
in #life2 years ago


Where are we going, Daddy?

The Little Boom enquired happily from the back seat of the car where he was enthusiastically decorating the seat with cracker crumbs as he ate.

Well, young man. We are headed out to Balgray reservoir. It is very scenic. Lots of wildlife apparently. It should be fun!

I cackled madly whilst swerving around the narrow country roads of Scotland that would make an Italian bus driver weep.

Will there be penguins?

The Little Boom loved penguins. If the world had nothing but Penguins he would be a happy chap. At least until dinner time and some momma penguin slopped a couple of dead fish on his plate. He wouldn't be so happy then I would wager.

No penguins, little dude. I think there might be herons and stuff.

I said this with the blind confidence of a man who isn't entirely sure of what a heron actually was.

What's a hewon?

He rumpled his face as he sounded out this new word.

Um, some kind of waterbird perhaps? Maybe eats fish. No bigger than an Ox I would say. Imagine! Fish leaping out of the lake and birds and other crazy wild animals snapping them up and running about like mad! This is going to be amazeballs!

I chuckled happily to myself. These were truly the finest days.

And here we are!

I swung the car into a remote car park and looked about.



It was a bit barren. I mean, what the double funks? Was this Chernobyl? Had I unwittingly slipped through time and space and ended up in a nuclear wasteland?

Come to think of it there had been a bit of a bump down the road a bit. Was that it?

Come on, little dude. Let's see the amazing wildlife!

I maintained a positive attitude. This was just the car park. Sure, there were overhead power lines and a train track nearby but the reservoir itself was bound to be top-notch.

After all, the Good Lady had sent me here and thrown all manner of amazing photos my way. She wouldn't give us a bum steer, surely?

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We grabbed our supplies, which for the Little Boom consisted of a lunch box and for me a large serrated blade and some emergency flares.

It was Glasgow after all.

We rounded a corner. I couldn't see the reservoir but I could smell the acrid tang of water and hear the mad squawking of many winged things.

Come on dude, just at the top of this hill!

We cleared the top of the hill and looked excitedly ahead.

Daddy, what is that smell? And where is the wezewahr?

The Little Boom looked a little taken aback at the sight before us.

where sity.jpeg

Fear not youngster, I can see the water! Look, there!

I lifted him up so he could see the dank gleam of something that might be water in the distance.

We trudged on.


Come on young padawan, not far now!

I tried to gee up the Little Boom who was starting to complain that he was getting tired and that he was hungry.

No doubt if he was older he would have added that it was shit but thankfully, he wasn't at that stage yet.


As we got nearer the mythical water the ground beneath us started to change from a blasted Martian Landscape to a cracked and dusty terrain like the back of an eighty-year-old's hand.


The promise of water lured us on. By now, the air was slightly hazy with a weird stench. At first from a distance, I had assumed it was the bountiful smell of nature. Animals in the raw. But no. It seemed apparent that the stench was that of broken dead sea-things.

Dusty broken shells now littered the ground and the water was no nearer.


Still we marched.

Soon, clouds of midges buzzed us and the air itself became hard to breathe.

I looked at the little guy resolutely plodding on.

the end.jpeg

Fuck this.

Hey, little guy. Shall we sack this and go get ice cream?

The Little Boom gratefully nodded and together we fled from Death Valley's second rate cousin.

Fuck you Scotland


Heavens! I'm not sure a heron or an egret would bother stopping by, they might fly on "Harold, what's become of our scottish get away?" They might squawk, "Never you mind, Mahgrit, keep your eyes straight ahead, it's to Balmoral for the likes of us!" Lol.

Well, if Kubrick were still alive he'd have a blast filming say the "mars landing' on that cracked earth haha ;)

I hope you enjoyed some fun after all this, I mean ice cream is a pretty good balm to a lost seaside outing. Better luck next time @meesterboom

Balmoral would be a good choice for them! I wouldn't be stopping there either if I could see it from the air. Heck, if I could have seen it closer up I would have turned before we got near the clouds of biting things!

Kubrick would have that area cordoned off and under permanent movie location status!

Lol @mahgrit, that is totally the way the Scots say Margaret :OD

It's also the parlance of certain Boston accents as well, "Mahgrit pahk the cah we gotta head to the packie" (packie is our off license or 'liquor store') haha.

No water in a Scottish reservoir? With all your rain? Wtf! You know what's going to happen next don't you? National Irn Bru shortage and a new bouquet to the local distillery's finest products!

Anyway, enough of Scottish stereotyping and onto educational advice.

Teaching phonics , so many swear words fall into very basic level phonics we initially teach youngsters.

i + t is one of the very first we teach, then 'sh' ... sh + it = shit.

f + u (umbrella) + ck = fuck...

