Dead & Berried and Wizardly Beers!

in #life7 years ago


Two beer posts in one week!! I can hardly contain myself!! I managed to escape for a short while this afternoon to pick up vital supplies for the house. Of course, what could be more vital than beer. Especially when I saw the amazing cans on display.

Check these out. First up:



It looks like Brewdog have decided to jump on the bandwagon of funkily designed cans. This appears to show a steempunkish Wizard galloping on a giant rabbit? Madness, but just my kind of madness.


A cheeky design and no mistake. This is an India Pale Weizen with a massive 7.5% strength. Heck, will it send me gibbering to the moon?


Honest to heck, I can pour a beer but this was a frothing monster and the head showed absolutely no sign of abating. It smelled really good. Tasted great too, very beery and doesn't reflect the strength at all. Good wheat flavor and hops shining like the star they are. I tell you after last week it is a relief to pull a cracker as they say. Brewdog don't always do it for me but in this one they have made a winner! 8/10

Next up.



Beavertown!!! I think this has to be one of my favourite breweries! I get excited whenever I see one of their funky cans. I don't think they can be beaten for originality and sheer jazz! The beer is most often pretty amazeballs too.

Look at this skull laden beauty! In particular the hologram'y raspberry hats they have on.


I love it already, am I biased? Probably. This is a German style raspberry pale ale. I mean that just sounds top snotch!!! It's 6.2% So despite my best attempts at remaining sober tonight I might be onto plums as they say here.


It's slightly labia pink. I am not worried by that. Get in my mouth you! I cry.

Ooft. It's lovely! Like a silky liquid thing with just the right amount of beer flavour versus a subtle raspberry. Don't get me wrong, for sheer raspberry goodness it is no Cranachan Killer but it is very good. The raspberry is a little too tart to be perfect but golly gosh it's a good un. It looks like this will be a tie, another 8/10!


Amazing!! What a weekend beerage! Right, I am off to pretend to the good lady that I am slightly less squiffy than I actually am. Hooray!!



another great work dear friend @meesterboom, congratulations on the choice of the week, the cans look fantastic with their colorful designs.
with these post ends to abandon the diet, ho and almost I do I felt tempted by these beer.
Thank you very much for another great beer update.
I wish you a beautiful weekend

Thank you @jlufer. I was blessed by a great selection this week. It was hard to choose! diets are a necessary evil sometimes but maybe the odd sip ;O)

your beer container is halloween - ish :D

It's almost that time!

it is.. SCC's anniversary is this week then
I'd better pay @ woman-onthe-wing a visit!
remember who won the first round?
I think it was the Master Tree :D
you know what I mean right? try translating your name in Dutch he he

Oh I know who Master Tree is alright!! I am quite proud that Meesterboom actually means something!!!

A whole year eh! Wow!!

yes .. hahahah .. you know? how did you know? hahaha
yes it does !!!

Another great find of rare kinds, to me, that are hard to find around here. Missed the post last night, but looks like you had a good beertime there. :-)

Had one Hoegaarden Quadruple before I went horizontal yesterday, refreshing very nice balanced, almost too easy to drink, like a pilsner, but full of taste. Got added to my favorites list recenlty, meaning 9/10.

Have a great sunday!

Alrighty dude!! A 9/10 sounds like a cracking number!!

Hope you are having a great Sunday too!!

Nice post about the good ol' beer :)

Do you do Whisky tastings and blogs too??

I do like whisky but can't afford to be trying lots of different ones each week!! Although that would be a fine thing!!

Haha ok... Thanks for answering anyway! Appreciate it.

If you want to check out some whisky reviews, check out my page, mate

Cheers @bitfixer999

You are welcome. I will have a look :O)

I think you will find that's a hare not a rabbit, that is certainly what I rode when I was a 9 to 5 steampunk wizard - this was of course in the pre-crypto days, since then I've stopped wizarding for the man and now I'm a motivtional speaker/tech pioneer - I can't reveal to much but I'm working on a app which allow for stronger collaboration between the wizarding worlds....

A hare!! Of course! So much falls into place now!

I look forward to this app. In the past I have used an abacal pentagram but it's awfully primitive.

@meesterboom - Damn, Sir - are you trying to convert all humanity into beer drinkers? What about those poor Russians who survive on the Vodka their nation drinks?? Also - Coke and Pepsi may send SWAT teams after you! LOL

Had never expected beer cans to be so funky. Guess they decided to show the attitude of beer on the cans.

