashing lol :0D

No worries! I’m happy that at least I caught a little chat with you again. It used to be so much more cozy in the old days 😺

Me too, you know you are right there. I was talking to another old timer and we were saying exactly the same thing. So many people on now. Progress brings its own challenges!

True true! I have to admit that I lost a little bit of my passion and My articles are kind of lame but I guess that’s called burn out. I hope that I will find my Mojo again. Anyways sending you a big hug 🤗

Haha. It's been years since the Mrs. has had the opportunity to mess with my hungover persona. Now, I find other ways to wind up working on that chores list. Truth be told, I don't really mind either. Gives me a way to stay out of trouble. :)

It's all about that staying out of trouble. I don't generally get to show off the hungover persona too much myself now. It's good to give it an airing though :0)

@inalittlewhile i don't know of any other person but i have to read you like four times, my laughter increasing each time. Funny to me, your comment

Well I can write in (close to) perfect AP English. But I think people would rather read me as I speak. :)

I'm following you @pulchritude. Now we got to get you to post something. :)

So you didn't come rolling in the door at three AM shouting about the Damn Snow with a kebab in your hand. Nor did you spill said kebab all over the floor to the sofa. Nor would you have then sprinkled little bits of kebab meat around you whilst attempting, I presume, to put bits of it in your mouth?

What is your good lady going on about? Of course that's the only way real men end their birthdays! Do the chores, but for Gob's sakes man, hold your head up high. You performed like a real gentleman! I mean, who complain about the snow if not for a man, right!? Kebabs are the best food after drinking, so that's a given. Of course you would eat it, in your sofa no less because you didn't want to wake her up out of concern for her well being and sanity. I fear that the Red Tent has grasped your good lady's mind even further than we anticipated!

She had certainly taken a peculiar turn! I mean I can understand if I rolled in at 4AM snarling of another women's scent. But no, I was the perfect gentleman!!!

Ugh! That's right! Perhaps a different red is influencing the missus?

Oho!! Bada boom tsh!! I see you, I see you!! Hehe

Hohoho! That means I haven't done a good job hiding :S

never doubt your own (kebab) mastery!One could be forgiven for thinking that the good lady wife was "having a go". I believe good kebab handling skills are instinctive; like breathing is or our fight / flight reaction. It's no more possible that you messed up the couch with a kebab than it is you forgetting how to poo. Beware of such trick questions @meesterboom and

I think there was definitely am element of trickery and attempting to put me on the back foot. Oh yes, I am sure of it. Fortunately today I seem to have ingested some kind of laid back pill and am doing with the punches like Ann old pro!

Hehe, those skills are instinctive. I hope I don't forget them ever!

It would be horrible to forget how to breathe and poo wouldn't it? I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere 🤔

I was thinking that myself!

the tsunami of last nights beer retreated leaving just empty bottles and shot glasses glittering on the shores of my memory.

This was such a brilliant mental image! And one that I probably would have sketchified if I wasn't supposed to be going to bed XD

Of course not milady, how preposterous to even suggest such a chain of events!

And her response to this is one of many reasons why you two are together isn't it XD I'm kind of impressed that all she did was smile, I think I would have burst out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter (okay so that's pretty much exactly what happened but as I said silently because everyone else in the house is asleep and I should be too, now my ribs hurt and I am reminded why I usually do these things in the morning XD)

Glad you had a good night out :D


When I wrote that it struck me too. The frustrated poet in me lol.

She is a cracker. I can be a fruit the loop as they say here. She does very well coping with my eccentricities!!

Naughty you staying up late and looking at things!! ;0)

Haha it sounds like you have one amazing wife!

Oooh, I know this feeling all too well. Not so much since the kids arrived on the scene, but back in the FLAFF days this was a regular occurrence 😂😂
Thanks for the entertaining yarn @meesterboom

Ha, FLAFF, had to think about that one. Yeah it's rare for me too since the kids. Makes it more special even the aftermath!

I hope you enrolled the kids in the post hurricane clean-up effort

I was full of a mad energy, there was no need!

