Man Flu Matters

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I woke up today to something awful. A bone-deep lethargy. Blocked sinuses. A headache like a giant was pounding on my head with a steel shod hammer.

Yes. I am talking about the dreaded


Some people dare say - Does Man Flu exist? Buffoons!


Look at the state of above? That is science. I am a fucking mess. What more evidence is needed?

Being the strong-minded sort I went to work. No phoning in sick for me. Oh no. I am the essence of Man. So I heaved myself in.

Granted the coughing, sneezing and occasional moans on the train drew a few dirty glances but I didn't mind. The peons have ever despised and envied greatness in equal turn.


Upon arriving at work I made sure that everyone knew of my condition so as they may protect themselves as best as they could. Yes, I am a generous soul.

I would like to say that in no time at all people were rushing to my aid. Offering warmed honeyed drinks perhaps with some cinnamon and Reiki- style foot rubs.

Alas no. Instead, the odd drab person wandered past my desk and looked at the mound of hankies surrounding me like a larger lady's wedding dress.

Check the state of you! You on the ran-dan last night?


The ran-dan indeed. Where was the sympathy?! Instead, all that was on offer was the occasional smack on the shoulder and jovial exclamation of

Man Flu! You've got it bad big yin*

*Big Yin (Big Man) is a faux-respectful term given to someone that you despise here in Scotland. By saying, Big Yin, you are implying respect when we all know You mean *yer a fanny

*yer a fanny - In Scottish means You are a vagina

At one point a work mate, came by with another acquaintance. I looked up, ah, was the sympathy cavalry arriving?

HA, check the state of Boom Dawg. What a shambles!

I grimaced and ignored them. After all, the bigger man here was the fellow who had made it in despite medical science believing it an impossibility that someone in my state was able.


Lunchtime came and went. I didn't eat. Instead, I lolled about in my chair like a puppet with half its strings cut. Murmuring under my breath and coughing. No one sent me home.

After not being sent home all day eventually it was time to leave.

I girded my loins and dragged myself whimpering piteously to the train. I found a seat next to an old man in a suit. After I had sneezed and loudly blown my nose for the fourteenth time he stood up and uttered.


Before stamping away to another part of the carriage. It was a good job for him that I wasn't at my physical best or I would have thrown him out of the window with a cheery shout of THERES YER DINNER

I opened the door to my house with a sigh, dropping my bag beside the door and staggering manfully to the couch in the lounge where I collapsed in a heap.

A vision appeared before me. A beauty, surely this was some kind of fevre dream kicking in?

She nudged me What's wrong with you? Was it me or did this beauteous vision sound a little... impatient?

I am pure ill baby, think I need to go to my bed

She gazed at me with those eyes. Those eyes that had made me fall in love over and over again. Those eyes that set me on fire every time. Such caring love and devotion in those eyes. Here I had found hope after a day of bastardry.

You're just rough from drinking three nights in a row. You obviously cannae handle it anymore. Now, get your arse in the kitchen and help with dinner.

I looked at her balefully thinking, What, who cannae handle it anymore? I'll show you

I hauled myself up and shot her my best martyr look and headed off to the kitchen.



My partner and I both rotten colds at the same time. After a week of suffering, he said, "I feel like I'm dying." I responded, "I know. This cold is the absolute worst!"

He looked at me with utter surprise and asked, "You're sick too?"

Hahahahah, Ah that is genuinely the way we think. It's so wrong! But we cant help it!

lol .. so many fuck ...
is that what your martyr look looks like - that one on the pic?
get better chico!
edit: I mean .. get well soon
was in Dutch mode haha

It's a fine martyr look no!! I practiced it for ages ;0)

Man flu is real...and the ladies have NO sympathy. LOL
Hope you're feeling better, love. A couple shots of good whiskey might do the trick. ;)

Lol, I think that might finish me off lol! Cheers lass! :O)

Congratulations @meesterboom!
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Woot woot!!

Lol. This is pretty funny. Are you from Aberdeen?

Lol, eberdeen!! Naw!! Fae Glasgow :0)

I asked cos I lived in Aberdeen for 4 years and couldn't understand anyone for at least the first 6 months. Your colourful expressions reminded me of this funny time in my life.

Hehe, I struggle to understand the Aberdonians too. One of them asked me if I liked ingin pe once. I was like, what the fuck is that. It turned out to be an odd sort of onion pastie thing. Mad, the lot of them. :0)

You from the UK?

Lol. I don't recall that one.

No. Australia.

Lol, no worries mate!! Did I sound Australian? :0)

That's Aussie as!

Funny as fuck meesterboom. Loved it! :)

Hehe, Cheers mate. :0D

Man flu is a serious illness.

You ain't kidding there, its seriously underestimated!!

Too funny! You had me almost feeling sorry for you up to a point.

Phew, as long as it was almost ;0)

Although i know this is serieus, the GIF made me laugh :D
Hope you get well soon!

