Life Lesson

in #life7 years ago


Life lessons. Valuable things. Without them we couldn't grow into who we are but some of them are tough and some of them are harsh. Today I ruminated on one that taught me a lot and it made me laugh and wince and twitch to remember.

What was it?

This morning I saw someone who looked a lot like my ex wife


Perhaps because my daughter has chicken pox, my mind was on being ill. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. I am so tired that my eyes look like *dugs baws.
dugs baws - Glasgow vernacular for Dogs testicles. Not in the good way either.

Seeing this apparition made me hark back to one of the most disastrously bad decisions of my life and the life lesson behind it.

Let me take you back. Take you back through the mists of time.


I was in College. Plugging away at the mysteries of coding and resisting the lure of beige/brown clothing that seems to infect the IT crowd.


One day, mid-term I woke up feeling as rough as a *badgers chuff.
badgers chuff - a badgers bottom.

So dreadful was I feeling that I made an appointment with the doctor convinced that the sands of time, for me, were running low.

I went to the doctors. He was a jolly fellow. With a large belly and a larger moustache which instantly put me at ease knowing I was in the hands (so to speak) of a fellow gentleman.

After a perfunctory examination he bade me to follow him out into the conservatory where he lit a cigarillo. We shared it in amiable silence before he harrumphed and said.

Well old fellow, I believe you have glandular fever.

I exhaled slowly sending a dragon like puff of smoke to the ceiling.

Speak sense man, I haven't been to the tropics for months, is it the pesky dengue?

He assured me swifly it was nothing like the dengue and that a man of such stature as myself should shake it off in no time at all.

I left with his instructions to have plenty of hot baths. As I stepped out he cheerily called after me...

They call it the kissing disease you know!

I wrinkled my brow in some disgust. I hoped that our shared cigarillo did not mean I was indebted to some sordid moustachioed dalliance with him at a future point.


Many weeks of night sweats and enfeeblement passed. I was a shambolic state of a man. Despite the hot baths my condition was reluctant to improve.

I admit dear reader that the bastion strength of my mind was starting to weaken due to this abominable illness.

I had been seeing a lady for some months. Our fledgling relationship was put to the test by me being a poor humoured and quivering wraith of what I once was. My previously god-like physique was succumbing to the ague which relentlessly ailed me.


She was a rock my sweetheart, always ready to bathe my brow and soothe my fears with her honeyed words.

One long dark day after further weeks I awoke from my afternoon nap sweating and feverish, it dawned on me that this might be my last hurrah and that my body was preparing to shuffle off this mortal coil.

I was gripped by fear. Truly was this it? I had achieved so little? What of the sonnets I hoped to compose, the books unwritten? What of the little booms that had seemed so far away and were now receding into dark depths of never.

I couldn't do it, doughty and strong I may be but this damned illness had robbed me of my hardiness. One thought coalesced in my mind.

I would not die alone.

Yes, that was it.

So, eyes bright with fever, still damp from my fourth steaming hot bath of the day, I proposed and she said yes. It was not the most romantic affair. I felt though, that I could rest easy now. I had someone to accompany me right up to the gate of shadows.

Youth and vigour being what they were I got better remarkably quickly. In another couple of weeks I was back to my morning rituals of stripping naked and fighting the chickens in the garden.


Some more weeks after that my mind was once more laser sharp and I pondered over the situation I had now found myself in.

Did I really propose? Was it but a fever dream?

But no, I had and in no time at all I was wheeked up the altar and ringed into marriage like a recalcitrant cow pressed into the abattoir.

The story does not have a happy ending. We were dreadfully incompatible but seemingly neither of us had noticed in the rush to get married.

We lasted barely a year. Although the soul destroying divorce afterward took a further 13. I kid you not. But that is a tale for another day.

So let my tale be taken as a life lesson and a warning.

Hot baths can addle your wits.

There are 2 pages

I agree. thanks for sharing ^_^
Sometimes hurt is needed to make us grow,
Failure is needed to make us know
And loss is needed to make us gain.
Because life’s greatest lessons are
Usually taught through a little bit of pain.