😂yep, I get thst

I am SO jealous of everyone who partied with you, I can feel my color turning....

Ah well, at some point over the rainbow I'll be partying with you ;)

I truly believe that too be the case and what a party it will be!!

A kebab will make any drunken troubles disappear. It might not keep them gone for long, but with said kebab in hand and the chance for a lovely little sing along, whose complaining?

Now gather around lads, we've got some neighbours to awaken...

Hehe, yes indeed that sounds like a fine thing altogether!

The good lady knows better with all your habits you practiced at home. She is just sneering at you hoping that you remembered what you did last night.

Yummy kebab man. I love kebabs with their juicy meat. Upvoted!

Lol, yeah, a bit of harmless Mickey taking I think :0)

hehehehe so you say the celebration of your birthday was wild ;)

Wild like horses!!! :0D

Hahaha! Thank you for the chuckle. I'm having a bad day and really needed it. Love your humor and you're a great storyteller.

You are welcome. Tis one is my cleaner posts lol

Lol. Following you. Look forward to reading more of your posts.

Damn!!! you really had fun uncle boom.. Its one of those days which we dont want to remember.. Happy new week!!!

I did have fun. In fact it was awesome. One of those not wanting to end ones. Ah, smashing. Cheers mate!

Kebab :D
Okay I need to know this Kebab thing, coz we know another thing here called Kabab, don't know what are the ingredients of Kebab o.O

I think it's the same, but we also it differently. Meat and shredded cabbage, onion and lettuce in a spicy sauce in a pitta bread!

Okay so we have here grinded meat with the combination of grinded onions, tomatoes and some masalas.
If you had a chance somehow to visit, I would be the one serving you some fine Kababs :D

That would be a very happy occasion!!

Haha yeah, having delicious Kababs with @meesterboom crispy jokes coz I just love humor :)

Can there be one man not having lived similar moments? 😃😉

If there is then I demand to see him and enforce such moments upon him!!

And what if you did all that? It was your birthday. No comebacks.

Exactly. I am golden and immune to anything. Hopefully till at least tomorrow. I think that's why she was smiley!

Women management should be thought in schools,one has to be a genius to understand them.And don't ever underestimate the power of a woman.

Never underestimate them yes, I agree!!!

Well, it sounds like you enjoyed the festivities. As always, a nice slice of life, told with great humor! Loved it! My wife sells the "Top sauce" kind of whip, among other delectable goodies, although no rabbit costumes that I know of. So, if you're ever in the market, I know a girl. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say thanks for your recent support and show my gratitude with a smallish offering and comment. THANKS!

Lol, good old wives and their antics. The festivities were very good, although I am slightly glad they are done. Cheers dude! :0)

I can imagine, her antics earned us almost $30k last year and sent us to Cancun and Paris for free! LOL

Ouch! Caught in the act? I did enjoy your use of the word obtuse though! Well played!

@jakeybrown, you need to follow @meesterboom, he’s the bomb!

Haha, I love messing with the words! ;0)

Matrimonial bliss ey? Sounds like a very sweet Missus! Nothing like some sweat equity to get back in good graces! Good luck keeping your breakfast down Cinderelly!

Haha, it was a struggle keeping things down today. I had the oddest burps!

Hahahaha. The wife caught you.

Sometimes is good to get caught :0)

I get the distinct feeling that I know exactly who the boss is in that house.... and no matter how much you want to believe it, it is not you hahahaha

Ptsh. That's what I say, ptsh!! ;0)

Haha now that's an entertaining read 😂

I must say you write very well sir, big ups on your narrator skills. 🙌🏼

Your last response was quite golden as well, will steal the medieval-inspired response next time things gets heated with my partner 😉

Just stumbled across your page so don't know your interests but if you happen to be into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!

Thank you very much. I shall indeed check out your blog!

Oh thank you dear sir, a quite pleasant surprise indeed a fair evening as this!

I wish you a great weekHooo, nooo, those damn memories after a night of beers and birthdays, always noe play a trick. but it is admirable how you handled the cituation dear friend @meesterboom

Memories, who needs em!! Hehe, Cheers @jlufer!

