COVID-19 - Honest journalism or state propaganda?

in #life5 years ago (edited)

The media repeated the political lie that Saddam Hussein had 'weapons of mass destruction'. Thousands (perhaps millions) of people died.

They repeated the scientific lie that asbestos was a noncarcinogen. Thousands of people died.

They repeated the medical lie that cigarettes were safe. Thousands of people died.

The BBC covered up Jimmy Saville's paedophilia for years - hundreds of children were abused.


Are you starting to see a pattern emerge? A journalists' job is to investigate and report, not repeat and report. 'Repeat and report' has become the new journalistic standard to which all reporters must adhere to, and it is costing us our lives and our freedom.

The mainstream media's refusal to question and investigate 'authority', whether it be political authority, scientific authority, or medical authority, can only be described as an abomination of journalism -- and it is high time these people were brought to justice for their ongoing disinformation campaign and belligerent distortion of the truth.