Cheers mate!! I suspect it's nothing but oh how I felt sorry for myself today!! :0)

Brilliant story, as usual. Hope you feel better soon!

Well it hurts to admit it but perhaps it was over indulgence at the weekend ;0)

I hear ya on that one! I just posted about all the beers I was drinking this weekend in Prague. Today was a nice recovery day since we didn't have to work here ;-) Thank God Norway still has religious holidays even though few people are religious haha

Ah if only today had been one here, I think a sound day sleeping would have made me feel like a king!! Will check it your beery post :0)

Thank you good sir :) Rest well tonight

Cheers dude!! I will

Funny AF...worth reading :D

new disease???? hahaha...

Just an old, old one ;0)

hahaha...have a good day....

As always, you too mate!!

sure....see you in the next post....hahahaha

Great to have a partner that knows just how and when to access the inner pockets of resilience we have temporarily missed. Salud!

She sees right through me. Which I do appreciate! I think I need that :O) Salud!

Nice Art

Thanks! I really appreciate that! :O)

Great story!
72 hours and you'll be back in business!

I am hoping it's only another 12!!!

Hahah! Me too!
Good luck!!!!

Cheers and fingers crossed!

No more of ner drinkin ale yo ninny ;) ;)
Warm water with lemon usually works.

I am on the green tea. That usually works too!! :0)

Yes it does :) Get well @meesterboom

Cheers lass!

Cheers old man ;)

hahahahah!!! ;o)

If you cough..not my fault ;)

cool story

Thank you, it was fraught but amusing looking back now

you're talented with your art and gifs. was it the effect of the over - 'beer' ing ?

Cheers, I do put a wee bit of effort into them :0) sadly yes, I feel a lot better so suspect that it was indeed the over beering

you're majorly talented if wee bit effort yields such awesome results. and well, still can't stop the over beering can we!

You can't stop it, you are right. What kind of world would the place become!!

Exactly, that'd be plain crazy.
Hope you are feeling better and take care :)

Hehe, I am feeling vastly improved, cheers man!

being sick is no fun! But that GIF you made is so epic @meesterboom would you show us how you made it? Do you use a special website?

I use an android app called flipaclip. I think it costs about ten pounds all in to get all the paid for add on bits. It's well worth it, I love it!


It was well worth the laugh for me what an awesome tool! :)
you should get a kick back for promoting it to the company.

You are right you know, I have promoted it far and wide to loads of people. They owes me!! heheheh!

Call/email the developer today and see if you can cut a deal going forward!

Lol, I can imagine their reaction!

You are the promo/ sales guy you deserve to get something for it!

what a sad story , hope you feel quickly the old one, so you can dance the jigh again. grtz, joew, :-))

I shall turn this story into a happy one by tomorrow

Well, I hope at least!

Take some rest! Get on Steem and get well soon!!!

Steemit always helps! :OD

Seems like a legit diagnosis to me! ;)

I'll fax you over a get-out-of-making-dinner free prescription!

That's my kind of prescription! Can I have you on speed-dial! :OD

Once again, another quality post mate!

You are too kind mate!

I'm learning a lot from your posts too, I'm so new into this, never written blogs before.

Cool! It's all in the practice! The more you write the better you get :O)

Well I feel bad for you. Though I am terribly late to this post and my comment may find you once more in tip top shape. But I definitely thought nasty things about your employers for keeping you there all day in such misery, the bastards!

(Your wife I did not think nasty thoughts about, mainly because I have been pregnant and sympathy for sickness is quite low during that particular 'ailment' LOL)

Hahahah, I am and I am sure she is completely with you on that one. There is something about a man piteiously mewling in self absorbed illness when pregnant that must be particularly annoying!

The worst of it is she was absolutely right. I am tip top today. It must have been an extended hangover. I was so sure I was ill! lol

Hahaha this gave me a right good giggle
It's good you didn't let it stop your day some men milkkk it!!!

Hehe, I was milking it too but carried on!! ;0)

I almost feel guilty for laughing :)

(No I don't) ;)

Haha, guilt free laughter!!

I'm going to be fluent in Scottish slang from reading your posts.

And then no man shall dare cross you!! :0D

Supposedly I have some Scottish blood. The name Patton over there?

Over here there is more commonly Paton. It's probably the same thing

Oh so I descend from illiterate scotch men. Sweet lol.

That's right partner, you descend from a line of bad spellers!!

Even when your sick you managed to get a good chuckle out of me.

Top notch! :0)

This was GREAT. I really enjoyed it.

Excellent, Cheers man! I thought it might strike a chord

Divertido post

Gracias!! :0)

Oh, dude, so sorry to hear that the weather has pushed you beneath its heel. I remember days of old, when I trudge with every waking day to my corporate prison. Never did I ever call in sick, or waste a "sick leave", and never did I get an award for it. Those ungrateful bastards.