You cracked me up with 'labia' pink! LOL (rolls eyes)

Upvoted full. If you need some mellow stuff to read with your funky beer - please take a look at my latest effort (????)



Hehe, i am glad someone noticed that one!!

I am trying to convert everyone to the beer!! No more vodka, no more soft drinks. Huzzah!!

Will have a look :0)

Oh those both look heavenly! I should like to try the raspberry pale ale most :) Congrats on the newest boom :D I missed the birth announcement, but wanted to congratulate you all <3 <3

Aw thank you!! We are awfully chuffed with the little man!!

The beers are fab! Raspberry one is great!

Geat post. How do you make the GIF's may I ask?
And where did you got these.
Greatings. - fellow beer lover.

Hey dude! I just made the gigs with my phone camera. Samsung s8, it has a gif maker as part of the camera app.

I got the first beer from Morrison's and the second from wholefoods :0)

TOO Funny - the one called "Dead & Berried"!

Liked your likeness in the final image - and yr vocabulary.. "less squiffy, indeed" .

PS - Where is Beavertown? Or did u mean Beaverton?

Beavertown is the name of the brewery which is named after an old area of London :0)

Oh, I see.
Thanks for clarifying !

Funky designs and skull-laden backgrounds!? If that's not a setup for a winner, I don't know what is!! Dos ochos!! Looks like it was a very fun round! Could this be the highest average of the "Out of Ten" era? Hmm.. could be!

Beavertown has yet to fail to amaze, and I'm glad that you have at least on bastion of brewing you can lean on in uncertain times, dude! Four beers in a week?? Seems like an apt celebration for the coming of Little Boom!

Four beers... This way lies madness!!! :0D

Yeah, Beavertown rawks, funky cans, always with skulls and great beer. Makes me a happy fellow!!

Love the funky beer cans that you manage to find every week. Really cool! And the beers most times are amazing too. 9 to 5 Wizard sounds the best to me. I'm not much on raspberries at the best of times, so I think I would pass on the Dead and Berried...

9 to 5 was a fair good one. I will be getting it again!

I am often amazed at being able to find funky ones week after week!

great post!!! I would drink both of them with a great pleasure. I remember this beer which tastes really cool

Good lord, look at that!!! That looks amazing! I will try to find that one!

you'll never forget the taste of this beer. I drunk it once a long time ago and still remember.

Lol, I like it when you get a good un that totally sticks in the mind. Sometimes its the really bad ones that do so too easily :O)

I really want to taste this two beers, their look is so creative, i'll try search them near me. thank you

I hope you find them!

Oh man!
Now I want a beer already!

Love all those colorful bottles you choose, though I particularly like this psychedelic rabbit one!


The psychedelic rabbit rider did seem to be a winner although I liked the other design better because skulls lol!!

hahaha yea Im actually not a big fan of skulz ;-)>

What? This is Madness!?!?!?


I am made with awesomeness!!!

You lucky dog. It looks you have some access to some really cool beers. I would love to drink both of those. The more colorful the better.

That's my view too, the more colorful the better!

Ooohhhh, I LOVE those cans, me wants!! Those look scrumdiddlyumptious and no mistake! I have never heard of a India Pale Weizen, I must get my hands on that!

Hmm, beavertown is your favorite brewery and you described the beer as labia weren't kidding when you said repressed is not the word... (still have the Tens machine?)

Hehe, well in fairness I always throw a crude word in to just about every statement I make :0D it's who I am!

They were great beers. It was a good turn from the rubbish ones of last week. Beaver... Hur hur hur ;0)

lol, I know you do, I was just looking for a reason to make a joke about the tens machine ;)

Lol!! Still have it ;0)

Hmm, covered in blood n shit right enough. Boak!!

Great review, looks like great beers, I think I would prefer the first one, but then I haven't tasted any of the 2 - baaaddd!!

The first probably had the slightest of edge over the second but they were both great!! :0)

Cheers, you did choose perfect ones for tuesday ! Wednesdays beers are waiting to be tasted, yellow pleasure... bring them on

Yellow pleasure! I like it, a big Cheers to ya mate!!

Good to see you cutting down, now get lots of water down as its your turn to get up with your little one :)

I know, will are lucky and unlucky at this stage that it isn't quite yet time for turns. More like we are both up all night practically!

cheers to you too....nothing like a good cold beer on a weekend