The Ugly American

in #life7 years ago

If you are an American and have ever traveled outside of America, you most likely have heard of the stereotype of "the Ugly American". This moniker is meant to describe what many encounter and think of when Americans travel abroad: that is a person who is either ignorant at best, or uninterested at worst, in learning or conforming to the other cultures, norms and traditions of the countries they visit.

The Ugly American is thought of as loud, both in voice and fashion, tacky, ignorant, clueless and, usually, stooopid.

Enter Trump, POTUS. In his current trip abroad, he has confirmed to the world that the stereotype is not only alive and well, but well earned and deserving.

Case in point: his visit with the Queen of England.

While the British soldiers were all lined up, dressed in their stunning red and black uniforms and berserker bear skin caps, ready for inspection, Trump became so enthralled with the pomp and ceremony that he broke all protocol. He seemed to be so enamored by the soldiers that he didn't notice that he was blocking the Queen, ignoring the Queen and then walking right in front of the Queen. This is a HUGE no-no in the diplomatic and cultural treatment of royalty.

Now, in his defense, Trump is famous for his love of military displays (as are most tin-pot, third world dicktaters), so maybe the erection the soldiers were giving him took all of the blood from his brain, and he forgot what the protocol handlers had told him to do around the Queen. But still... I was almost expecting him to grab the Queen by the arm and yank her back behind him like he did the Prime Minister of Montenegro last year.


"Well, how would he know what to do?", the devoted Trumpanzee would say. "He's not a politician... He's a billionaire!"

Ok, let's ignore formal royal etiquette. Let's just consider good ol' American courtesy. Good ol' Biblical "respect your elders". Good ol' Boy Scout "doing good deeds and helping old ladies across the street" stuff. One doesn't have to know royal etiquette to show a little common courtesy, respect and dignity by making sure you aren't stomping on a sweet, little old lady as you inspect troops that aren't yours and would just as soon shoot you as salute you.

Yep. In the end there is no denying it. Trump personifies the Ugly American. Gawd bless Murika.

Image and story source: Read HERE


Please dont judge us by this guy...and were not all ugly

Zactly! Less than a third of the country voted or supports him.

what else can you expect from somebody who doesn't even spell his name correctly? "DRUMPF" and pronounced "Droomp" in his family's native Germany. He is IGNORANT, Inconsiderate, Moron and all he has succeeded in this past year was to make this country inconsequential.
Go Figure... Keep up the good fight, never back down!

Sometimes I wish I could just accept this kind of nonsense and go about my daily life, as most Murikans seem to be able to do. But I can't. I can't stand to see where things are going and will fight, even to might death, to stop it. I'd rather be dead, honestly, than live in a country run by Trumpanzees.

What can I say,, USMC 1968-1971,, and even with the same names around, this is NOT the U.S. of A. I fought for.
Never give up the good fight, there is no stopping a good man who is in the right!

Agreed. Thank you for your service... not an easy time to be in, back then. Semper Fi.

Look who he was elected by; less-educated, white, rural, males

Sad, but true. They can't help it and vote against their own best interests even, if at least the one they vote for is white and likes guns.