A splendid rhyme and I agree!

sorry the doll has chicken pox
but congratulations for the freedom from the ex :)
you look a lot happier and feels so I reckon?

Oh yes, To say I was happy would be a vast understatement. It was a crowning time in my life when the shackles were finally loosed! Such a simple mistake took so long!

I can relate but we're on the right boat now :)
that's all that matters!
have a good morning!
am on!
free this morning :D

You cannae beat a bit of freedom!! :O)

Hehe, I am preparing for my hols :OD

Thank you @meesterboom wish have a nice day^_^

And you too!

Good job on there and thanks for sharing a piece of your heart with us. It takes courage to do so.

I really enjoyed the humour in your writing, thanks. It makes the start to this day lighter. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Very kind words eric!

Hehe, I do like to humourise a time that is painful to make it less so! Cheers dude!

It empowers us all and strengthens us all by the same token. Awesome! Namaste :)

I'm not sure what to comment on first, this was a post of epic proportions as to quotable, referencable stuff! There are good dog nuts? lol! I have a very vivid mental image of you in the buff with your dukes up, feathers everywhere, 13 years??? Moustachioed dallianceeeeee, oh god. 13 years??? Yes I know I said that already but, 13 years? Yikes!

Aw you are the best chica!! You spotted all of my funny bits and more :0)

Oh yes 13 years... 13!! It got to be hilariously awful. What a party was had in the end up though!!

And of course, one should always be wary of the moustachiod dalliances!! :0D

Oh yeah, I bet that was an epic bash!! Howie says that the best men get it right the second time around (of course he says that, that's when he got it right ;) Though thankfully his divorce did not take 13 years! lol!

I finally did my own work up of the gathering, I"m quite proud of that bit of writing-particularly from "I'd like to talk about this picture" on :)

Oh I will go and see!! As soon as I get back from the pub that is ;0)

Yes, I greatly believe that second time is best and you are proof as well!!

Haha, you can wait until tomorrow, just wanted to alert you to it so you saw it some point :) Hope you're having a merry time!

Aw shucks...actually you are absolutely right, no need for false modesty on that point haha!

I couldnt wait so depsite being half mad honking peeshed Iloaded up the old laptop when I got home. It's magic!

Ah man yeh we live and die by the decisions we make, and I think we are probably on this earth to make mistakes to grow. :)

Yeah, I totally agree!!

Uhmmmm interesting post! My life lesson : have a nice day!

13 YEARS?!?!?! Now I know why they say its, "Cheaper to keep her" YIKES!

Cheaper to keep her! Lol, I have never heard that but love it and yes I can see why they would say that!

Good one. I did not expect the funny ending

You gotta throw in a twist :O)

That was done skillfully. I write poems. Do check it out

This post received a 37% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @meesterboom! For more information, click here!

I absolutely love your writing style, what a great way to take us all down memory lane! Thank you for sharing your story, I am anxiously awaiting Part 2: 13 years :)

Hehe, I am genuinely touched that you think my writing style is half decent :0) I will be sharing away!!

a 13 year divorce .. can't wait to hear that tale 0_o

Oh it's a tale and a half!!!

Such a bad luck , meesterboom !

Everything bad turns good eventually!!! ;0)

Great post, I'll add my 2 cents.

Ha, yes, that is spot on!!

Awesome post, i really like your style. It gives me some ideas for my own posts. Thank you!

Always glad to inspire a bit!!

Life is literally lessoon after lesson. We learn through literally everything. Anything we're exposed to we learn from.

The biggest mistake you can make is by not giving yourself the opportunity to make those mistakes. You need to get out into the world and try as much as possible.

Never let fear hold you back, ever. Life is so short. Then we have steemit to share all of these experiences to inspire others to go out and experience similar things.

I love life and everything about it.

Let the good times roll.

If you liked my comment please upvote and follow @hotandrandom thank you.

Your content is very apt. I love to experience things so I can learn from them. Everything is a learning opportunity! :0)

13 years to divorce or 13 years of divorce aftermath. Waiting for that story.

