You know I always go on about those people who talk about dreams that they have?
I remarked to the Good Lady over the breakfast table.
Oh yes. You hate them. Hate them with a passion. What is it you always say? They are shitty dicks and nobody wants to hear about their shitty dick dreams?
The Good Lady replied helpfully through a mouthful of gritty looking muesli.
Oh, that's a bit harsh. I don't say that?
I laughed nervously as if the Good Lady were a buffoon with a gun demanding that I buy some of her freshly painted faeces.
You do! It's really annoying. Everytime someone mentions dreams or dreaming you roll your eyes and mutter all sorts of mean stuff.
She fixed me with a hard look.
It's really annoying.
She went back to munching loudly on her muesli as if it was real food.
I curled my lips and parpingly blew through them.
Well, the thing is. I actually had a bad dream and, well, it was quite horrible.
I said reluctantly.
It was true. My night had been spent tossing and turning whilst dreaming my bad dream. Everytime I woke up and went back to sleep I would return to the same dream and it was horrible.
And now I felt tired, rubbish and bizarrely felt as if I needed to talk to someone about it.
The Good Lady grinned maliciously.
Oh, so now you want to talk about your bad dream it's ok, is it?
She laughed.
Lucky for you, I like talking about dreams. Go on then. What was it?
She gave me her Doula look. The one that said I have presided over more torn and ripped up vaginas than you could possibly imagine. Your dreams are nothing in comparison.
I pressed my lips together.
Well. It's a bit daft.
I grudgingly started.
It's not daft. Dreams are how the consciousness sorts things out. There are messages in dreams. Meanings and symbols. It can be helpful to talk them out.
The Good Lady said earnestly.
Alright then...
I sighed then continued.
My dream was, that I was being eaten by Komodo dragons.
I looked at the Good Lady defiantly, daring her to laugh. She didn't.
Go on, there must have been a bit more to it than that?
She asked, kindness and understanding shining in her eyes.
Not really. It just sort of started with me tripping over a log and then the log moving because it wasn't a log. It was a Komodo dragon, then I see there are about four of them and they start chasing me...
I gulped and carried on.
Then they catch me and well... they start eating me alive...
My voice tailed off as the memories of those bloody lizards getting all bitey rose up in my head once more.
Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh!?
I shouted indignantly as I noticed the Good Lady having a bit of a giggle.
I'm not laughing at you being eaten. Really, I'm not. It's just, it's so simple. Anyone can see what this means!
The Good Lady grinned.
Don't you see? You are starting back at work today. Your dream was obviously just a manifestation of your dread at returning to work after a break of more than four weeks. That's all. Nothing to worry about.
She laughed and went back to munching her muesli.
I made a farting face at her that she couldn't see.
Fear of returning to work my arse. The message from my dreams was clear. There were obviously big fucking lizards out there hungering for my flesh.
I stood and grabbed my bag and made to leave, miming a low punch at an invisible reptilian foe.
Better watch out, you scaly fuckers. I'm ready for you.
Beautiful story meester, I enjoyed the read. Keep the lizards on their toes :)
Cheers, minty!!
Did he bite you? Yes??? Because I am sorry to be the one that has to tell you this, but, you are dead. Yes. That poisonous little bite did you in. I am sure El Jeffe will be
happyvery sad!OMG!!!! LOL I laughed until I almost did myself in. :)
They all bit me! One of them took me down by biting my leg and the others bit me on the neck and arms then they ate me!! It was pure graphic. I woke up and thought, that's it, I'm never going to Komodo ever again!!
I am pretty sure The Good Lady will be pleased to hear she doesn't have to see that move anymore.
Praise God and all that happy hoo-ha.
She will see, when I come home and throw a bloodied Komodo on the kitchen table and tell her it's lizard steaks for the next week she will understand then!!
Boom's first day back to the office...
Nice knowing you bru.
(Sorry, couldn't resist...)
Gaaaah!! That was it, it's like a screenshot from the dream!!!
Haha...Sorry to bring it all back...But I wanted to visualise it for myself and this image sort of seemed quite on-point.
It is totally. I blame Steve Irwin, I am sure he did a show about them once that had stayed in my subconscious forever!
Bloody Australians and their amazing ruggedness and devkiah good looks.
Lol, crikey, indeed!! He was a particularly awesome one!
Yeah man, an odd-bod, but a good chap. A shame how he went out.
I hear you, I've started on the 15 th after 5 weeks off and it still feels as if Komodo dragons are chasing me!
Oh jings, 5 weeks would be a sore one to come back after. I am hoping that by the end of the week of all all be back to normal and not hurt!
4 weeks off and the first day back will surely be on your mind. Fortunately, Komodo's aren't the fastest and hardly the most prolific killers - my money is on you to out-pace them, even with 2 weeks of shitty beer inside :)
Ha!! I can outrun them although such a thing will not be necessary because I will destroy them with my meaten fists!!!
Lol, it was a hard first day back!
I met one on an island in Malaysia a long time ago, it was a total pussy and ran away from me even though I was shitting a brick!
A month off..... could you even remember the real names of your colleagues?
Oh man, seeing them in the flesh. I would have kakked it even if it ran from me!!
Hehe, I was actually thinking of their Steemit Names today when I was talking to a couple of them!! :0D
I hope a Steem name sneaks out at some point :)
Is it February yet, walking past the pub is getting tougher every day!
I have called El Jefe, El Jefe to other people when I am taking the Mick out of him :0)
I bet it is, I was disappointed that it was only Friday and I have to wait till Friday ler alone waiting till the end of the month!!
You need more than a punch to deal with a komodo XD But at least you're hitting work with the right attitude ;D
Haha, yes indeed. Although to be honest you haven't seen the devastating power of a boom punch!!! ;0) city leveling power!! Lol
Power level over 9000? XD
And beyond!!!!
I think that you should try to focus your dream such that .... Uncle Boom makes an appearance to take care of those milk leaking dragons.
They will never ruin another minute of your beauty sleep.
I can see it now. He would tame them and have them pull his carriage!!
Not in the filthy sense, I mean :0D
Although you never know!
That's deep!!
Straight from a video game!
That's the way I roll!
Eat my tweets, you dragon basturts
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @xiaoyuanwmm 村凤 迎着台风 踩着滑板 给您送来
The same ones who consider dream talk "dickery" are also lying to themselves. Deep down, everyone still has a personally tailored dream of their own personal variety. A good one that seems to "Pie in the sky" to every come true. Because They don't feel deserving.
Far too many are ashamed of their dream and resent it because they lack the FAITH to bring it into their picture and so they stuff it down, and talk about sports, or the news. So as not to stand out. It is sad to me, but comfortable to them. They are not an anomaly. The thought police have no reason to spoil their little fear based dream, adhering unquestioningly to what is perceived as "normal".
-But without the contrast of "norms" who appear to be Non player characters in a videogame, would any of this still be interesting?
It would not be interesting at all, that contrast is needed!
it's a narrow path in between, my friend.
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