many thanks Ewe, ... Unfortunately Im completely unable to use, upload or view DTube now since clicking the link to this video from discord a week or so ago. Maybe some script or something. I have no clue. So I will be using bitchute from now on. Its all good, I know its not your fault but I have pretty well exhausted all avenues in attempting to find a fix. I just cannot use Dtube any more and thats it really. I will try again when I get back home in October and can use my main pc.
Are you running Windows? To me it's obvious that Microsoft is part of the control grid - maybe you're experiencing the tip of the algorithm keeping you on YT. Install Linux (while you still can).
Here in Dublin Ireland one can see the changes coming and coming fast just in last year.
Armed response Units all over the city. (Arming Police by back door)
Police Terror Unit (now smashing doors down already).
Airport Passport Scanning Machines.
All Passports now scanned on entry and exit (until recently Irish Passport holders were just waved through)
Passport Control now have police Uniforms (Casual Dress until recently).
Endless new laws, latest one coming is an attack on freedom of speech (The way it’s worded right now would mean petition starters could potentially be fined or imprisoned if they provide information that the Government “deems” inaccurate).
A while back, Dublin hosted a European or Worldwide Police Terrorist conference and within weeks Government announce we are getting a Police Anti Terror unit.
I think we can expect a False Flag any day now as once a city gets a terror unit you need some terror to justify their existence .
Yeah, same here in Italy, more or less. We always had lots of paramilitary police forces anyway, but recently there's just been an increase in the police state situation. Police officers are demanding "more powers" to be able to do a "better job", and some years ago they also incorporated the forest service into the Carabinieri (the military police force), therefore militarizing the f@*ing forest guards too, unbelievable.
Max it is great to see you here, been following you for ages on shittube, but then with all the censorship I walked away from the platform, I did not want to comply - so gave a fuck you very much back to them.
I am in Dublin as well for a while. People are trying to immigrate from other countries to here, but everywhere is the same, just with different colors. Now I understand, that nothing will change if we will wait for someone else to do OUR JOB!
The future is now my friends!
Yeah, even though it may seem so, there's really no escape. . Everybody everywhere would like to go to some other country that they think is slightly better than their own. The situation unfortunately just needs facing up to.
Man your a man after my own heart. I see so many ways humanity can use technology to free ourselves from mental enslavement. Instead we are moving towards further enslavement...
Few weeks ago I saw you talking against cryptos. I understood what you wanted to say, but problem was I didn't see you saying much about positive side of them, so it was easy to think you are against cryptos. Like what you said in this video "We must use any tool there is available" Same as everything, we must use cryptos to set us more free. For example, I had the hardest year of my life. My dad died, lost my job, my laptop broke and many other problems. I mentioned it once here on Steemit and guy made fundraiser for me. With money from that fundraiser I bought PC and big screen...all with tool cryptocurrency Steem. Same as me, we can do it for whatever good cause we need it for.
Big problem with cryptocurrencies is only looking fir profit and not looking at bigger picture. Many people realize after many years they have the money, but don't have anything else. In my opinion we should look at cryptos like tool, not like ultimate goal of existence...having money.
I'm almost year on Steemit and this is first time I hear about guy paying people to watch educational videos! Who is that dude?
not exactly against cryptos, just about how the system is adopting itself to them. Of course there is also the question of whether cryptos were created for this very reason, but some of what I have been learning recently has led me to question that. The comment about a steemer paying people - some people, to learn. I will leave it to him to identify himself should he choose to do so. Obviously he is not in a position to simply pay any one and everyone to watch videos and is mainly focused on those who have no knowledge of the information and are thus, actually 'learning', but I just wanted to point out what is possible with a platform like steemit if people get creative and pay things forward... when you do that, it all comes back around in the end.
You mentioned only bad side of it without saying much about positive aspects. To someone it could seem you are against cryptos. It's good you clarify that.
Another great episode Max. Thank you so much! The only thing I can accuse you of, is having a soothing and relaxing voice. Maybe that's what gives the hypnotic effect:)
Wow, I had a good idea all along but did really realize it until you put something like it in your show with your intention and beautiful imagery behind it. Thank you!
You are a wonderful human being James. You must never forget that. I truly appreciate all the help and advice you have given me with this platform and in my understanding of cryptos in general. Many thanks.
Who is the whale you mentioned who's paying people to watch videos? Which videos are they and where? Not looking to get paid myself (hopefully I already 'get' this stuff) but I might be able to recommend the videos from my end.
hello @maxigan! i am so very glad to have been introduced to you and your amazing message by my friend recently! I look forward to hearing more and learning with you!!
