
Everyone knows the answer to everything is Number 42

Well that's gonna baffle the millennials! ........No offence meant kids;)

You raise a lot of important questions in this show, Max.

I have tried to discuss many topics and different theories with people I know, and often find a lot of resistance to even questioning things in the first place. I like to point out when people disregard things because it's "conspiracy theory nonsense," that one thing is for certain: we don't know the truth. If people knew the truth there wouldn't be a myriad of different theories about the nature of things. There is but one truth. Lack of discernible consensus is an indication that something has been removed or manipulated.

The Vatican City Archives have been estimated to contain 85 kilometres (53 mi) of shelving, and there are 35,000 volumes in the selective catalogue alone, according to the wiki. There are strict limitations to what archive users are able to view and access. For example, no materials dated after 1939 are available for public viewing – and an entire section of the archives relating to the personal affairs of cardinals from 1922 onwards cannot be accessed.

This is one example of a repository of history and information that the people are allowed to know about. We are told that the much of the information at the Library of Alexandria was lost, and while that may well be true, this alone can be questioned when one begins a campaign of questioning the validity of history. The manipulation has been so well crafted that even questioning the obvious, that we don't know the true extent of human history, sends one into a feedback loop of uncertainty.

The best thing about it I'd say is that there is only one truth, and the nature of truth is to be known. I'm sure I could point out a number of quotes about truth from various sources that would all be suitable for posting here, but I will refrain from that. All of them would be suitable in pointing out that the right to truth is necessarily in line with the natural rights inherent to us all. It is indeed one of our rights that we must make a stand to reclaim.

The time is now! If for nothing but necessity, humanity will likely have to clear the sleep from our eyes, and together remove the shackles on our minds to reclaim our birthright. No matter the history, that which we face now will become unavoidable. Together we must reclaim our sovereignty!

Thank you for sharing your perspective, Max. Safe travels to you Brother!

We are told that the much of the information at the Library of Alexandria was lost

I am of the opinion that NOTHING was lost, but stored in a safe place like Vatican...all too convenient. Indeed.

controlling the past is controlling present and future... but the knowledge is still out there... I am a big fan of Manly P Hall who made sure that the knowledge survived him, it is all on YT! And... on my website now.

that is highly likely earthcustodians

Good podcast. Earthians have always been under the control of "something alien" to our planet. I am sure your are familiar with Michael Tellinger and the like :)

The Anunnaki Myth not a myth, nor are predeluvian civilizations. I dont know where the rabbit hole ends but for me that is already far enough... the beginning of an answer.

I am speaking of owning knowledge (and thus owning Nature) in my latest presentation.

thanks Jackson, great comment

Hey max, just earned my stripes! My twitter account was suspended. Hooray! My shackles are broken! Seriously though, speaking truth to power is all that matters...keep up the good fight!
" Once more into the fray, to live and die this day. To live and die this day." Liam Neeson😎

So I was on the Merriam Webster website this morning... one of the trending words is kakistocracy!

Man you're making waves! Fist bump @maxigan!

Who has no past has no present History is the civilization of peoples Video Mimz very will follow it really later

Amazing video..

Many thanks for watching :)

Nice. Good Work

thank you :)

I discovered you recently and love your videos. Your voice is so easy to listen to.

thank you jenna

Besides most if not all of it being close to 100% Kosher our mainstream historical time lines are complete fiction

Your gift with words and how you choose to define ideas in a new light continues to amaze me.

Waiting for a "Nanny State From Heaven" accurately describes how religion is used to impose a passive mindset on people who are willing to accept it.

You're right, we all need to take responsibility. I think personal health plays a major roll. You need to be in control of what you consume physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Unfortunately most of the people I know do not care enough about their own personal health to read an ingredients label on the food they buy. Again, as you brought up, cognitive dissonance is one of the main enemies.

The manifestation of the problem is the governing bodies. We need to take control of our own reality to invoke our true power. Unity on a community level is absolutely required!

Totally agree Max, hit the nail on the head again. Keep up the great work!

Thanks and love brother.

Many thanks Jayan, great comment

@maxigan Your all posts are standard so I follow you, upvote and resteem your post. Hope for your success.

thank you brother

One of the best shows yet, really enjoyed it.

Getting back to some "basic" questions because a lot of times people forget that these questions have never been answered. Nowadays everybody is stuck inside their own rabbit hole and I think it's important that people remember the questions that brought them to this point in their lives and realize that after days, months, years, these questions remain unanswered.

Thank you for reminding us Max. Good job.

much appreciated many thanks for saying so :)

Another thought provoking show from you Max, so thank you for that. You kind of get me question and rethink some of the conclusions I already had regarding this subject by offering some new perspectives. It is quite interesting indeed how technology "helped" the control grid to get bigger and stronger over the last centuries also by making it easier to expose people to as much information as possible as quick as possible. There's press, radio, television, internet etc. that all shape our worldview and bombard us with information which is deliberately confusing and even danger for our well-being. I can not imagine something like this being done before the introduction of this technologies to humanity so yes, how did we get from A to B? From "living in harmony with nature" to having all of what we have today? It seems to me that technology like this is much needed in the control grid they are putting in place and it's getting them there even faster in my opinion so one really has to question what is going on.

thank you brother its nice to know the broadcasts help

If earth would have been a model, we would've seen it on a catwalk. That is, until we realize it doesn't fit.

A big contentious topic for historians is the knowledge lost within the Library of Alexandria

Good. Nice work

Wanted to check if you're still alive?
Just wanted to poke with a stick for a bit :)

Just like they tried to destroy acient Palmyra.