
in #life4 months ago


Excuse me, do you have a name tag?

A reedy voice piped nasally at me like a baby alligator squealing in a sock.

I looked up from my laptop to see which type of neer-do-well was haunting my Thursday office visit.

It was a wispy-looking, middle-aged man with grey skin and incredibly large glasses behind which his eyes swam lazily. I noticed he also had a stain over his left tit that looked suspiciously like egg or the infamous yellow sperm of the Latvian Mafioso.

I hoped for his sake it was egg.


I said perkily, like a well-thumbed nipple.
That would be a nipple of any sexual persuasion. I am an equal opportunities nipple thumber but I don't like hairy ones. Not since that time in Korea in '78

Ahhrum... I am the fire warden for this floor and we're having a Fire test this afternoon. I am taking everyone's names sure that everyone has signed in and I can't see your name tag?

Eggy-Womble coughed almost apologetically but at the same time with a predatory gleam in his eye as if I were a young rabbit and he was in the market for an extra lucky paw.

Inwardly I groaned. My office still hadn't figured out the door entry system and despite being in the new office for ages now, we had to scribble our names on a sign-in sheet every morning.

Needless to say, I never bothered my arse. Life is too short for other people's fucking nonsense.

I don't use a name tag.

I smiled at the wombling fool, hoping that we were sorted.

You don't have one? But you have to, it's the rules?

Eggy-Womble pursed his lips tight, like a lady penguin's under-purse in an arctic wind.

Oh I do have one, somewhere but it's a pain in the arse putting it on my monitor so I don't bother using it.

I wheeled a bit closer to old Eggy-Womble and nudged him jovially with my elbow as if we were two parachute-wearing brohams in a cargo plane at 40,000 feet and we were living for that shit.

Eggy-Womble's face turned ashen.

You what? You can't not just bother with it. It's...It's policy!

His face reddened and dimpled so much that he resembled one of my Aunt Margaret's thighs.

Listen, it's cool. I will put my name tag up next time. I left it in the house. Eh, how's that? We good?

I tried to give him another amigo-nudge but he skipped back angrily.

No, we are not good. I need your name and I will also be mentioning this to your line manager. It is very serious. What if there was a real fire, we need to know who is in and who isn't. Lives could be at stake.

Eggy-Womble Looked into the distance, no doubt imagining me smeared in my own shit and screaming as flames raged around me.

Oh for gaawwwwd sake. Fine. My name is Archer.

I grinned at Egg-sac, nearby Bernie-the-Woman made a coughing noise that sounded suspiciously like a stifled laugh.

And what is your first name Mr. Archer.

Egg-Flambe leaned in close and hissed at me threateningly, like a cat in a biscuit tin.

Archer is my first name mateychops.

I turned my back on him and started inserting a swipey transition in a random PowerPoint slide deck.

Right, that is it. This is appalling. I need to find your manager. I will be back!

Egg-Nog was glistening with rage now like toad skin in the moonlight and strode off in the hunt of someone boss-like.

Right, I am away for lunch. Say you have no idea who I was.

I grabbed my stuff and stood up.

I love hot-desking.


I have to swipe my badge 4 times before I even get to my desk, so they know where I am. Joking apart, nobody wants to be the stain on the scorched carpet if there really is a fire.

I don't mind a bit of swiping, I just can't believe they haven't hooked up the swiping system to our own servers yet like in our old place. It's like they take register on a clipboard now!

As soon as I hear a hint of fire alarm I am out that door! 😃😃

I could tell by the way you first described him that he was going to be a stickler for the freaking rules, squeakily so.

He won't have to tell your manager who ran him on like that, they'll already know as soon as he tells them. Who else there would have large enough cojones to do that???

Hehe, he totally was. I don't even think I had ever seen him before.

I wonder which manager he ran to. I am lucky in one respect that we have millions of them. More than workers it seems at times!