Hey Max, when you're in the UK in May drop by the Pillar headquarters and get a feel for the place, I think you'll like it! 41 Luke St, London EC2A 4DP, UK
Voting is a game we are allowed to play every 4 years. If voting changed anything it would be illegal.
I agree with you Max about getting the message out to people but I find most either do not believe it or do not give a toss. Maybe when the shit hits the fan people will finally awaken, when the government payments dry up maybe then.
I think Crypto Millionaires getting involved in spreading the word will happen once Crypto really takes off.
For the 15th anniversary of 9/11 Richard Gage(Rethink 9/11 ) hired a huge billboard opposite the New York Times offices in Manhattan( "Three Buildings fell on 9/11. investigate building 7 NYT). The month long advertisement REACHED 3 MILLION PEOPLE and cost $75K for the month. So just $1 million could have it for a year.
I do not understand what the story is in your vidio. because I am not very good at english. but i am very interested even though i do not understand it
One of the stupidest positions the "liberty" movement has taken is to condemn attempting change through the political process. Ron Paul woke up 80% of the modern batch of "rebels", yet they thank him by disavowing his influence as what turned them on to liberty!
Brilliant program and you have earned a new listener and supporter. here it is. any critique you could offer on how I may do better would be appreciated.
Thanks so much, My connection is slow for video so love the podcast aspect of your program.
Thanks to @bethealea posting your video. Are you a poker player at lucksacks? I just finished a blog some 30 hrs in the making trying in my own poor way to address the Migrant crisis that is poorly affecting many of my friends and family in canada
Max, you mentioned the glasses in China. That is coming to the US via Firstnet.

I put my data dump of links on Firstnet in a post a couple of weeks ago
Trojan Horse Alert - 5G Rollout Disguised As First Responder Network
And a follow up a few days later
Trojan horse Part 2
Thank you for everything you do!
Glad to see you on STEEM! I was just wondering about you on YT the other day!!
I adore Max Igan!
many thanks Ewe, ... Unfortunately Im completely unable to use, upload or view DTube now since clicking the link to this video from discord a week or so ago. Maybe some script or something. I have no clue. So I will be using bitchute from now on. Its all good, I know its not your fault but I have pretty well exhausted all avenues in attempting to find a fix. I just cannot use Dtube any more and thats it really. I will try again when I get back home in October and can use my main pc.
Max, have you tried clearing cookies and cache from your browser? Give that a go and see if that helps.
yes tried that but many thanks for the input
Are you running Windows? To me it's obvious that Microsoft is part of the control grid - maybe you're experiencing the tip of the algorithm keeping you on YT. Install Linux (while you still can).
Here in Dublin Ireland one can see the changes coming and coming fast just in last year.
A while back, Dublin hosted a European or Worldwide Police Terrorist conference and within weeks Government announce we are getting a Police Anti Terror unit.
I think we can expect a False Flag any day now as once a city gets a terror unit you need some terror to justify their existence .
Yeah, same here in Italy, more or less. We always had lots of paramilitary police forces anyway, but recently there's just been an increase in the police state situation. Police officers are demanding "more powers" to be able to do a "better job", and some years ago they also incorporated the forest service into the Carabinieri (the military police force), therefore militarizing the f@*ing forest guards too, unbelievable.
ten points brother
Max it is great to see you here, been following you for ages on shittube, but then with all the censorship I walked away from the platform, I did not want to comply - so gave a fuck you very much back to them.
I am in Dublin as well for a while. People are trying to immigrate from other countries to here, but everywhere is the same, just with different colors. Now I understand, that nothing will change if we will wait for someone else to do OUR JOB!
The future is now my friends!
Yeah, even though it may seem so, there's really no escape. . Everybody everywhere would like to go to some other country that they think is slightly better than their own. The situation unfortunately just needs facing up to.
I escaped from the UK to Poland, and it is in no way like the UK is becoming, there is no police state here,and NO false flags. :-)
Man your a man after my own heart. I see so many ways humanity can use technology to free ourselves from mental enslavement. Instead we are moving towards further enslavement...
Few weeks ago I saw you talking against cryptos. I understood what you wanted to say, but problem was I didn't see you saying much about positive side of them, so it was easy to think you are against cryptos. Like what you said in this video "We must use any tool there is available" Same as everything, we must use cryptos to set us more free. For example, I had the hardest year of my life. My dad died, lost my job, my laptop broke and many other problems. I mentioned it once here on Steemit and guy made fundraiser for me. With money from that fundraiser I bought PC and big screen...all with tool cryptocurrency Steem. Same as me, we can do it for whatever good cause we need it for.