Hate to tell you this but Thai kids can express dismay and surprise in English better than your own native speaking son. Step up your game man before he gets too much further behind!

So what was the reason for the lack of water?

I still have no idea why the damn thing was empty. Its not as if we are suffering from ablistering drought. I am meant to be oiling my decking and cant get 48 hours without rain for the stuff to dry.

Maybe a sinkhole has opened up and some kind of alternate dimension monster is going to rise up out of it and kill us all, hehe.

Maybe we should fill it with Irn Bru!!

I would love to step up my game with the wee man but the Good Lady forbids it. She has me talking like a posho around him all the time so he doesn't learn any of my guttersnipe stuff! :OD

oiling my decking

You sooooo need to use that as a metaphor in your next post lol!!

I have a cunning plan, I'll send him some Thai swear words to teach him to even the game up! The words 'banana' and cock are merely a tone apart in Thai. Gluay...flat tone =banana. Gluay...rising tone at the end = cock....or it could be the other way around....hence another reason I never use this damned language in public. Causes far too many problems!

Hahaha, totally!! You don't want to get caught asking for a banana with a raised inflection at the end!! Lol!!!

That's a fine idea for a metaphor. I think I shall!!

The more serious suggestion though is Lochwinnoch RSPB and country park. He will see loads of birds there and I am sure there will be water, usually also cascading across the road as you enter Lochwinnoch itself. I've had a couple of nice visits there as its also the home of the wife's sister and her husband who is a Lochwinnoch native.

Really!! That's awesome, we are actually planning a trip that way because we found out the RSPB has a bird reserve thing going on there. We recently joined them because the kids are animal daft and they have quite a few places in Scotland that are quite near which look like a good trip. Lochwinnoch was one of them. I don't think it is too far from me car wise either!!

Haaaaaaaa, your son does not seem very determined to continue haaaaaaaa, apparently the good lady's map was not right haaaaaaa and luckily he is not old enough to say, this is shit as you say haaaaaaaa, eating ice cream was a better plan, and show him penguins in google tutorials, it's a better plan than going to that desert haaaaaaaaa.
That walk was disastrous haaaaaaa, well I laughed a lot reading it, for me it was nice to accompany them in some way :)

It was very funny to look back on! I am glad we made it out alive and didn't fall down into the dust for the birds to pick over! Ice cream wins!


That's right, ice cream is a winner.
I wish you a happy day

And a very happy day to you too my friend!

Reservoir he said lol....for ants maybe? Where's all the water gone?
Scots don't drink water is a well known racial stereotype so where is it? Aliens! 🤦‍♂️😂👍

I know!! Its soaking wet up here all the time. Where did it all go. Reservoirs in Scotland are not meant to be a dry cracked mess. Its not Death Valley!

You know, I have always thought, if in doubt... ALIENS! :OD

Defo Aliens 🥶🤢👽😂👍

They walk among us!! 😃

@meesterboom Yikes. What a wild wildlife experience. No herons even. I get to see plenty of them during my wildlife photo trips on Sunday. and if you promise me a kidney or something in return, I promise to show you herons 😀. Nah just kidding. All you have to do is visit my blog to see plenty of birds. Not penguins though. I too love them like little boom but the only ones I have seen so far are the ones in movies like Madagascar. 😂.

No herons! I missed my chance of seeing a real heron! Have you displayed herons on your blog. I shall be looking!

Penguins are quite magical. The problem is that we took him to a country [park that had them when he was very little and now he thinks they are native to Scotland hehe :OD

@meesterboom Well- I have not posted herons recently but lots of other wildlife. Will try to post herons soon 😀

singature small avatar.png

Herons for the win ;O)

Lots of wildlife yeah, dead !LOL

Everything just looks like an apocalyptic scenario, seems like you two had a very fun day 😜😂

Even tho it wasn't the best it will still probably remain a great memory for your Little Boom!


Yup, dead things everywhere and birds pecking at the bits that were left!!

He did love it, until the midges started biting. Aint going back tho... !BEER :OD !PIZZA

I did not even know what they were before this post and now that I see them I can imagine how annoying they can be!

I remember when I was young I used to go to Poland to my grandma for few months every year during the summer and some periods we would have all sorts of bugs flying everywhere, everyone would look red like sick with chickenpox, and itchy as hell... not fun lol


They are so tiny, that is the super annoying thing. You sort of feel a cloud of dots zipping about you and think, silly little things at least they cant hurt me. Two hours later you are scratching and cursing about how you will burn everything down to show them whos boss :OD

Sounds like Poland has them as well!