Good Lawd! I know THAT story. When I moved to a different department. I got a new supervisor and then another. I have a manager, a director and VP. The old department still has a small grasp on me, so there are 3 more supervisors, 2 more managers and another director and a VP. I don't even know my new director. I call her "you know, that woman".... ha ha ... but of course, not where she can hear. Too many roosters, not enough chickens I say.

And they wonder where the waste lies and constantly patrol the work by the chickens when they need to be taking a long hard look at the middle layer above. It's ridiculous!

I know THAT's right !

Lighthearted slow burn with fun banter, just what I needed right now. What happened in '78 🙃

Little snarky..., right treatment in the moment!

A little snark how a long long way!!

Long time no see missus, I hope you are well!

Eish, hubby played with snaky, not his own, 28th Oct to 29th Black Friday moved from hospital to a frail care home.

Me, still blustery, little blown out, hey ho away we go, it's summer don't play with snakes ever.....

Hope to do touch down in Hive a little more, when time allows!


Oofty that is rough. I hope things improve and no more snakey!

Nope after MRI and a gazillion tests his is permanent, now make him as comfortable as I can afford close to home.

Will be back on track once all is sorted.....

BEERHey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Guess we're all dead in my building in event of a fire then, none of us have name tags XD

I think our building would be a lot smaller and less populated than yours

I want to know how Egg* found your manager given that he didn't know who you were to begin with XD

I think he went bleating to anyone who would listen! 🤣🤣

Really though, hardly anyone signs in or has name tags. I suspect I was the last straw! If they have is back our desire they would know who we all are 😃

Oh my god. I can't either. I was walking and typing!

I can't parse the last sentence ^_^;

Oh my god. I can't either. I was walking and typing!

And when I replied the above I replied to myself. I am on fire today 🤣🤣

Relatable XD

I am laughing so hard right now XD

Indeed life is too short for such bullshits. That's why we eliminate them as we grow older 😄🍺

Eliminate all the bullshits till there are none left!! That's my motto!

Bullshits must be eradicated, it's a widely accepted policy (in certain circles.)

I wish to be chief bullshits eradicator. I think it works be a fine title to have! 😃

Yes, who would not want their business card to say that; good perks for the job too I reckon.

I remember business cards, when I was young they seemed like the height of success!

Yeah...the job comes with a pager too.


It sounds like Egg-Nog needs a gummy in the worst way...10mg of indica should do the trick! Lol.

Double the dose, he needs mending! :OD

That is mighty smooth sir. I hope you didn't actually get in trouble for it. If the guy was serious about reporting you, I guess he can just ask your neighbors what your actual name is. I can't say I'm mad at the guy for being strict while doing his responsibility. If it was any other day than the fire test day, then maybe.

I put my name tag up when I cam back from lunch, lol. He didn't come back tho!

He did have a point but I was feeling gnarly :OD

I figured your boss or whoever he talked to was able to smooth it out in the end. They might have told him you were just messing with him.

Yeah, my boss for all his faults didn't take a lot of things seriously unless it directly affects him!

You've had an experience that has really marked you... since ‘78, Oh, man.... well, I hear you.
And there is a Latvian mafia and that thing you mention is famous? Was it in an expensive drink or something? I just know I don't know anything, Archer. Lol.

Archer would be a fine name! Lol.

Alas I talk so much nonsense that I dont even know if there is a Latvian Mafia! :OD

Swipe? Tell him to swipe... Swipe that sperm off your shirt..

Mibbe it was his badge of honour 🤣🤣

Or dis-honour..

Lol. Aye, more likely that! 🤣🤣

Policies, policies....just a way the bosses use to get us to be 'uniform'... more like controlled lol. At least you didn't have to hold hands with your co-workers on the way to lunch lol.

Holding hands might have been the last straw. I hate most policies but at least I can understand some but others are just so stupid!! I have told them to get their swipe in system sorted so we don't have to sign shit each day 😃😃

lol good for you! Some policies are necessary, like no guns in the courtroom, those I can get behind.

