
Of course we all know this, but seeing someone in a white coat willing to say 'chemtrail lung' on camera is quite something. I hope he's watching his back.

Well said. Still the masses hide their heads under a bucket and say, "Looks normal to me"...

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Very true....and what sort of naughty have you been that your rep is so low? Upset someone?

Believe it or not I got stomped by a 1.4 Million Dollar Whale who didn't like a comment I made. You can get the just of the story scrolling down here to My Story.

Ouch, that's quite a story. Just like the real world.

Yeah, a good hurdle to get over in time...

Ten out of ten for positive attitude;)

Pretty girl that really receive
Distinctive driver
Video very special well done, my friend

Thanks for sharing this, @maxigan. I saw it yesterday or the day before over on and was surprised to see a Doctor finally come out on the subject that effects everyone. Thank you for sharing it here in Steemit.

It's such a shame how so few people even look up above their heads and ask themselves what in the world are they spraying us with and do something about it. I've shown people data and proof of it and they will still laugh at it all and say it's contrails. To which I will say, CON, as in CON ARTISTS trails...

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I sometimes wonder why people can't come together and demand a stop to the spraying, and the fluoridation of water. Then, of course, I am brought back to the divisive rhetoric spread far and wide to keep the people infighting, and unable to drive a real force of change together against those who are causing us harm.

Recently I heard about the Fluoride Action Network's ongoing lawsuit against the EPA and the recent victory in their pursuit to end deliberate fluoridation of public water. They are currently fundraising to fund the lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to end fluoridation using provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The current fundraising campaign with a goal of $75,000 ends May 31, 2018 at which point they will receive an additional $150,000 funding from two additional donors. According to their website they have raised a little over $51,000 at this time.

There are signs of hope, and awareness is spreading. The best thing the people could do is to come together and stand up for ourselves. Spread the word, and contribute to initiatives that challenge the status quo. Check out the Fluoride Action Network and get the word out. They have a goal to meet, and it's in everyone's interest to help them do so.

Please read more about it.

Agree with you @jack0n!

It is just so damn difficult to wake people up. It's like talking to a wall when you discuss these subjects. The mind truly is an impenetrable barrier once it has been properly f###ed.

How can people just keep on with normal life knowing this? Are you not Americans? Where is your fight?

The world is in turmoil because of the people you vote into power (or should it be you think you vote into power) and at the same time you are being killed.

Haha, well good to know matrix. You had no power at all in the first place xD