13 from start of proceedings to the end! Quite unfathomable!

Avoid hot baths.....noted! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us, I will definitely learn from you. I love the first picture on your post by the way!

Thanks!! I quite like how it turned out myself!! Cheers!

Great post as usual. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much for reading!

How can a divorce take 13 years? Look forward to reading that post! The important thing is you are happy now! :0)

It's insane isn't it. As the years trundled on I thought exactly the same. In fact I became quite embarrassed about it

You really painted an excellent story - oh how we learn the ways of the world!

Thank you for sharing this great story, it was a fun read. It was so easy to relate to, as I have certainly had my share of "bad situations". Ugh!

Well I hope they are all far far behind you!! When they are past is a great thing

Such a nice way of expressing feelings.
Just Amazed !
Short of the day !

Awesome, you are a fine fellow!!

Hmm, so I guess match is often never made in heavens.
Anyways, I really liked your rectangular pieces of art, scattered throughout the post. :)

Cheers mate, I like to spice up the text somewhat!!

Love ur semantics...ur style of expressing what hitherto appears to be a sad experience makes it sound poetic than rather d opposite. Hope u find happiness and learnt a lot from ur experiemxe. Upvoted & following to get more of such rich contents. Keep it steeming...

I have found bounteous happiness now, thank you for reading!

Great post, It put my 4 year divorce back a few decades ago into perspective. At least I escaped with no more debt than the flat fee my attorney charged as he believed it would be quick. At the end of the process he stated that he thought his grandkids would be dealing with my divorce.

A flat fee would have been a tremendous thing. As the years rolled on I had to pay a monthly fee and still my outstanding amount increased all the time. That was the most stressful thing.

Still, it's behind us now!!

I believe this life lesson is good fodder for the argument that all larger-than-big decisions be accompanied by a good chuff-end thermometer and small chart on how to use it. Anything over a 98.8 F (I don't know the C) and one is required to wait a week before further action. Then again, one could always cheat on the thing in a cold shower.
Also, a thanks...I'm learning so much about fierce rodents of size from you...

Oh yes, I feel that it is the mission I have been given, which is to spread the knowledge of the smaller animals heh heh :0)

We live and we learn as we grow, we just need to know the difference between right and wrong.

Great post !

Thank you! We do indeed and it is a journey this crazy thing called life!

See the influence your username had on me there!

good qualities in someone who can make light of a difficult situation and still make others laugh....god way of dealing with things too mate...another enjoyable funny read keep it up

Thank you mate! IT is by making light of these things that we cope eh!


Cheers dude!!


At least that 14 years of your life is gone (sadly it took that long). Followed and Upvoted, looking forward to more Life Lessons.

I had a hilarious time during those years!! With all of that bubbling away under the surface!!

Beautiful post!
Have a nice day.

Its always good to take a positive attitude and optimism even in a time of distress. Keep holding your head up , keep up the great posts here and your good sense of humour...good guy and more success to you.

Head always up dude!! I am much older and wiser now!!! :0D

Amen to that buddy...amen

Wise lesson learned. At least you didn't stay together out of habit. Shite happens but good to see you take it with humor! Cheers mate

I can laugh now even if it is tinged with hysteria!!!! ;0)

Brother, trust me, I know what you are about. At this moment I am in a severe custody battle for 2,5 years now with my ex over my 5 year old. Shite happens...

Oh man, it's truly awful. I feel your pain and wish you luck.

Thanks brother, no worries. I kill her with kindness. It's the best thing you can do.

Aw man that's the spirit!

Zeker weten :P

Perhaps you were born in the wrong time. I was also. I wish to be reborn before the telephone was used to summon the demons called... telemarketers.

Oh they are the demons without a doubt!!

Very sad about your divorce. It is very common in modern life. Not everybody can adjust in today's life. Not everybody made for each other Throughout the life. It is nobody's fault. It is the time make us separate and force to choose another. Life is precious and so be time.Try to happy as life give us whoever. Enjoy your life every second.