Ohhhh....this comment did it! I think after further research I now know 100% what they are !LOL

I feel like an idiot ahahaha I am half Italian and in Italy we call them "moscerini" they're like the very tiny mosquitoes but they're not mosquitoes, the very tiny animals that the bikers eat every time they go biking 🤣

Now that I have this knowledge my life feels good!

Sounds like Poland has them as well!

Indeed, they were some of those annoying bugs I was telling you about earlier, probably the most annoying were the wood ticks, luckily I never got one but I remember seeing my cousins cry many times when they caught one... My aunt taking them out with tweezers and them crying like babies 🤣 lucky me lol

We do have loads of them in Italy too (Midges)

Midges and mosquitoes, like why they're even a thing?

Thats them, tiny little nearly mosquitos. I mean, I am baffled as to how something so small can actually get to the blood in the skin!

Knowledge is good! lol

I haven't had a tick but my friend did. It was quite disgusting as he didn't find it till it had had a good feed. Yeuch!

There are some things which just should not exist!!!

My cousin feels for your friend lol

There are some things which just should not exist!!!

I definitely agree!

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

FFS beer bot. You have let me down

The bots are here for this reason, to let all humans down!


Dont quite need to worry about the machine uprising just yet :OD


A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

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Will you be able to give me a heads up for when I have to start worrying? 🤣 I'm quite paranoid by design lol

Wow what a place.
I hope the midges didn't bite you.
Good tour with a little companion)
Did you end up buying ice cream?

I only nabbed a couple of bites, the little guy was immune thankfully!

Scottish tablet ice cream, it's yummy!!

That could well turn into Quicksand and swallow you both.., now there's some excitement!

It would have been something decent exciting at least. It was such a let down! How can it be all dried up, its not summer and even more, Its Scotland!

Lol, it was indeed a death Valley, if I were the little boy, I would have should take me back! because what I was expecting to see is different from the scene around

Daddy talks with confidence as if he knows it all, but everything turns out to be something else. It's better to go back to enjoy the Ice Cream, that place looks dreadful for little Boom😬.

Ice cream was the winner. I think he was more than happy with how the day turned out. I think we both were!

Kikikiki 🤣🤣, yeah, it turns out to be fun anyway, and The ice cream makes the day to be more pleasured...

It makes any day better! Even in the cold and heartless depths of winter! :OD

I think you made the right call there. He looked kinda glum in that last pic, poor little guy. Ice cream works wonders for little ones, I am sure that it was far more exciting than Hewons.

He was. I think there was an element of half acting for the photo and half wanting to get out of that cracked wasteland!!

I am quite convicts that is than an hour later he had forgotten all about it and was only thinking about the ice cream.

Although the hewons will be spotted, it will be our mission!!

Well what the fuck was that excuse for a reservoir? Don’t people know we have smart phones and need to take scenic pictures of a place so we can just turn around and go home, having satisfied our desire with a few seconds?

Poor little chap! I’ve disappointed our son a few times by trying to bring him somewhere cool to fish or something only to get lost or the place end up being just a huge pile of weeds hahah. Hit or miss with some of these damn places! Least the little dude was a good sport about it.

Ha, I have done the getting lost thing. Or taken him somewhere that is closed. I had a bit more faith about this one and well, you saw the result.

I mean I'm not on Instagram but if I was I am sure my 17 followers world have been gutted by the lack of scenic selfies!

Man, i really loved penguins too when i was younger. To the point i remember having a light sea green colored keychain, like a water filled penguin kind of keychain toy.

Lol, take that knife and flares bro, i feel you. Here around chicago, il i do the same.

Ah, the ol Bum Steer lol

Nice story bro. Desert like at the end.

My friend went to Chicago just before Covid, he is big into EDM and DJ'ing and went for the clubs and to see a few guys and he said it was so similar to Glasgow in many respects. The grimier ones that is, that he felt quite at home!

😂Hahahahah. I feel your pain. The points of interest in my town are a well, a "French Mans Stream" and a Giants Rock.

A French man's stream 🤣🤣🤣

I'm just back from the Frenchers. It's the dogs mecca. Loses his fucking life if the car goes in the direction of the French mans stream. I will bury him up there when his time comes.

Should like a fine place for a resting place when the time comes!

Back in the '80's, I had the opposite story occur. (We expected the water to be gone and stay gone)

My dad and I were out exploring on the East coast. We walked across a tidal flat to go look at a light house. My dad had been in the Navy and knew that we need to keep track of the time. If the tide comes in, we'll be stuck out at the lighthouse.

Well .... we're from Ontario - my dad didn't take into account the difference in time zone (likely excuse). When the tide started coming in, we did a mad scramble to get back to the mainland.

We made it back ... but the last 10-15 feet, I was up to my waste in seawater. My guess is that I was about the same height as the little Boom is.

Mom wasn't too happy about that story.

