Don't Forget to Breathe

in #life8 years ago

 How do you react when someone criticizes you or tells you something you really don't want to hear? 

Yelling. Loudly.   
Rapid heart beat.   
Childish rage.    
Defending our territory.   
Thoughtless words.   

 But ..... what about pausing and taking some time to breathe?   

Our initial response is not always what is best for us. Reacting negatively can sometimes only escalate the situation.   

We could save ourselves a lot of pain if we first pause and take a breath before we respond. Or better yet, if the situation allows, sleep on it and allow yourself to calm down.   

Take a moment and ground your thoughts and try the pause method. Allow your feet to feel the ground beneath you. Feel the air on your skin. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the feeling within you before you say the first thing that pops into your head.   

Some situations may require an immediate response, but even so, take a moment before verbalizing or reacting.   

Be in the moment. Move beyond reaction into a subtle calm before speaking.   

See what happens.   


great advice. less reacting and more reflecting is the way to go.
breathing keeps us grounded and reflective...

This is great advice.

If only this post existed years ago. Sometimes you can get into a heated argument and then the person in front of you does something unpredictable.

I really wish the situation allowed me to walk away unharmed.

I am not sure that I want to down vote this comment right now, however, the "mute" button will work just fine for me right now.


Yup! :)
The breath is so wonderful for bringing us into the moment and out of our jumpy minds.
The more we get in touch with it, the more it brings us into the moment, right?

Love Peace Freedom