I do believe that, it is important to be happy and if that involves some tough choices then it has to be done!! Thank you for your comment :0)

Wow, that is a good tale and well written! I loved reading this, even though I'm sad to hear the hard ending!

Ach, it's all in the past now and I am all the more cheerful for it!!! Cheers!! :0D

Interview your ex-wife for steemit lol. AMA with the devil.

Ho ho!! Never!!!! :0D

I agree. Whatever happens to us either bad or good, there's always a lesson we can learn from it. I'm sorry that it didn't work out but things happen for a reason!

They do, I completely agree. As long as we can learn all is not lost!!

Yes. Learning and Growing!very important. It helps us to improve ourselves to become a better indivdiual. Without those life lessons, we are not who we are right now. Thanks for sharing your story!

Thank you!! It is a true thing. We have to experience this time to become who we are!!

Do not make any life decisions whilst you have mono. Filed that one away. Thanks.

Yep... It's a keeper that one!!! :0)

hilarious as always @meesterboom! upped

Why thank you my friend!

Ouch! In retrospect we get to laugh at those moments and say "shyte happens" and ponder the dubious wisdom of making major life decisions while under the influence of... well... all sorts of things.

My first wife turned out to be gay. And I don't mean "cheerful." Ah, the things we do when we're young and ___________

Hehe, this comment really made me laugh! Not cheerful hehe!

Yes we must all think carefully without being influenced by all sorts of things!!!

Oh, that tears it! NO more hot baths for me LOL. Glad to hear you are much recovered ;)

Stay away from those baths, hear hear!! ;0)



wow 13 years, think you have been taking to many hot baths lol

I have, it works!!!

Those darn hot baths!

The cause of all evil!!

And they don't even clean you either. You just get out even more sweaty!

That's right, you just sit in your own dirt!!!

Sorry about that one. My Dad is constantly telling me " 'the one' will arrive someday, no need to rush." I guess your story adds ammo to his gun

Haha, yeah!! The one will! Absolutely no rush there! :0)

Haha, yeah!! The one will! Absolutely no rush there! :0)

Commending you for sharing this. It could not have been easy... Your writing style and the layout intrigues me.

I am glad the layout does!! I would be happy to share my secrets if you like :0)

Always interested to learn new things. Followed


Yes, that divorce thing is tough. I thought my 2 years and 2 weeks was bad.

Oh man, that would have been! I was my lawyers longest serving divorce case. I wasn't sure if I should be proud or not. I definitely wasnt though when I got the bill :0(

I really admire your prose. Was reading some John Irving earlier this week and I can really feel the offbeat mindset of the main character in this short. Thanks for sharing, will follow for more.

Thank you very much, that is quite a compliment!

In my country, the 2 best time to have chicken pox are:

  1. When you are kid - yay, no school.
  2. When you are serving in the military - yay, no tough duty.
    BTW, I heard about parents organising chicken pox party in the past.
    Not sure if you guys have it. When a kid has chicken in good timing, some parents send their children to play with the infected child. Get it once and immunity deal. Nowadays, I think there's less of these since there is vaccination.

I have heard of those, it sounds like madness to me!!

Such a great way to express experience .thank you

Why thank you, it was rather cathartic! :0)

A proposal you mustn't deliver, if you are suffering from glandular fever.


Oh wow. This is a side of you I haven't seen before. Great of you to open up your life before you became Boom. Man, I can't imagine a world if you had met your end that day. Would we be living in a dystopian present by now!? Also, would you be the same person if you had stayed with your ex-wife? A lot of what-ifs that would surely be discussed further in other installments of this tale.

Oh there is many a tale dude!! They all made me what I am today. I like the way you say it, what made me the boom I am!!! :0)

Ahh and I am deeply invested in hearing the story unfold, dude! I'm always interested to know how you became the Boom meister we all know and love! We can never discount all the experiences from our past, good and bad.

Yes all the experiences we go through forge us into what we are! Sometimes I think I have had done tough ones but mostly I am happy at who i am now :0)

There are 2 pages