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RE: Have I Lost Faith in Humanity?

in #life4 years ago

Elon wants us to get to Mars to inspire people to focus on achieving things to improving civilization.

You just reflected on it and I think you made a valid point here. You felt enrage because caring for his family is the common sense thing to do for someone after a crash, but he did not use his common sense. Yet looking from that guy's perspective he probably spend most of his time working to earn that fancy car. Neglecting his family is likely common for him. Not all people are like that.

Have faith in others brings me a sense of calm and positive outlook. We tend to focus so much on daily tasks to achieve some materialistic life that really do not mean much in the end. What makes me really happy is to know that there are people who will care for others when situation turns out bad. This is how society should work. Help a brother in need only when needed. When the dust settles hopefully that man will have enough time to reflect and realize that car is never anywhere close to what he has for a family. Thanks and hope you too feel better about the situation or at least not let it get to you.


My response to this comment is mainly here just to let you know I'm listening. That's one of those things you listen to. Very cool.

Thanks and hope you too feel better about the situation or at least not let it get to you.

These things happened long enough ago that today I'm able to frame it all in a way that makes way more sense than it ever did. Feeling good.