Big problem with cryptocurrencies is only looking fir profit and not looking at bigger picture. Many people realize after many years they have the money, but don't have anything else. In my opinion we should look at cryptos like tool, not like ultimate goal of existence...having money.
I'm almost year on Steemit and this is first time I hear about guy paying people to watch educational videos! Who is that dude?
About 5G...

not exactly against cryptos, just about how the system is adopting itself to them. Of course there is also the question of whether cryptos were created for this very reason, but some of what I have been learning recently has led me to question that. The comment about a steemer paying people - some people, to learn. I will leave it to him to identify himself should he choose to do so. Obviously he is not in a position to simply pay any one and everyone to watch videos and is mainly focused on those who have no knowledge of the information and are thus, actually 'learning', but I just wanted to point out what is possible with a platform like steemit if people get creative and pay things forward... when you do that, it all comes back around in the end.
You mentioned only bad side of it without saying much about positive aspects. To someone it could seem you are against cryptos. It's good you clarify that.
I have been attempting to do so. Thank you for your understanding
Another great episode Max. Thank you so much! The only thing I can accuse you of, is having a soothing and relaxing voice. Maybe that's what gives the hypnotic effect:)
many thanks for watching :)
I just want to say "hi" Max. I not so long ago dirscovered Steemit and DTube and im happy to see you are here to. :)
Best regards from Poland :)
Thank you brother, I appreciate it.
Thanks Max for another great mind opening show.
thank you robbie
Thanks Max , great insight as always, cheers from Canada mate.
Wow, I had a good idea all along but did really realize it until you put something like it in your show with your intention and beautiful imagery behind it. Thank you!
You are a wonderful human being James. You must never forget that. I truly appreciate all the help and advice you have given me with this platform and in my understanding of cryptos in general. Many thanks.
Who is the whale you mentioned who's paying people to watch videos? Which videos are they and where? Not looking to get paid myself (hopefully I already 'get' this stuff) but I might be able to recommend the videos from my end.
Im sure he will identify himself to those he chooses to identify himself to, when he so chooses to do so geke, but that is for him to decide
Highly rEsteemed
Many thanks Frank
Dear Max - so well said. Dedicated to you:
hello @maxigan! i am so very glad to have been introduced to you and your amazing message by my friend recently! I look forward to hearing more and learning with you!!
many thanks Bethelea
Here's why:
Hey Max, when you're in the UK in May drop by the Pillar headquarters and get a feel for the place, I think you'll like it! 41 Luke St, London EC2A 4DP, UK
They probably know who you are as well! ;)
And if you are anywhere around Lituania in July consider dropping in the unconference in Vilnius, they wanna make waves! Pillar is really interesting!
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Voting is a game we are allowed to play every 4 years. If voting changed anything it would be illegal.
I agree with you Max about getting the message out to people but I find most either do not believe it or do not give a toss. Maybe when the shit hits the fan people will finally awaken, when the government payments dry up maybe then.
I think Crypto Millionaires getting involved in spreading the word will happen once Crypto really takes off.
For the 15th anniversary of 9/11 Richard Gage(Rethink 9/11 ) hired a huge billboard opposite the New York Times offices in Manhattan( "Three Buildings fell on 9/11. investigate building 7 NYT). The month long advertisement REACHED 3 MILLION PEOPLE and cost $75K for the month. So just $1 million could have it for a year.
The system is cracking and about to fall apart any year now and I think this could well be that year. You most likely know about the 1988 (30 years ago) Magazine cover of the Economist Magazine - informing us of the coming world currency in 2018.
Everyone would need to wear a "V" mask - V for Vendetta Mask Anonymous Guy Fawkes Adult Mask. if we all wore them their cameras and glasses would be useless. Maybe some Crypto Millionaire will buy their population one each.
I do not understand what the story is in your vidio. because I am not very good at english. but i am very interested even though i do not understand it
upper steemit.
One of the stupidest positions the "liberty" movement has taken is to condemn attempting change through the political process. Ron Paul woke up 80% of the modern batch of "rebels", yet they thank him by disavowing his influence as what turned them on to liberty!
Brilliant program and you have earned a new listener and supporter.
here it is. any critique you could offer on how I may do better would be appreciated.
Thanks so much, My connection is slow for video so love the podcast aspect of your program. Thanks to @bethealea posting your video. Are you a poker player at lucksacks? I just finished a blog some 30 hrs in the making trying in my own poor way to address the Migrant crisis that is poorly affecting many of my friends and family in canada
Absolutely beautiful and deep.*****
Thank you for sharing. Upvote** Followed** Resteemed***** :)