When you tell a lie you sure need to continue, a lie gives birth to more lies, a lie always need a lie to cover up the one before....... Hope you enjoyed the kebab

I did, it was fab... I think!

Yeah, thanks for the story

Firstly, Happy Belated Birthday! :D I would say I hope you had a good'un, however it appears you certainly did! haha Secondly, good man, sticking to your story, a gentleman never tells lol (whether he knows the details, or not!) hehe Hope you are feeling a little less delicate now ;)

Now everything seems a little more manageable!! Cheers lass. And indeed... A gentleman never tells!

Dah, how something like that could happen. Nonono. Boomdawg is not like that! Preposterous!

Exactly, I have never heard such utter twoddle, preposterous!

Pppreposterous!! If I had a kebab I would eat it right away! How can I sprinkle it all over the place!

I wondered the same thing. How could I sprinkle it about, Surely it is too good to waste!

You have the most forgiving woman in the world! Or she is building up credits that you will not see coming up in the future. Jus like a flashbang she will confront you with. Be carefull!

She might be luring me in like one of them spiders that eats their mates ;O)

Great story and happy birthday again. I never heard​ of anyone being kebabed, but I guess​ there is always a first. LOL and way to stick to your guns, even though​ it was all fruitless​....

Sometimes the best adventures are those that do not bear fruit :OD

LOL that was sweet of the old lady! you got yourself a keeper!

I think so!

good story
you done a fab job dear friend
best wishes for you from my side

Well thank you very much!

great stuff @meesterboom ! loved the story! greetings from Spain mate! :)

Cheers mate, greetings from Scotland!

Story verry good

We have all gone through this after a hangover I remember once I passed the limit in a family party I did at home I remember taking a lot and when I woke up my girl was next to me in bed and I was safe and they do everything for US !

Lol, that's quite the experience! I haven't been that bad for years!

I need your help.
Can i get it?How are feeling now @uncleboom :p?

Haha, well that depends on what form that help would be!

I'm a Minow and I want your support to get noticed,
can i share a link of my work here for you to preview?

Ah, I'm afraid not dude. I don't like links on my comments. Sorry about that. If I say go ahead then all the spammers will go into a frenzy and do it as well

yeah, that's why I asked you for this :)
I hope i'll keep getting your support for creating good content for this community :)
Thanks for your upvote myfvrt uncle boom :p

Well thank you for asking. It was nice rather than just splurbing something on :0)

yeah :) Thanks you accepted my request :)

Wow @ meesterboom, I think you drank a bit of beers; But it has happened to all of us and it is that the next morning we do not remember anything or we don't want remember nothing. But in your case, your problem, is that you have to perform tasks at home and with a terrible hangover... I'm sorry friend. Strength ... Greetings.

his writing is very interesting and full of humor, I've read it thanks @Meesterboom I @teukuhanis started to follow each of your posts here in Steemit

Splendid, thank you. Following you back :O)

Just had to rub it in a wee bit, didn't she? It would have been nice to get away with it, after all, it was your birthday!

Few things in life taste as good as a sandwich you cannot remember. I think. And even fewer...a missus that puts up with our 'sanities.

Sounds like you had a rousing Birthday, that lack of memory suggests a real barn-burner. Congrats on that, as well as another brilliantly funny read. Ya keeps me in stitches.

Oh acha humain maloom ni tha vote up me

When you didn't upvote me? Aw

Happy belated Birthday! It sounds like you had a really good night with just a "few" beers ;) how can the beer machine only have a few ;)

Thank you.

I checked your profile. You are very new. You might like to know that commenting without voting is seen as spammy. I normally flag people who do as they are the lowest of the low in my book particularly because the reason they are doing so is merely to try and squeeze a comment upvote from those they comment on.

As you are new I will give you the benefit of the doubt and not downvote you

But you didnt reply so I watched your crazy replying and not voting antics on Steemd!! Wow. So now I am gonna downvote you.