On the flip side, those archaic policies, like signing in on a piece of paper are ridiculous...I mean, are you not adults?? Can you not be relied on to show up? Next step would be you have to sign in with a different color crayon each day.

oooh how pretty lol. I have minimal patience for that kind of policy

I can imagine crayon writing going down a treat in my place as its full of clowns 😀

No guns in a courtroom. I agree, i think that one might be alright!!


The ol hairy nipple in Korea, hmmmm, mysterious...

The fire guy inspired a good post my bro. I dont always wear my badge anymore so i feel you. You were at Archers desk i take it lol. Keep rockin BoomBoss!


I don't even think there is an Archer!! Good luck to him finding that name anywhere.

I only wear my pass to get in and out and if some super big bosses are about 😃

No doubt this 'fire warden' was allocated the voluntary job by his boss based on the fact he's an annoying little fucker whom the boss wishes to get off his case! I hope he was wearing an armband and hi-vis!

Personally I have scant regard for fire rules after an upsetting case where upon seeing a girl on my staff run out of the toilets screaming 'fire', happily smashed the glass and emptied the whole of the First-Direct call centre, as well as numerous other company's staff that worked at the old Systime building in Leeds, into the car park. At least a dozen fire engines turned up (might not quite have been a dozen but i'll keep at that for comedic effect and blame my elderly memory!) and my entire evening shift earned a stack of OT as the staff audit took whilst almost midnight to complete due to many people just jumping in their cars and fucking off home when their shift should have finished, thus creating major descrepencies in the headcount! This major fuck-up was despite the fact we all had to swipe keycards to get in and out of the building even back then in 1990, but NOT during an evacuation of the building!

There was no fire, just a few sparks and a puff of smoke from a hand dryer fusing. The big bosses weren't happy. Seems I should have checked first, before hitting the panic button, they said. Hey-ho...better safe than sorry, I always say and damn it was fun ;-)

Haha!! It is better safe than sorry but what a stramash!! In our old building the alarms used to go off when someone used spray deodorant in the toilets. Every other bloody week we would be standing out in the street with no jackets on waiting for the fire brigade to give the all clear!

Ha ha! I am the one doing the fire check, so occasionally, people run out of the building because I forget to tell them about the alarm.

Hahaahah, the fire fear! We normally get an email about it but not this time. I think they really wanted to test us!

You're like a ghost 👻

Also what is this hairy Korean nipple story?

The ghost face kills!

Lol. I am constantly being told off for not wearing my pass. I hate that shit.

Thankfully there is no Korean story. I just thought it sounded good 🤣🤣

I have to wear a badge as well at work. It is annoying.

Too bad about the story. Sounds like it would have been a good one lol

I dare not think where such a story might have led!!

Yeah, they are militant about it in my place. They think we are a prime target for terrorists and bad actors 😃

Haha now you in trouble, so you really gave him your name I would probably give him a wrong one and make a run for it

Don't worry, it was a wrong name!! 😃😃

Hahah I was afraid for a second. Guess you nailed that one lolzz🤣🤣

Yeah, never give up that name!!! 🤣🤣


But doesn't that Eggy-Womble know that You were forged from the lava that flows in Mount Doom and the flames of hell don't bother You?
A little fire for You would be just a diversion to pass the time!

Big Boomy!

You are correct of course! It would probably recharge me and make me stronger!! 🤣🤣

I remember reading a story once where someone at a work function complaining of one of his bosses, and the woman to whom he was speaking said, "don't you know who I am? I'm his wife!"

To which the complainer replied, "well, don't you know who I am?"

"Well, no..."

"Good!" And he vanished onto the crowd

Hehe. The joy of not wearing a pad with your visible name on it!!

Anonymity is splendid, it allows many sins!

Hello my dear Sir, those industrial Safety and Hygiene policies are endless at the time of any situation of imminent danger. And finally, which boss are he(Egg-Nog)complaining to? on the hot desk ♨️😁

Hola milady!!

We have so many bosses finding one would get like shooting fish in a barrel 🤣🤣



When I was working in office, the manager used to be like that, so one day we lied like that and left office for a trip and I got to know Ajr. Later, there was a lot of disrespect. But all those moments were memorable.

Memorable times are the best times!

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