I was going to say that it's your recent run of alcohol that has got you ailing, but your good lady had already pointed it out, that's why I won't press you. So, instead I'll just send you some of those Reiki-healing vibes through the interwebs and hope that it helps you get back to a 100% in no time. That old man won't throw himself out of the train, y'know.

HAhahahah, that made me laugh that last sentence particularly :O)

You are right, he wont throw himself out of the train. I will have to get bcak to top form immediately!

The missus of course was mostly right. I feel loads better today lol Kinda glad I didnt waste a sick leave on it!

A laughter a day keeps the doctor away, so that's good, yay! :D

Shhh don't tell them that though. When they say that women are always right, there's some truth to it, but let's not boost their egos too much ;)

It's all about trying to keep their dastardly egos in check!! So yes, they may be right but we will keep schtum!

I can imagene what you went though. I hate those days. Good luck on the headache

It was a day of grimness! Cheers man. Much better today!

Nice thing to read! The man-flu is a serious thing and underestimated...

Oh so sorely underestimated!! :0D

Funny post! Thanks for the explanation of 'big yin' lol. Hope you feel better soon!

Always like to decode the Scottish banter!! Cheers!!!

The hangover blues can be bad, especially on a monday.

I've got the hangover blues Already monday, got nothin to lose
Me shirt got shred and there's vomit on my shoes Ain't no dough left, I just gave my best...! {B}
{somein B-flat pew de pew, guitar thingy} I've got the hangover blues


Technicly stated you are not saying it...


Yes, I see what you mean.

That is a b-flat sounding number! That was me yesterday. I was probably humming it while you were coming up with the lyrics!

Jajaja Me gustó tu post. Upvote!

Thank you!!!

LOL, as @tonyr. That post is really funny as fuck hahaha
Thanks for sharing, @meesterboom. You have just received my big upvote! :D

Cheers man!

Haha! Hope you are well now!

Horrifyingly I am healed. The good lady was right!!

AGAIN???? Poor baby!

I know, its rough!!! :O)

I am al better today!

EVERY time I scroll up to the first image, I get a major fit of the chuckles. (Even a day later...) Sorry to entertain myself at your expense. OK, maybe not THAT sorry.
Sure wish I'd talked to you before a trip to NZ years back. Kept referring to my 'bum bag' as a 'fanny pack'. Never got smacked, but a few sharp looks came my way until someone finally set me straight. Bit of a cultural mea culpa.
Thanks for the post, one of your funniest yet, even if you had to feel like a dirt sandwich all day to gather inspiration. The things we do for art.

The first image is a cracker :O)

HAhahahah. Oh fanny pack. How we absolutely crack up when we hear someone saying that. It's hilarious to imagine you saying that repeatedly.

Always like to share. Heck if you were around these parts I could have shared my cold LOL!

I strive to entertain with my lack of cultural awareness, as I travel the world. Thanks for the thought too, but I had a nasty one a few weeks back, just getting my voice back now. Some friends seem to enjoy this extra germ-perk.

I think you entertain just fine!!!

Yep, they can be bad. Yikes, every one a shave with the maker!!

*Big Yin (Big Man) is a faux-respectful term given to someone that you despise here in Scotland. By saying, Big Yin, you are implying respect when we all know You mean *yer a fanny
*yer a fanny - In Scottish means You are a vagina

I spat my coffee out reading that! Thanks...I think

Unfortunately the fairer sex does not understand man flu. It CAN kill. I've been at death's door with it and if not for my pure stubbornness I would not be here to type this reply.

Get a few drinks down you, it'll either help or will make you forget you are ill

Exactly. I have been there too. Only sheer bravado and daring has pulled me back from the very brink! ;0)

Cheers, an early night I suspect will slay it!

Pump 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 a day and smash that man flu!

I will pump it!! What is that in milligrammes! Or is that milligrammes!!

it is the same as 250 micro grams :)

Ah right!! Cheers man!!

Hope that Man Flu goes away soon. Lol. Love it though. Great post. Had me laughin. Followed.

If it had you laughing then I am a happy chap :0) Cheers!

Too you as well. Thank you sir.

WOW. Nice)))

Thank goodness u survived the dreaded man flu, I would miss your posts ;-(

I'm not out the woods yet ;O) lol!

Cheers man!

That flu has been hitting a lot of people. You might want to down a mixture of water and baking soda to alkaline the virus out of your body. You see drinking three nights in a row will cause the opposite of alkaline.

I may try that... I may try not to drink three nights in a row too!

And where's the fun in that??

That's true too. Dammit, this life lark is full of impossible decisions ;0)

I'm guessing the lawn didn't get mowed over the weekend.

Lol, sadly the grass for cut yesterday! I half suspect that is the root of my malaise

Oh dear. Hope you get well soon.
Thanks for sharing in a funny way.

Cheers @ace108. I am hoping it is but a mild thing!

I just got well 3 days ago from it. It's terrible @meesterboom

Congrats! It's great to pull through to the other side!