Oh no, thats everyones worst nightmare when they go across a tidal flat! Its like the basis for a million kids adventure stories, lol.

It was quick thinking of him to blame the time zone difference, hehe.

I bet your Mom was not happy, these things play on the mind!

It definitely burned a life lesson into my brain.

I learned a true respect for water that day.

Its a fearsome thing. I grew up near a big industrial river that was famous for drownings. I have always had a healthy combo of fear and respect for it!

Hahaha!! I had a similar experience years ago when I took my daughter to a wildlife refuge. Just like that, no one was around...and the only thing we saw was clouds of mosquitoes! It was awful, but we also salvaged it with ice cream- nothing like some rainbow sprinkles on vanilla cones to make the world right again :)

Exacto! There has to be some saving grace available and ice cream almost always fits the bill!

It is quite hilarious that we saw such dessicated nonsense in Scotland, one of the wettest kingdoms known to man!

That really is crazy, looks like it was hit by a pretty serious drought!

It has been hit by god's hairdryer!!!

So, no wildlife afterall😂😂

I particularly love the view of the beautiful sky though

The sky was good. I must admit though, my favourite view is of no clouds!

Well, that's beautiful too🤗

Oh no! That's unfortunate. Places always look better online. People will take a photo of one awesome spot and say how amazing the entire place is, even if the rest is a dump. That happens to us periodically. Ill be like "well there is the spot I saw online" then snap the exact same photo and get the hell out of there.

That reservoirs looks pretty dried up. Obviously not what you were expecting and probably not worth the drive. Then again a drive with dad may be fun enough for your son. Quality time and all. And ice cream of course. That's something!

He will remember the ice cream if nothing else. That and possibly twisted dear landscapes that haunt his dreams for years to come!!

I have seen many a place like that too, the ones where you think oh right, if you stand just so you can get a good pic

It's only been dry for a few days, I think it needs to have a word with itself about it's commitment to the job of being a reservoir!!

oh right, if you stand just so you can get a good pic

Haha yeah exactly.

Herons are incredible birds by the way. I love seeing them standing near water or flying. They're massive and remind me of a dinosaur

Thats it, I am off to google some heron porn. I am sure I have seen one but when it popped into my head I just couldn't picture when or where!

Omg. That ending is perfect. One sentence to cover it all.

Haha, pretty much! :)


Hey @davedickeyyall, here is a little bit of BEER from @meesterboom for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I believe there is more water in the Sahara desert. Bummer!

Haha, indeed. I wouldn't have minded a nice bit of golden sand!!

The scenery would do fine for a Zombie Apocalypse movie, I guess. The dark clouds add to that.

Little Boom was dressed for the occasion, meeting some wild life animals. Pitty none where around.

Hope the ice cream did make up for it. :-)

It would have made a fine apocalypse movie!

Dressed as a shark, that is how to approach things in life. I think I might get a hoodie like that for my next big office meeting :OD

The ice cream worked a treat. I enjoyed it myself!

The 'shark' dressed man! (Insert ZZ Top music in there somewhere 😎.)

"Everybody's bowing for the shark dressed man!" 🎸🎵

Ice cream, always a nice treat!

That is me goosed for the day now as I wont be able to get that song out of my head!

But heck, its not a bad tune to be humming :O)

The Simpsons covered everything!

Wow! This actually happened? Looks like Google Maps hasn't been updated for a while around there ( which is probably a good thing ). Somebody either pulled the plug and drained it all or you have been waking above one of the world's most giant s(t)inkholes ;^)

Yeah! It was yesterday. The water was a little silty pile of ,mud in the middle. Weirdly though, we passed an overflow pond which was half full and yet there was no overflow. Maybe there is some sinkhole'age thing going on! Now I will have to check Google maps and see the no doubt verdant lushness!

Perhaps you found a Scottish version of a Fata Morgana but this one is only visible from Google Maps, as soon as you actually go there, it's midges, dead fish, cracked earth and so on. Not very pretty unless you manage to enjoy the beauty of imperfection.

Good lord. having just looked at the images on google maps Ithink that may very well be the case! It looks like some lush tropical (as tropical as it can get in Scotland) paradise!

A Fata Morgana it is.
Do you remember a drink called Punica?

I do not. Was it was an alcoholic drink?

No, a late 80s 'tropical' kids drink,

The TV commercial showed a man crawling through the desert, begging for 'Punica'. Reminds me of Summer holidays in the South of France.

Pictures always has deep meaning inside, those are looking dead.

It seems there was much death and bleakness there!

Little boom and the unprovoked raw curiosity!

He was stuck by it, it was great to see him go but I didv have to stop him trying to turn over a dead bird with his hands! :0D

Lmao 😂


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